Expanded storage & blue print space

:slight_smile: One can only hope/wish :slight_smile: !
It is time for the storage of both to be expanded. With the upcoming changes in B.Pā€™s, Storage space will be a big issue.


Welpā€¦I just won the ā€œgoat handā€ decor while playing the ice challenge event. Unfortunately, it takes up storage and puts me at 426/425 storage spaces used, so I have to sell it. Not a big deal, because it has demonic significance, but itā€™s the point of having to sell it just so I can continue playing. Sheeshā€¦

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So either my game is bugged or it was a hidden change.

I can play battles with overfilled storage, I just canā€™t buy anything.

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I canā€™t play battles if my storage is full. Let me demonstrateā€¦

Here I am about to craft a part that would push me to 426/425 parts. It warns me that I wonā€™t be able to join battlesā€¦

ā€¦but I crafted the part anyway, for this demonstration. My storage is now 426/425.

Ok, so now I try to enter a regular mission, and it stops me.

So now, I either sink a lot of coins into buying storage expansions, or grind for the resources to craft them, or sell stuff. Instead of saving coins to try new stuff, Iā€™d hafta blow them on storage. This is why I curtailed buying passes this year.


Hoarder :crazy_face:



but really, look for duplicates that you can sell and keep the ones that donā€™t take up storage if you wantā€¦
i just noticed i have 14 headlights and no idea where they came from.

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EXACTLY why storage needs an update.

We have plenty of warning if we just look at our storage total and calculate how full you will be when you buy the pass. The founders pass came with many railings and other decor that really clogged up my clan leaderā€™s storage. Plan ahead like he did.

Iā€™ve expanded my storage twice this year. I am definitely a digital hoarder.


Zodd, Yes if one wishes for more space for new items with a maxed out storage limit that is 100% correct howeverā€¦
Many new parts have come and many more will be in our future as well. We need a fix or an extention for the current out dated storage cap.

Crossout is evolving and we should embrace the change.

Skip to 9:32 That is where JBRyder speaks of outdated storage and needs help.

Iā€™m only at 207/250 storage rnā€¦ really need more blueprint slots tho. :sob:

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this is a really bad example from a streamer.
but bad streamers just ramble on and on about nothing.
you can do better Wyle Coyote, just post your thoughts.we listen to you. :crazy_face:

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i started expanding my storage long ago and im up to 650 storage spaces but they are getting more and more expensive to make. its either buy the mini battlepasses that give 1 storage expansion and save them up over multiple mini battlepasses or make them yourself. considering the storage requires more and more storage blueprint expansions to make an expansion it just gets more and more expensive. im up to needing 5 storage expansions just to get 25 more slots and i find this to be way to much to expand 1 time. the same goes with the data discs for expanding your blueprint storage, i need 5 of those just for 1 fricken slot! this is just ridiculous and shouldnt cost that much!


Well, the maximum storage of course needs raised, there is no argument there.
But should the cost be lowered? You have to hoard Resources, and these are a Resource just like any other. When there is free workbench rent, you save those funds. Place low bids, sell high, you could make funds.
A veteran player should have plenty of Resource to pay the increased cost to expand the storage. If the veteran player keeps blowing all their resources as they are farmed, then they deserve what they reap.
The player could always buy coins from the store and buy whatever they need.
The maximum needs raised, but the cost does not need lowered.

Zodd misses on alot of his points imo, but on this one heā€™s right. If you have 650 items, you probably have an inventory worth well enough to spend your resources on blueprints and expanded storage. If you earn uranium and still bitch about this, youre just cheap, plain and simple. I could het behind lowering cost for blueprints tho. Those fill up way faster than your inventory and become necessary pretty quick. Plus in a game about making unique things, having to delete unique things out of existence is a bit much. I have builds that i keep just for the nostalgia, little time capsules of better times of different metas, or friends builds i keep alive because they no longer play.

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Iā€™ve started fusing more things, just to free up storage. Itā€™s not the worst solution, but I donā€™t love the fusion system. I generally wait until the fusion events to keep my costs lower.

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not everyone wants to play the market game.

im a veteran player and even i struggle with resources at times. if i was playing clan wars and earning tons of uranium every week then no i wouldnt have an issue with buying some expansions, but i dont play clan wars anymore and just play to relax and have fun. not all of us are rich or have the ungodly amount of resources to make said items or expansions to our stuff.

again your view on this is very bad. we want to spend resources on things we want, but the issue is theres a difference between farming and wasting all those resources on one thing and not letting us spend resources on things we want. as the weapons in the game grow and we get more stuff, there will be less inventory space to aquire new items should we not expand. i have a decent sum of resources but i want to save my resources for things like a new weapon or something. i dont want to spend all my resources on just one thing. 5x storage expansions is alot of resources to spend.

500 scrap
1000 electronics
2500 copper
1000 batteries

all these resources are required just for 25 extra inventory spaces. then rinse and repeat should you need to expand again. you COULD use badges to get them but badges arent a good way to get these resources. you only get a certain amount per week. not everyone wants to spend all they get on resources.

getting 1000 electronics through raids takes forever. you only get about 20 per raid and thats such a tiny amount.

nobody is going to spend real money on overpriced coins in the shop except whales. please dont kid yourself.

you miss the point to. some people do have 650 items. im at 601 / 650 items in my inventory and i collect sets of weapons, i collect cabins to fuse, i collect parts from battlepasses, and i buy or make items because i want them. i COULD sell a majority of my inventory and have some money for items but i dont want to sell stuff, i want a variety of weapons that i can use and play with.

blueprints and storage. they are both expensive to make.


ā€œIm a cheap player who doesnt want to compromise what i want for what i need, even though i have it. Much easier and clearly better results when you gripe and complain on the forum.ā€


i maybe cheap but im not going to sacrifice my inventory just to expand it. items take a while to get, especially in the epic category and above.
am i cheap? yes.
do i care? nope.

if we never complained then companies would take advantage of us all the time. plus thats what forums are for, saying our piece about things we dont like and asking for changes to improve the games we play.
so on that note

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Movie gif. Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan in Wolf of Wall Street stands in an office wearing a dark blue suit jacket. With a bitter facial expression and downcast, avoidant eyes, he claps emphatically.

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