Functional art build techniques

I always say that forcing a build down in PS rather than adding modules and such is a bad idea, I try to keep most builds to 9k PS but I have some at 11k…

It’s mainly about keeping yourself alive after every engagement and simply not losing anything major while you do your “runs” on the enemy to do damage.

Cheetah and cloak are my main 2 modules which I’ll always have aside from 1 build that uses 3 crickets. The speed plus module reload speed means you’ll have the cloak up almost all of the time.

Modules are everything, I try to have a radar detector when I’m solo even if it means I sit over 9k in a build that usually sits dead on 9k.

Fit whatever you can underneath and the rest in the back as the cab can then take any damage you might take from the front, which can and will happen… no one is perfect and I lose that engine a chunk of times. But hey it’s acting as a bit of armour so who cares.

I’ve never felt the need for much armour, it only weighs and slows the build down, what good is more HP and time to live if you’re too slow to escape, it’s better to get around a corner or such and out of sight than to tank a few shots.

Modules are definitely key, my fav has been my fortunes, the Catalina damage, the weapons do a lot of staggered damage and allow for a lot or different shot angles… the aegis to escape… The build withotu radar is 9k, the ardar version is 9.7k and still drops 3k matches constantly.



That’s the fun part too, I think. I love a good dirt-throwing slide around the corner. I like the speed. Can’t do Camp Peekabu.

I’ll be shopping for some modules, I think.

Ya, most of mine are fast. Getting hit sucks. Art builds can be fragile. It’s hard to make them work.

I did have some luck with this, but it’s because it leans deeply into the currently trending Gremlin/Auger/Brick META at about PS 7K.

It has a Golden Eagle in the back, so for it’s class (Gremlin/Auger/Brick), it’s not really that slow either, I suppose.


It’s not a strategy, what he is talking about it is Seal Clubbing.

And I want to say right now that I am 100% in support for seal clubbers and min/maxers.

In XO this is the way +1

Anyone that is a seal clubber should own that badge proudly.

Most of the time I feel like I’m seal clubbing at Max PS.

It’s a simple strategy, if a set of weapons you own is not work, then keep forcing your PS lower and lower until it does work.

Someone else already asked, but I did not see a reply. Are we talking builds that only look like cars? Automobiles? Or are any art builds okay? I have artsy builds that look like cars, but then I also have some that look like animals, appliances… you name it. Some don’t look like any vehicle in the real world, but look like some sort of sci-fi vehicle for sure. Do those count?

Trying to make something look like an actual automobile and still make it playable above say 3,000 is a huge challenge. It’s a challenge simply because once you start to put parts on it, you cover up the cab. Then, to make it look like a car, you have to recreate a cab out of armor.

Exactly. 100%.

Here’s how many of my builds start whether you’re talking an art build or meta.

First, I pick the weapon. That will define the build and play style. But the weapon is often the last part actually put on the build.

Based on the weapon, I decide what cab, modules, and wheels I will need to maximize that weapon’s usefulness.

Then, I will put down a single frame in the build screen, add the cab, then place all the parts I’m going to need on the ground around the cab, leaving plenty of room to actually build.

This way, all of the parts that are critically important to the function of the build are on the screen the whole time I’m building. I can incorporate them into the build as I go.

For me, this is very important with an art build because forgetting to add the radiator, for example, on a meta isn’t a big deal. On an art build, it may be you literally have to rebuild half the build or more

I think I’ll pass on the pride if I can, but I’m running short on pity and mercy for ding-bat Wastelanders, so…I’m shopping for modules.

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MudnBeer’s the topic-nazi. I’m not sure he’s here, but it does say “Functional art build techniques,” on the header, so, I guess the Boot-scootin’ Doggy is on topic too. I say smoke’m if you’ve got’em.

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Monkey uses seal clubbing as a cope, but in reality 9k players are usually better than the high PS players, besides I have no issues facing these 17k players in my Retcher build.

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Monkey plays 99.9% of his games at max PS.

I have no problem with your seal clubbing.
Own it brother!


You have some real issues dude

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Is it still considered “seal-clubbing” at 10K? I mean, players at that level can pretty much play whatever they want. After 9K I’m not even sure the matchmaker works at all.So, If you were expecting a “fair” match, I don’t think you’ll get that at 9K on up. That power-score allows for a lot of mischief, and a wide variety of weapons, modules, and advanced movement parts. I think Players at that level should be prepared for that, and expect exploits, META, and whatever other hanky-panky is available.

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Man, I have to agree with you. I don’t want to, but you’re right. Probably more so than any other game I have ever played, knowing how the different parts all interact together to buff gun you are using is critical. The gun isn’t even that critical… it’s all the parts supporting it.

… And don’t even get me started on understanding fusions.

If you don’t study this stuff and then Implement it, prepare to die confused and humiliated.

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Well, I did not. Realized it a post above (^% Hello, Lexi.

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Yes it is.

When it is low/mid PS like this it is called “seal clubbing”

When it is max PS it’s “min/maxing”

Seal clubbing = Min/Maxing = Seal Clubbing

These terms are interchangeable.

It’s basically the same thing at a different PS.

For some reason people get bent at the idea of being called a seal clubber or CW try hard min/maxer. This is a play-style. Everyone I know that plays XO falls in this group.

It’s not anything to be ashamed of, we are a product of the XO world. People want to win, they want to feel bad ass, they want that adrenaline rush!!!

Don’t lie :wink: you know you do.

That’s what Seal Clubbing and Min/Maxing does (whatever you want to call it)

Not quite sure you understand the “min” in “min/max” lmao

I don’t know why you’ve always had this weird inadequacy issue about powerscore, it tells us a lot though so I’m glad it’s always on full display.

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I think all PS levels are the the exact same.
If you want to play at 5k, 10k, 20k, it’s all the same game. No one can play with their toys any better then the next guy.

One player is min/maxing their build for low/mid PS and the other is min/maxing their build for high PS - these are the same type of player with a different set of gear in their storage.

I’m honestly not sure why you sound like your in the defense. I’m on your side and I 100% agree that seal clubbing is the way to play this game.


This is where you fall flat, your ideology that there are just 2 types of players. Your belief that things are so black and white (or should I say what you express, as you know the truth and reality even if you choose to not except it) and project your emotions towards anything that’s different is sad simply because I don’t even think it’s a way to try and troll; you actually believe it.

Anyone attempting to perform well without a meta build is always leagues above those who are slaves to the metas that they chase. Ironically you think builds at the highest PS are min/max whereas in reality they’re simply maxing on everything, there is no min because there’s no need to. Min/max only occurs outside of the highest PS because there’s actually a “min” parameter of some kind.

The builds just below the highest powerscore take more thought into account due to the “min” parameters which is mostly powerscore itself. Maximizing the efficiency while keeping a mimimum is actually min/maxing. High PS is simply lazy maxing on everything, hence why the games are usually shitty and no one with skill tends to play there; there’s a reason why most people say they enjoy the 7-9k range and it’s due to many factors, almost all of which don’t exist at high PS.

You have to actually think about your build and how to make it efficient, 9k players don’t get to fight 5k opponents like 19k players get to fight 10k’s. Some people just can’t make good builds for a more fast paced bracket or they simply can’t handle the faster gameplay in general. Thinking about more than 2 things at once is hard for many players so don’t worry.

A good player will always challenge themselves, they get easily bored with playing the game normally. When you’re a good player you need to create your own fun and make your own challenges; anyone can run a meta build and win, but not everyone can run and art build and keep a 37% mvp ratio.

Performing just as well or better than most while using a less than optimal build or playstyle just for the sake of styling on the people you beat? Yeah that sounds more stimulating to me, maybe because I’m not trash idk.


Never said that.

Please get back on topic.

Try talking about building like the OP wanted instead of yourself.

Ironically you’re quite primitive

Double bubble double Punisher bigfoot build. Most functional art build in the game. Ill post a video for you guys in a day or two.


Hell yeah Dhawk, looking forward to it man.

Dhawk has always been a proud min/maxer - fuse everything and melt face.

Their is nothing like top notice gear paired with skill.