Functional art build techniques

No. Actually I don’t. I’m literally never at an advantage when I play. I’m typically playing with gear common to or below my peers. When I bust out the Augers and Goblins, that’s the same crap everybody else is using at 6-8 K. I post most of my builds, so you can show me the seal club if you feel like I’ve got one, but then you said MudnBeer was seal-clubbing with Maces at 7-8K. I think that’s absurd. The other players are using the same crap or worse at 7-8K. I think calling him a seal-clubber is “bent.”

I have never called or considered you a seal clubber.

Doc is a true art builder and that’s what I luv about him.

No one in this thread wants to talk about building.
Sorry poony, I’m out of here man…

He will call anything seal clubbing if if it isn’t some sort of max PS, because he’;s not capable of understanding what seal clubbing actually is; so pay no attention, he’s always had these issues.

He’s always hated that there are people far better than he is at the more fast paced brackets that he can’t compete in.


Good, no more troll to derail

inb4 flagged posts lmao

I’d rather we got back to building, but I do want to chime in on the seal clubbing debate.
I think it’s really stretching the definition of seal clubbing to apply it to 9kPS.
There aren’t really many seals at that range.
I know Monkey likes semantic arguments, but I think we can all agree that seal clubbing is about going into low PS.
As others have said, mid PS is anything goes. It’s totally normal to face enemies running legendary and relic weapons.

But can we please get back to building tips?
I didn’t realize Lexi was back, and they dropped some really good tips.
If you’ve been struggling to run these kinds of builds, they’re definitely someone who has a lot of expertise in this particular area.


A friend of mine who makes fusion builds has a TOW on one of the passenger sections with a single Mastodon, so when he’s reloading he TOW’s at people and it’s quite funny seeing a TOW being used at 9k even if it’s on a fusion.

Most of the time the weapons I use on my art builds are the same ones which people will bring to a much lower PS, my Retchers at 11k I see people force down to 9k all the time, most of builds could be 2k lower but the modules really allow them to survive better even it means being at a higher PS than what most would consider effective.


I saw a guy recently using basically crap limited angle machine guns between Augers (of course) and a Barrier that was doing surprisingly well. I picked up a couple fused Barriers with that last battle pass or event, even though I didn’t really want them (I was trying to get out of my box and do something different), and that kid today made them look pretty good. But I don’t really know what to do with them.

I’ll be interested in what you’ve got to show us. I’ve never really played those before. I had a hover with a couple Barriers that was pwning Bots in Patrols, but I don’t think that was a very serious or competitive attempt at using them. I was just gaming the game.

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I may have misplaced some context.

Yes, I do like the adrenaline this game has to offer.

When I was younger, I was more likely to bully kids to get it. I wasn’t “raised” at all. I was just thrown outside with a good pair of jeans…so I could be cruel sometimes. These days, I don’t care so much…but like I said, I’ve run short of patience with this game, and I don’t feel bad about any of my methods, including the Lances.

Here’s some principles I turn to when building cars-that-look-like-cars (feel free to talk about funny art builds if you guys want, but I know nothing about that).

  • filling in gaps around modules with pass-through parts, almost like a roll cage. Gives you more solid points to connect armour to, and provides a bit of internal space.

  • because you’re using less armour, don’t shy away from heavier high HP pieces. Attach those to cabin/frame/pass-through, and then you can layers some lighter armour over that. For example, put down a heavier fender attached to the frame, and then attach a light one to that.

  • Because you can’t strafe and you’ll be driving fast, boxing in your guns isn’t that useful. I’ll often use bumpers to provide a bit of protection without impairing firing angles too much, as they have a lot of HP in a small area.

  • Guns are attached to cabin or pass through parts. If the pass through parts are attached to the side and vulnerable to ramming, I’ll wrap them in bumpers.

  • If there’s any space under the frame after you’ve hidden your modules, fill it in with heavy armour. Helps keep you stable, and also isn’t going to get blown off from a cannon volley.

  • I know xoguy/Lexi/Xbox420 loves racing wheels, but I prefer to run hermits or buggy wheels. If hermits, put a hubcap on to hide those ugly green lights.

  • I usually put two non-STs in the rear to make sure I hit full tonnage and have the least power drain, but that means losing wheels is very bad. But epic wheels stay on pretty good, and kind of function as armour.

But as others have said, it’s more about adjusting your playstyle. You have to act like bullets will kill you, and be a lot more evasive and opportunistic. Alpha damage is usually better than DPS, but I like playing MGs on fast cars too.

I can easily get 1500 durability on a small fast car, so it’s not quite like playing a glass cannon, but I definitely can’t tank as much as a spaced armour build.


Sounds like good advice overall. I’ll put it to use, probably…but that part made me laugh. I thought I was the only one bothered by that. I guess it’s a touch of OCD. IDK, but it’s hard to get past it.


You can’t hide such levels of ugly… Deep dish chrome lip racing wheels for life!


You can kind of see what I mean about using bumpers as gun armour on this one:


Those are my favorites too. We need more classic hubcaps and some CKs for some of the other wheels. Even naked, I like the Racing wheels the best for aesthetics.

For Omnidirectional parts, I like the Augers aesthetic, and I can tolerate the Omni-wheels…Now there’s the Gerrida. The ML-200s are cool to look at too, but I don’t have anything to go with them. They seem kinda weak, at least when I do it, but any of the legs make great looking art-builds, IMO (functional? IDK)…but these new ones are extra creepy. Tenshiijin has a gorgeous build using them. I have no idea if it works (or if I could make it work), but it sure looks nice.

Lot of good advice on this page, I think. I appreciate the opportunity to see the frame-side of xo_guy123’s build too. People often don’t like to show you what’s under their build, and divulge trade secrets.


not sure what i can add to the conversation but I’ll try.

When it comes to being artsy, I tend to use lots of the 1x frames (1x4, 1x6, 1x8), those help me shift things around while in the building process…think of them more as scaffolding in this stage.

Also, I’ll build two versions on one rig, left and right, shifting more stuff around comparing the looks on each side (it’s like having a before and after in one go). I’ll leave it sitting like that for a week or two. That helps my indecisive ass make a decision on how i want it to look.

Once the shell looks how I want it, I’ll start cramming in misc armor inside where ever it can fit to help with the weight, at the same time, making the redundant connections so it doesn’t fly apart on the 1st hit.

That’s about all I got.


I started putting some of this advice to task, and it seemed to work. The minimalist frames seems hella counterintuitive, but I can’t argue with results.

I got MVP once, and never did poorly, but it was a good group of players, fun to ride with, and very cohesive, no matter who was on what team…I could really tell the difference when they all went to bed or whatever. Swing shift sucks.

I put bids on a couple modules (gonna focus more on that from here on out), and maybe I’ll tackle that Cannon Challenge tomorrow. Poony said Hulks, so I’ll probably do that.


Hulks, hadron, mine layer… The one that goes boom. KA2 flywheel as well, and you have a nearly constantly firing cannon build.

Bring lots of ammo.
You will ruin out.



Whelp, that was quick. Came home, built it in about 30 minutes, played one match and killed 5 people. Killed the reaper spider, the tsunami hover, killed and stripped the the MG omni, killed and stripped the hammerfall wedge and stripped and killed the omni helios. All in the literal maiden voyage of the build.


The frames are basically like saying - If you’re planning on not being shot, you don’t need frames either.

It’s to keep all your modules and such mainly underneath the build, allowing for a very compact art build where you still have all of the things you’d want.

I think I luck out that I use the Catalina for its looks but of course get it’s perk which is very powerful, but due to how the playstyle is always to dart around and survive for the next engagement it usually means I get the perk up and working quite well.


I like the way you use the flails at the front to help protect your wheels. I often do similar things with flails and blades and other small passive melee pieces.

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