Every bot I could find with a radar of some kind

You are on the right track Poony4u.

The Fact that Bots seem to lock on to the first target that gets into range and/or line of sight.
And that they only deviate from this when encountering more closer targets that damage them more.
Seems to be some kind of programming language scripted into them “shoot what you can see, track those players behind obstacles, but defend yourself to more dangerous targets that are damaging you”

So in many games the veteran players that know this and who read he enemy player list at the start of a game and count the number of bots.
They wait and circle around and use their own teammates and bots to evade that initial target lock from bots.

xo_guy123 made an excellent post with his screenshots of bots and their radar radius.
He gave me 2 months of disbelief in my own 8 years of experience of how bots were seeing me.
But after witnessing the last radarless cannon bot on my team tracking the last enemy player across the map for 2 minutes, i started listening to my own intuition and experience again, that bots have some kind of secret radar to locate their target that is coded into the game engine.

Now i dont have visual footage of what i saw then, but i have installed screen recording software and have been playing with it ever since, and ive been waiting for these conditions of 1 bot tracking 1 enemy player across the map again.

If the bot wasn’t alone then anyone can have a radar/radio to give the bot info

In custom games they do chase regardless, but that seems to be a custom games thing.

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