Well your under 4k as wires and batteries are locked. I’m saying that might be part of your issue.
even with the 5,5 k build i have to wait as long or more
Sub 2k matches are almost always hard to get though.
2 minutes max on average
if you remove that mode then everyone will quit, are you that dense?
nobody wants to be forced to play pvp and those who dont quit will have to deal with even less players then before. i guarantee if you remove pve from the game a big majority of people will quit. the devs wont even consider this.
seriously stop smoking the christmas trees, they arent healthy for you.
yes it does, but removing pve isnt the way to do this. why the hell would you remove pve and force people to do the crappy pvp mode that they dont want to do? this is basically what your trying to do here.
or they can make the game less grindy and more a leisurely pace to get stuff and make the items from battlepasses available to craft for everyone instead of making them temporary. i believe this is the issue because newer players have no chance to make anything in the battlepass and have to rely on the absurdly high prices on the market place just to get anything.
dude they literally just did a relic crafting event for halloween. how did you miss that? i highly doubted they would do yet another for this event so soon after the first one they did.
excuse me there good sir but i believe i see 22 minutes on the timer, not 30. polishes my monocle
the difference between special and epic wheels is huge. i lose my rares and special wheels all the time but for ones like epics i dont usually need to worry all that much. i rarely if ever lose bigfoots and for some reason they are incredibly durable to cannon fire.
the devs are to focused on battlepasses to care though.
its been 22 minutes at the time the screenshot been taken , 28 minutes at the last reply , and indeed 33 minutes until the screen background finaly changed
also one option would be that they finaly stop screwing around with the PS rating.
i mostly use a 1775 PS Semi-stock build and i constantly see the rating being changed up and down.
ive been as low as 1500 PS and high as 2130 PS with the same build without changes
there is nothing more annoying then being pittet against builds that are basically 4k downrated
into a 2,5 -2,8k
you end up outgunned and outperformed by default .
Chord vs dual Aurora or dual Therm , Whirl , Dual Tempest , Tripple Trashbox and other things that shred you before eigher get in range or deal even 10 damage points …
the former hitscan weapons had been noticably neutered to a point where they place you in a doomed if you do or not sitiation
keep them to stay in this PS Braket and deal with the luckluster performence or change to the next option
like vektor and deal with a even more unfair MM balance and get steamrolled even harder.
I tried to fire up my F2P account, because they were unloading a lot of free stuff presently, but I couldn’t get into it. It’s not because of the lack of guns or modules (any gun is enough to qualify for a queue and play). It was because of the lack of cabs and structure parts…mostly.
Also, the energy rework makes building a pain in the ass, and all the builds I have on that account are broken since they updated that feature and need rebuilt. They made the numerology purposefully awkward and odd, and I think that sucks. I get sick of the math vs inventory puzzle. I don’t find that at all amusing, and is a problem I was happier without. I’m sick of trying to figure out WTF to do about the misfit math, and without all the right modules and cabs, this dilemma is too frustrating to call fun. Even with the available modules and cabs it’s stupid, IMO, and not an improvement.
…and Merry Christmas, ho-ho ho.
well, if you run certain weapons you’ll be a bit divided, other weapons you go for PVE ( patrol ).
I find myself not be a big defender of patrol as i could be, not as is.
e.g. in one night i can lose as many games as i did in the other game in a year yet the rewards are very low to the opposition we may face, like specials against relics and legendary, bots with an outstanding aim.
It could be as is right now but the rewards could be higher.
My favorite loss is when no one goes to the center capture area. lol…
this is what i been saying for years. the rewards used to be higher until they lowered them. i used to get 15 - 18 scrap per match in patrol vs ai and now its lowered to 12 - 14. 15 if your lucky and 16 is extraordinarily uncommon. the most common youll get is 13 per match and thats being generous of them. 11 is on the lower end if you score low. even if you score the highest youll rarely get 16 and often get 15. i said before that theres no excuse to make rewards that low but idiots tend to justify it with “but the matches are quicker thus you get lower rewards” which i find to be a stupid arguement. in clan wars even if a match goes quick you can get 45 - 75 scrap PER MATCH if you have premium and thats alot. in many events to this scrap reward is up there in the 50s. they nerfed rewards to patrol vs ai and raids. i think rewards need to be higher but nobody listens.
want a perfect example?
in raids like frontier defense medium raids i can get 150 - 180 copper for 40 fuel.
in steel cradle i get 80 copper for a medium raid even though its faster and it costs 40 fuel. why not make this raid cheaper by cutting the cost of the fuel so it takes a few more raids to equal the 40 fuel required?
so instead of using 40 fuel for 80 copper you can use 20 fuel for 80 copper and then running the raid twice will equal 160 and equaling the frontier defense raid? its stupid this game mechanic is in the game to begin with. its unbalanced.
I agree with you, but i’m not seeing that happen any time soon.
Patrol, you will not gain fuel in this mode, it’s practice so the rewards are lower and that’s ok, great place to chill out, to test new concepts, ironing out some rough edges in a build, and so on, until you are left facing the relic junkbow, destructors, punishers and whatnot and all you have is special equipment.
Instead they change the description of patrol missions.
And how about those times when the bots wipe the floor with us ?
It’s not as funny as the other as it could be more preventable. The others funnier as it’s like no one wants to be the fist person in the mosh pit or (insert funny saying about being the first loser)… The only time the bot massacre bothers me is when I’m the last one standing.
It’s still fairly chill even when you get a horrible match up. You just kind of know your just going to die faster and go on to the next match. The only bad part is that the bot attack patterns aren’t as interesting as the human players. Such as you can end up having really large issues in a build that the AI isn’t able to identify and exploit.
they are trying to screw the Matches so hard the EU server just crashed …
well, i can’t count how many times i actually did that…at one time i crashed MY HELI in the last milisecond (literally…died a few sec later
), and actually saved the game…
…yeah, it means the “team was OUTSTANDING…
…that’s debatable…some players are “funnier than bots…
Is your build designed to target helis? Is it designed to be tough against helis?
You can’t just bring your standard PvP build with weapons mounted on your roof and 15° of max elevation, and complain that helis are kicking your ass. When I play my PvP Tempest wedge, helis kick my ass. When I play my purpose-built horseshoe side-mounted Kaiju, I kick their asses.
But the real question is… why would you even want to fight against helis unless they’re the whole enemy team? Helis can’t grab your spheres very well, and getting their spheres is tedious too. What are you achieving by even engaging with helis for maybe 1 sphere every minute when you could be killing 4 ground targets, with much better chances to get the spheres, during that time?
Lots of bots have no problem hitting helis, so just hug one of those and protect it from ground targets while it murders helis if they’re that much of a pet peeve for you.
People who only play Patrols since years will not play PvP if Patrols are removed. They’ll just stop playing the game entirely. Removing Patrols is not the magical fix to the playerbase being spread too thin you think it is.
I don’t like it either
Yeah, teammates. But unless i see the team wondering off right at the beginning and each one going in their separate way, which are not good signs, if i’m the only one left alive which is rare i’ve got to say, and despite having team mates that seems to roam their own ways.
what else could i have done? sort of feeling as a aftertaste
But to be fair , i’ve seen lately in the general chat when i’m in the garage
what’s cab power?
How do i suicide?
And stuff like that and sometimes i see bots in top places…in PVP.
Something is not going the way they should.
Now a mode that should be more easy going ( patrol ), for the noobs, stoners and the feeble ( i’m being sarcastic ), they really should tune down the bots in that mode
im that guy…i love patrol as it is right now,and pvp sukks as it is right now.i do less pvp because the weps and nerfs to my weps…
i will quit if partrol is gone.