Forced pvp missions again

i lost every one i been in. and every one i been in only had 2 people per team. there was no team work, it was just be slaughtered by the teams helis without being able to do much about it. so i just quit doing it. and im not about to fork over 20 dollars to complete the last 12 additional quests i need to complete the mini pass.
so lets put it like this. if i buy the pass itll be this math

pass: $13.49
12 levels: $18.99 + $7.99
total: $40.47 + 13% tax = $45.73

or i can get the pass with 10 additional levels which is this math

pass: $26.99
2 levels: $3.99 (i have 18 cross crowns as is so id only need 30)
total: $30.98 + 13% tax = $35.00

id then be able to get sleipnirs and the omamori exchange but… idk i dont think its worth the money. you get a few free things from it like the crate for a free epic if you get up there but the pvp bit isnt my style.

does anyone else think this is worth it? im tempted because of the omamori exchange for a fused weapon but the only ones im interested in is the nidhogg, helios, the cyclone or the reaper. there isnt a whole lot im interested in. should i skip it? cause 35 dollars isnt worth it to me. especially since we havent seen anything good come into the game for the past few years.

I did that with a little dumb rocket heli…

ive tried rockets before but i could never hit anything. if i did try everyone ran a cloak. did you see the update note to? they are putting in another invisibility. this is going to make rockets completely useless now LOL :rofl:

What I use is min as hell it’s really horrifying for some:

oh you use crickets. i have 3 fused ones that i had in my storage collecting dust. did it work well?

I only use 2 of them. As far as it working well that really depends on the match. If there are a lot of machine guns I don’t stand a chance. If there aren’t I can maybe take out the entire team.

When I said dumb rockets I meant dumb rockets…

I made myself stupidly small too so I’m hard to actually hit:

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i can see that. the issue is i have a very hard time controlling the helis myself. the controls are so wonky and that weird barrel roll i finally figured out how to do it but omg the controls on that make me want to puke. i could probably get used to it overtime but really i dont think itll work out for me. i hate pvp and also wherever you aim your guns is where your copter looks so i end up in a nose dive alot of the time if enemies are on the ground. guess i wont be getting those missions done sadly. its so stupid they force pvp on you or pay money to bypass it.

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Some of the maps have underground tunnels too where you can pop up on the other side. I really like doing barrel rolls and dive bomb runs and short distances too. It’s more then likely that your just not being aggressive enough. Just keep trying you get nowhere in the game by giving up.

easy for you to say. it doesnt help that my team never gets full. its just 2 players per side and the rest is bots. i want to get these missions done but i really hate pvp and i know there will be more then just 1 of those forced pvp quests so im not to keen on wanting to get that done.

If it was easy people wouldn’t get frustrated over it. It’s hard but you have to keep chiseling away at it if you want to get anywhere.

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Got it. Thanks. :+1:

You have to destroy or help destroy 10 Enemy Armored Aircraft. The OP clearly said players using rotors, not 10 players while flying yourself. They need to add 2-6 Armored Aircraft bots per Patrol Mission. I clear all flying challenges in Patrol because I use wheels. I hate all other movement parts and they force me to fight humans for a stupid BP challenge. I wanted to harm someone. 2 Vectors, one Defender, Detector and Cloak, fly up and ignore all other enemy, use Detector to find enemy aircraft, cloak and shoot them a little, land and drive and kill bots, hope the enemy aircraft die. play for 30-60 minutes to clear the challenge, think of raging, breathe deeply, exhale, now play what you like.

“using rotors” can refer to you using rotors, it does in a lot of challenges, actually

This game in general is really big on forcing players to do things they would not want to do

If you want to finish all the challenges, you kind of have to assume that you’re going to have to play various modes.
I don’t love raids, but sometimes I need to play them to clear a challenge.

Occasionally, I do what the game wants me to do, even if I don’t want to, and I end up enjoying it. For example, there was some event that was pushing fused Barrier IXs. I went ahead and got a pair specifically because I didn’t want them, and I knew I would never buy them ever, so I blew the event currency on them, against my personal preferences.

I ended up enjoying the team work they persuade you to use with them, and it helps to encourage random PVP players to group up also, and play more like a team. While I never get a big score using them in PVP, they are fun, and I still have a build in my roster that has one tucked in the trunk. I kicked a little arse with it just last night.

It is good to exit your comfort zone occasionally.

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I don’t see the logic, im currently a new player but why would i want to be at a higher ps just to get no rewards, you are more likely to blow up fast as you don’t have passives unlock and are dealing with overall better weapons to compete armor in this game can be a joke and moving at a snail pace puts you more in a disadvantage, even if you win if you can’t destroy a certain amount of dmg which can get tougher the rating your participation can be a net negative it takes about 150 hours just to be level 30 and your avg rating should be around 5k-6k with prior knowledge i can assume you can be higher but overall i played this with 0 intent of searching up for strats ranges metas and just played the game as any new player would do i don’t neccessarily struggle on the pvp side but pve is faster overall on lobbies and even though the rewards are abysmal low it compensates with how fast the match ends and get resources to start off.
Im in a confort rating of 5-6k and mostly just discovering ways to improve my build then inflating as i want to keep it as low as possible.
Untill i get better pieces and stuff i would eventually be higher ps rating but currently i don’t see why i need to stick at 9k ps.


You have learned an important lesson early!
You are right that there is no point in raising your PS, unless you want to.

Having said that, if you stick around, you will accumulate more stuff, and you will likely end up in a higher PS range without really deciding to. You might get a better generator, allowing you to use more modules. Then you might get addicted to the higher speed of a better motor and/or cabin.

I’m not saying you should play at 9kPS, but rather that most players who stick around will end up there.

The best way to continue to enjoy Crossout is to play the PS range that is fun for you. And play the modes that are fun for you. I like 6kPS, but the queue times are too long for me, and I have too many epic and legendary parts that I want to use. Above 9kPS things start getting too slow for me, and I don’t see as much build diversity, but I will still occasionally play up in the 15kPS range if there’s a build I want to play that I can’t make lower.

I would love to find out where you are at in six months. By then you should have enough stuff to play around 9kPS, but you might still decide to play lower.

True story, but I would suggest rotating your builds (Cannon, shotguns, ACs, MGs, etc.). I wouldn’t say to always focus on daily challenges, but rather build a roster with what you consider fun, but diverse play styles, and just go through that list, even if you suck at some of the playstyles. You’ll complete most of your dailies incidentally and without much effort.

Also, I think it’s when people start farming hard with the same expert build in a play-style they excel at that the game starts pushing back in a multitude of different ways…that’s how it seems when I get going like that, anyway.

I think the entire game economy and mechanics work better and are easier to get along with, if you put more variety into your routine, and even include some things you are not necessarily good at, even if it’s just for one match, or a raid, patrol, brawl, whatever.

It is my belief that it is not only a better gaming experience for myself, but also helps keep the game running better for everybody by providing a healthier pool of available players ready for any given mode, and relieves a bit of the stress on the matchmaker. Not to mention fulfilling various challenges with less focus or grind.

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