Fin Whale and Jackie hate

Anyone else hate the addition of Fin Whale and Jackie? Every underperforming weapon made to work somewhat good is always going by having these two parts mounted on the build.

It feels like a very lazy way to ignore buffing fundamental shortcomings of a weapon (poor survivability, poor damage) and making them become a pretty much a forced requirement if you want to play some specific guns the devs are ignoring and not touching in general.

need money from whales to keep this joke of a mobile game running. its following in the footsteps of every other failed game. i think targem is planning to cease development eventually with how theyre milking it

Feel like there’s a lot of junk added to the game over the years that’s totally unnecessary. Jackie is such a good example of something that should never have been made. Should focus more on balancing what’s already there, frankly removing some of it entirely, than constantly introducing new stuff.

Some examples…

Special Tier… Made crafting epics take 3x longer and added nothing more. Stupid change that wasn’t wanted or needed. Should revert everything back to rare or scrap rare and update them as specials.
We have 31 Epic Cabins… 31! Legendary catching up fast with 16. Absolute joke, I was pre any legendary cabins and about 1/3 that many epic and the game was in good shape. Do we really need that many? Absolutely not!
66 epic weapons… Why? Seriously, compare that to rare which only has 11. Again 46 legendary, did we really need another legendary Grenade launcher, rocket launcher or crossbow? NO.
Mines… whoever thought adding mines to a game were you’re primarily driving around has no concept of fun.

Could rant for ages, what really gets me is the time wasted on this crap when there’s serious issues with a lot of the stuff that’s already there and in desperate need of fixing/balancing.

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For me, more complexity and more parts keeps the game interesting.

I like the whole process of combining perks and various items to make better performing builds, and figuring out which compromises to make to get things under 9kPS.

Items like Finwhale and Jackie don’t bother me, because their PS and energy cost means that if I choose to use them I have to sacrifice something else.

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its not complexity, its just power creep for whales. if they added actual complexity, as in like having to put certain parts together to create something bigger or more advanced armor then it would be interesting

How is that much different than Jackie + Weapon = Weapon with more dmg?


It’s not about power creep for me, as pretty much all my builds are just under 9kPS for CC.
And I’m not a whale: BPs are cheap, not whale bait.

Some people are too obsessed with the idea that other players are buying wins by spending lots of money. Stop worrying about CW, and that becomes irrelevant.

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because jackie is “ooga booga put weapon on square make kill” its nothing complex or intricate or interesting

its true but they could also just make the game playable

How would you make it any of those things?

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Jackie buffs three different aspect of your build, so if you’re just using it for a couple weapons you’re missing out on a lot of the possible complexity.
And the damage buff isn’t even that big compared to other ways of buffing damage.
Complaining that it’s not complex enough is just silly, as it’s arguably the most complex module we currently have.

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The game is more playable now than it’s ever been, at least for me.
Maybe you should get out of your hover/cannon comfort zone a bit more? Sounds to me like you’re just bored of your own build, and resentful that other people are killing you in new ways.


combine different parts to create unique parts or give unique perks or something like that. jackie is just money for extra stats, like finwhale

yea exactly its the most complex module so far. it goes as far as “add this next to this and then stat increases by 10%”. they could add anything, its their game, but that would be too creative for them i guess

if its playable then why do you keep saying that CW is practically dead? and regular matchmaking is actually dead

i only around 9k where i have multiple types of weapons and i havent played top tier for a while. if i wanted to play top tier i would have to spend a lot of money and or time and get matched againt meta garbage regardless

Given how much you complain about balance, I’m surprised you don’t see the obvious issues with the kind of approach you describe.
Having said that, I’m all for more complexity, but I don’t care nearly as much about balance.

I’ve never said CW is dead, because I don’t play it, so how would I know? I don’t play CW because the no-limit format makes it too P2W for my tastes.
As far as regular PVP and CC, I’m not experiencing long queue times, so doesn’t seem dead to me.

I’m glad to hear you’ve come around to my way of thinking and embraced 9kPS!

I’m curious what you play at this range. Back when you were complaining about bricks, you said you barely had anything that would work at that PS.
What are your current 9kPS builds?

there wouldnt be an issue if an actual attempt at balancing was made. of course the more complex the harder to balance, but clearly nobody gives a shit anyway so at least make it creative

its dead because its barely ever open, and on top of that is reserved for people whose builds are at least many hundreds of dollars

normal pvp is on and off, sometimes it feels playable, sometimes its full of goobers.
and CC is only open every other hour

i last played some time before the hitscan update but i had medians and corvos and probably something else i dont remember and it was pretty fun. unfortunately as much as i support the hitscan and ammo update, i can no longer play like a cheeser and carry my team

And this is why I give you a hard time.

You have endless complaints and ridiculous opinions about a game you don’t even currently play.

The forum would be so much better if it wasn’t dominated by people who don’t play the game anymore (or who barely play).

Find a new game to play, and spam that forum instead.


I remember on the old forum when they made a special rule to post that you needed to play 3 games a week and tracked it.


Unfortunately that didn’t work with console players, as the forum couldn’t track our playing.

Some of the worst posts on this forum come from people who’ve made dramatic announcements about quitting the game (but keep playing and posting anyway), or from people who have essentially quit the game but are pretending they still play.

Meanwhile, I see people in-game all the time who used to post a lot and were chased away from the forum by the people who only post and never play.

i have complained about the state of the game for years, throughout which i have played actively. the reason i quit again recently is because it got boring and the game has not begun improving

why would i spam a different forum? other games i play arent as poorly ran as crossout, so i dont need to express my opinion about them

The funny thing is that you’ve actually made some good posts over the last couple months about the ammo and hitscan changes. But instead of actually experiencing the changes you supported, you quit playing and went back to complaining to the forum.

How can you complain about the balance of a game, when you haven’t even experienced the significant balance changes that have been made? By definition, your complaints are out of date.

Why do you spam this forum? Do you really think you are going to make this into the game you imagine it could be by venting on the forum? And do you think game forums are primarily for people to vent their frustrations?

To me, a forum for any topic is for enthusiasts of that topic. But time and time again, any actual fans of Crossout get chased off the fan forum by people like you.

Maybe send your suggestions directly to the devs, rather than putting so much energy into convincing people like me that the game is as bad as you believe it to be.

Just seems like a massive waste of time and energy.

i never “went back” to complaining. i was always complaining, because there was not a single point in time when the game was properly balanced (among the many other issues it has)

i dont think CW or the matchmaker were changed in any way for the better since i last played actively, so i doubt the game is remotely balanced more than it was before

for what other reason would i post on this forum? i want the playerbase to wake up and make targem actually do something reasonable for once

exactly, thats why sometimes im surprised why people dont give a shit about the quality of their beloved game, letalone a game they spend money on

there isnt a way to do that, but even then a single player writing suggestions wont do anything whatsoever. again, you need the playerbase to give a shit for the devs to begin to put effort into development

judging by how content everyone is with shitty game updates and direction of development it is probably a massive waste of time and energy to try to convince anyone of anything