Players themselves can set the difficulty on patrols by just minding their builds. Dress like a pro and the bots will treat you like one, seems to be the protocol.
The days when kids can go in there and just run exploits, or OP weapons of the month and just steamroll bots for their gas money is over, hopefully. That crap was stupid, and is why I never played patrols.
I still don’t play patrols very often, but when I do, it seems simple enough to get fair matches out of the bots. It’s much more balanced than PVP, IMO. The sharp aim is certainly a bitch, but at least they aren’t running cheeze-whiz like actual players do.
It’s pathetic how hard people try to cheat this game’s physics or flaws for wins, especially in Clan Wars or PVP. PVE is a nice break from that kind of toxic gameplay, I think. I should do it more.
PVP is sort of a catastrophe usually. If they ever do get it balanced and running good, they never let it be. They go in and break everything sooner than later. It’s hella annoying, and this is what I think drives players off the most, but IDK. It’s what pisses me off the most, for sure.
I come to a point where i prefer playing PVP over PVE with my drones, cause, that’s seem to be the problem, they balance the bots for whoever wants to milk ( i’m now remember when retcher bots appeared in the raids and Patrol.
You try to go out there with drones, they are weak and get insta destroyed by…you name it.
At least against humans i can count with lack of aim or lack of situation awareness to a certain degree, it’s not guaranteed but it’s there here and there, in PVE it’s absent.
Then i normally use specials or a few epics, the gap it’s just too much.
When i use traditional weapons ( i don’t use SG for a while, but i’m waiting for better days ) then i prefer using them in PVE, specially if said weapons aren’t good or i’m not use to them
Ya, I can’t get drones to work very well against bots either. They suck pretty bad in PVE.
They do work pretty good WITH bots in PVP, though. I had a few good games running security for bots today. If I can draw the enemy player’s fire and drop a couple drones, that bot will pummel my adversary with it’s precision aim, as long as I can keep the players off it.
I got a couple MVPs between yesterday and today, one of them thanks to 3 bots, arrow map, i saw 3 bots rushing in the cap right at the start, with me it will be half of the team, i thought, it was good enough for me, i went, i survived.
the hard part is causing a stamped among my fellow human comrades but i guess we achieve that, cause hell broke lose, i remained inside the cap the all time.
I like to highlight two more games today, one where i entered the cap a bot with two triggers arrived there, i thought if i remain here i only will take unnecessary damage, but before i ended my thought an identical bot from my team went in and we both took out that bot, pretty decent that bot.
The last was Yanni, he not only turned me the right way up but saved my bacon as well in a two step kind of action.
flying sucklords grab the spheres in the moment you blow up .
also there is a bot that do the flying for them , thats easy to see form the overexaggerateed evasive jitter once something hits them.
so not only they suck so bad they need the flying Noob crutch , they even suck at flying itself.
generaly there should a limit of only one Sucklord per Team.
currently the rate is more like 3-4 botting sucklords in the other team and maybe (if you are lucky ) one unfortuned Sucklord in your team thus gets Dogpiled the entire Battle …
Do you have any explanation of why your team is always the one that performs badly? Or any theories why the other team is always the one with the aircraft?
Sounds to me like you got stuck in a queue against the same group over and over. Happens to all of us. Either you keep playing until you get placed in the same team as the strong players, or pick a build in a different PS range.
Anytime anyone complains about always being on the bad team, I have to wonder what they think that actually means.
they seem to think we dont notice that only every 6th hit count as such
or our PS rating is going up by 500 just to get pittet against even better equiped teams what leaves us with even a less chance to win
things that i noticed so far. A lot of assumptions i have to say
There’s a lot of games where bots actual end up in top places ( as i said before )
Bur also i’m seeing a lot of crude builds as in basic, builds that normally new to the game players have before the paints and a better notion how to build ( either for the art or strait functionality ) or better parts … or parts that said player group don’t have yet
this guy have twin wheels and engineers fenders on a heavy build ( yeah i know, says the dude with heavy fenders on a medium build) but still…
Another probably sign besides how the build looks, i think this guy had tonnage problems ( in the past, a very familiar issue to me ), cause normally at the start of the game he should go faster than what he did
There are a lot of one sided games lately, i don’t know if it’s a MM thing ( MM will only improve if people are willing to wait a bit ) Mirror MM won’t work either.
But sometimes how the teams are made are in a clear unbalance.
Final thing
My in game friends and the clan i’m in.
Just for reference, the guy that brought me to this game is absent for 1831 days and counting, he’s not with the most amount of days absent in my lists
They have the classic mode for pvp re-established where you don’t need to play with helis. The only place you can play heli and legs is in a respawn pvp mode at the moment. So it’s fairly safe for you to return at this point.
If only the devs listened to players of their own game this could have been prevented years ago.
I offered to help multiple times, never got a response
I guess all we can do now is wait for the game to die.
And after that let the community pick it up, and revitalize it.
That’s not exactly true both cc and battle for uranium were forum based ideas. There is also a fair bit of other stuff that has been gone over on the forums over the years that have been used.
It’s almost difficult to list popular ideas we’ve discussed on the forum that they haven’t used at this point. There are a few, but I think most of our good ideas they have actually used and probably a few of our bad ones, like launchable drones.
I can remember mentioning license plates, better green paint (we have awesome green paints now), spider drones, spider legs, legs that leap, launchable drones (sorry), magnetic bubble-guns, more better wheels, hubcaps, and rims, interactive maps with pitfalls and hazards, retro 50’s muscle-car fins and grills, Air ships, better bots, and I’m probably forgetting a few.
I still haven’t seen pink plasma, but I know it’s coming sooner or later.