Faction ideas

Let’s talk faction ideas, we’ve all had them so why not share

At one point way way in the past when founders and syndicate popped up, and especially when the circus season happened, I dreamed of a clown faction. On where instead of being just another faction trying to be an efficient faction, this would be a more fun-oriented faction, that would have made sense of the at the time suggested and discussed on the forum fun gameplay mechanics and CKs. Like for a few examples a cabin with a jump function, launch pad mines you could drop, mammoth CK that shoots cooked whole roasted chickens or duck decor or straight up party streamers, humorous horns etc. The main thing would be than rather than trying to be efficient and so on, it’s just plain out stupid fun and humor parts and a theme to go along with it, people in clown suits just goofing around not even trying to pretend they are trying to survive or be taken seriously, just all out insanity. And I thought that it could also allow for multiple different kinds of guns because “Another faction had this super secret new gun idea so we stole it and added a honk honk horn to it or something and possibly screwed up some of the building because it works weird and now are selling the guns for everyone hehehe”

Another idea I had at a past was just straight up goth larp faction, people with goth cars pretending to be vampires etc it’s pretty self explanatory

And then recently I was imagining a biopunk-ish faction, think ravagers but instead of nanomachines, hivemind, robots etc, it’s a human-ran, human controlled faction with bio-infused-lab grown parts. Like for example a missile system with fleshy bits and it’s own brain to help with targeting of missiles, fleshy blob cabins with metallic chitin hand crafted and fused to the flesh, and so on. It might be kinda super-scifi but honestly at the same time not that far-fetched, basically ravager faction but with gross gore fleshy parts. Basically using mostly biological mass for crafting parts rather than all metal and mechanical. Could make easy CKs for existing parts, just add flesh nonsense to them.


Also the flesh nonsense faction could add a new kind-ish of a gameplay style, as the parts are organic they need stuff to live and function, so the parts of this faction would need to use a new resource, some kind of biological “juice” (I’ll call it biofuel to make things easier to explain) that keeps them alive. How that would work gameplay-wise, is that you need to add tanks of it to your build (think of it as an ammo box/rune/genesis module for the biopunk parts) and all parts of this faction that do anything with perks need that resource, or the perks work way weaker than they would, or not at all. And then you could add things like shooting enemy with this gun adds a bit biofuel back, and activating the perk uses X biofuel per second to boost the damage or something, can’t restock fuel with shots while perk is active.

Movement parts that could “collect biofuel while driving” (basically travel X distance gain X biofuel back) but then some parts that automatically deplete the fuel per second just to have the perk working, so it would be a constant struggle to keep your build from drinking up too much of the goo and managing it during battle. Then if it reaches 0 you have a slight penalty where your “gain biofuel back” parts do not make any for X seconds (a small penalty for letting it reach 0)

Also the fuel tanks would not be the most tanky things around so they are not too hard to shoot off, but at the same time do not explode when destroyed because it’s not a flammable liquid, or goo. But more fuel = more extra weight, so small fast builds could not run as insane amounts of the stuff like heavy tanky builds for example

or a rocket launcher that shoots steamed carrots :rofl:

i was also thinking of an undead / halloween type of faction. undead / spooky themed. one cabin can be a hearse, wheels that are halloween themed, guns that are demonic like an explosive “bat” launcher. broom sticks / broom launcher that does piercing damage (like the spike). even a mortar cannon that fires explosive pumpkins / jack-o-lanterns that leave a small fire puddle in the spot they hit.

i been wanting a faction for a long time thats nuclear based. a nuclear faction would be fun. explosive mini nuclear grenade launchers, a nuclear missile with tons of damage potential but with a very long reload time. a cabin with a massive explosive feature, self destructing causes a massive nuclear explosion. legendary nuclear fuze drones. a cannon that fires nuclear rounds causing mini explosions upon impact. nuclear land mines… theres alot of potential there for this.

forgot to mention this but a cabin that just lets out endless drones to pile onto your enemies. its a clown car! :rofl:

i think this idea would just make people not use it or not want to use it. having them be limited to a resource to gain the benefits and having to upkeep that would just be a chore more then anything. on top of this

this limitation is crippling and would make people not ever want to run it. limiting the module / cabin to certain weapons wont help it and would make people less inclined to even want to bother with it.

A steampunk faction seems like an obvious thing for this game. There are already a few parts that would fit into that.
And I like the idea of a toxic waste faction, with acid based weapons and maybe some toxic gas.
I wouldn’t mind a spooky goth vampire faction.
A farmer faction would be cool, but the harvester already has a home, and that’s the most obvious weapon for them.


I had an acid weapon idea a long time ago, wanted it to be a new faction or even a Battle Pass. Here:

They have yet to add it, and I already suggested it once or twice a while back. Would be cool though!!


Vampire Goth Farm.


Great Topic,

Just wanted to say you survivor’s rock! Totally can get behind the new factions you have put forward!

The game may have some challenges, but you guys make it better with forward thinking and innovations!

Keep rocking and rolling!


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I love your persistent positivity!

It’s refreshing!

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Mutant gnome farmers with acid & melee weapons