Every bot I could find with a radar of some kind

You do know you can fuse a cabin for +200m radar, right?

proof? of that?

bots are programed like bosses in any game,i have no idea why you don’t know this.
you honestly think bots (need radar) ?
die on that hill if you want.
bots are a program designed to kill the enemy.
your mission is to kill them before they kill you.

I remember time when bots been like that “know exactly where it is” so I could rely on them finding that last sneaky coward.

but it seems there also been time when they acted based of radar.
With helicopters mode it seems they all have nice detection extremely likely scripted to have that radar vision without radar. They just wouldn’t work like they should without it. Who cares?? They are still just as semi-useless as ever.

Have you never tried to flank bots in Patrol? If you stay out of sight, they have no idea you are coming (unless you are unlucky and some of them have detector, but most don’t).

I’m finding it hard to believe you don’t know how to hide from bots. Maybe you’re just trolling me?

Or he’s just bad at the game

the brawls they give us where the bots come after you for no reason…
i’m not trolling anyone…
they are programed. :crazy_face:

If you got in radar range of a bot and got aggroed, it will NEVER lose aggro regardless of radar status or whatever. The only way to get rid of it is to cloak.

It’s “logical” (as in, it was the laziest and easiest way for devs to have bots not be 100% incapacitated the moment you nail their radar)

Now this isn’t for Red Shift personally, it’s more of a general statement:
I don’t wanna sound harsh or anything, but this discussion wouldn’t exist if you guys took 15 minutes to PLAY WITH BOTS AND FIGURE IT OUT instead of playing PvP non-stop for 5 years then realizing you have no idea how the game works. 1st, who plays a game without reading the rules first, and second, why spends weeks discussing something that can be tested in 15 f*cking minutes? There’s exactly 5 bots’ behaviors, a simple priority order, and like 3 aggro rules max to it.

Behaviors and priority order (isn’t set in stone, is determined by the current payload of the bot):
Cannon (stops to shoot)
Small guns (drives around the target too fast for its weapons rotation and rams a wall)
Drones (unloads his turrets way too soon then drives away)
Melee (crap, and is overridden by any other gun, so they usually actively dodge enemies)
Degunned (goes to cap)

Aggro rules:
-bot picks an objective (cap or defense)
-first target in radar range gets locked
-Pathing stays locked on the target, but weapons’ targeting can pick a second target if the first is out of LoS
-only way to remove aggro is cloak
-no target, goes back to an objective

It’s ALL of it. Here, you have it, 15 mins of experiments, years ago.

Now feel free to roast me because I don’t play the game. :joy:

I dunno man, I often don’t run a cloak, especially on the builds I run in Patrol.
It’s definitely not impossible for me to shake a bot without cloak.

But I guess it’s possible that I’m just staying out of sight long enough for another player to draw the aggro. Doesn’t explain end of match situations though, when it’s just me and the last bot.

I have never ever seen a bot give up aggro. If someone has a vid of a bot following someone then saying fuck it and going to cap, I’ll accept the evidence.

It seems like most won’t go to cap until they lose their weapons.
Maybe I’ll try to test your theory in custom games.
It is possible that every time I shake a bot, it only works because they get distracted by another player. But even if that is the case, that is still technically shaking a bot without cloaking, instead relying on breaking line of sight. But that is slightly different from what I believe I have observed.
It is hard to prove though, because you really need to be the only surviving player on your team to be sure of what distracted the bot.

Just set up a 1v1 against a bot in customs

Things you can test:
-Getting aggroed then running around the map until the end of the match, seeing if the bot follows you.
-Going into aggro range while Griffon’ed. If my theory is correct, bots should straight up stare at you. if it starts shooting anyway when you’re close, they might have a 50m LoS override or something, regardless of radar
-Getting aggroed, then Griffoning to see if the bot keeps the aggro despite you disappearing on radar.

I sometimes “shake off” bots, but it’s more that I run around until my team murders them lol. I don’t think they ever lose aggro.

Their line of sight abilities are much further than 50m, which is what I think people are seeing. I’m not sure exactly how long their line of sight radar is, but it is longer than what will show up on the mini map.
Which makes Griffon not that useful, unless they are using detectors and you are trying to get behind cover.

Do you at least agree that they behave very differently if they are getting radar detector map info? To me, that is very obvious on certain maps where the enemy spawn is within detector range. As soon as red dots appear on the map, the bots go to them.

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LoS is secondary to them, radar is their primary mechanism of target acquisition. I honestly don’t think LoS plays any role in their aggro, I have seen bots with guns stare at a player without shooting because he was more than 50m away. They will however target (only with their guns) the nearest enemy in LoS when they lose vision of their primary target (which is why turreted canons bots are easy to cheese by exploiting their traverse speed, or why fixed canon bots will beeline to their target without shooting anyone unless they drive straight in front of their guns)

The LoS/radar confusion comes from the fact radar range requires LoS in this game, except with radar detectors. Which is why you see a big difference with a radar detector, or why lots of people assume LoS plays a role in the aggro rules.

Also they seem to sometimes prioritize the objective and only shoot at people who get close enough, without taking aggro. I suspect it’s a matter of reaching the cap before aggroing anything?

100%. Very obvious on Rock City, or whatever that map is called? It’s the map that requires the best knowledge or bots’ aggro rules, or you can autolose some matches. Your bots beelined to the cap but their team had a radar detector so you get rushed by 8? 1 player manages to bait 3-4 bots at the beginning while his team goes to cap?

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You can still see how their line of sight is longer than the standard built-in cabin radar in a couple situations.

  1. Sometimes when spectating, you can catch an allied bot finding and shooting at an enemy that isn’t showing up on the minimap. In those cases, even without the red dot, they can “see” them as long as there is line of sight.

  2. Try using Griffon on a helicopter. Doesn’t prevent them from seeing you at all, unless you are behind cover or extremely far away. In those cases, the only way to shake them is cloak, or diving behind a building and hanging out in cover for a bit.

As far as those cases where you are near them and they don’t seem to see you, I have always assumed that had something to do with how they prioritize targets once they have locked on to a target. It seems like it’s very hard to get them to switch targets once they decide they want to kill someone.

I tried to test these theories in custom games, but it seems like bots either behave differently when it’s 1v1, or they behave differently in custom games.
So not sure what to make of it.

In a 1v1 custom game, the bot will follow you no matter what, unless you are cloaked. They will seek you out again as soon as you decloak. I could not get it to cap, even after degunning it.

So maybe the only way to shake a bot is if it decides to target someone else?

Since they seem to have a built in infinite detector, I don’t understand why they behave so differently in matches when they are receiving Doppler signal from a player.

I’m now more confused than I was before testing.

lol :crazy_face:

The bot kept tracking the player behind obstacles without having a radar, so the line of sight arguement is invalid, meme me all you want im just here to bring the facts of my observations.

Once the lock is acquired, radar or LoS are not required. 100%

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What I don’t understand is why it seems able to make that lock from the moment of spawning across the map. It just seems to automatically find the closest target, no matter how far away. But in real battles, they don’t always behave like that, unless being fed Doppler signal.

I need to do the same test on a larger map to see if there is a limit to its range. And also add some more bots so it’s not just 1v1.

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