Easy raids

It was 2m after look at the post dates.

who spends this much time in a game forum replying to everyone.and quoting everything they say?
a casual person would do some of that.
but your job is to be here…
so tell us this is your job…
i don’t mind if it is,and players would appreciate your honesty and trust you more and engage with you more about the game.,i would…
but i see no players being so involved in a forum doing that that don’t work for the company,why would anyone take so much time out of there life to be here on the forum? … :thinking:

By that logic, you must be the CEO of gaijin!

Dude stop drinking so much…

once again, flawless logic! see, i told you, you should leave your ambien posts up instead of deleting them.

its like with the big steal, how could trump have lost? do you really believe this many people have voted for biden? ergo trump mustve won! logic that goes in a perfect circle infinitely powered by ignorance.

anyways im rambling. im sure you have lots of proof on this very dirty hamster, and might i suggest poony too? doesnt it feel right that poony is a co-conspirer? totally feels right to me, truthiness, so it probably is, right?

i happen to have lots of family who at some point had an affair or something with skula, so maybe we can share our own research to solve this riddle once and for all.

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Man I did an easy raid on a 3k build, two 16kers in there.

It was super easy, I watched tv. I still got my lil bit of copper.

We better ban anyone over 3001 from now on.

I take my almost 26k PS build into easy raids just for support if needed, points really dont matter sure more point more copper but honestly running back on patrol u earn more copper for 5 fuel


I noticed that. I hadn’t done patrol for over 5 years. Might be why it’s funner than raids to me idk.


Wow! really?! I figured it didn’t give fuel . Good news thanks :slight_smile:

Costs 5 fuel. Doesn’t give.

no in back on patrol u use 5 fuel nd earn as much copper as an easy raid which easy raid cost 20 fuel but with back on patrol it has a weekly cap of 700 copper tho


hah that shows how much i actually play, never hit that cap