Game is in the middle of a meta shift

IDK. It’s not my thing either, but it is a valid game feature (exhibition), and I think it’s a good thing. People have different skill-sets, creative building isn’t for everybody, and this game is plenty complicated as far as the build feature goes. It has one of the most creative and diverse “character creation” systems I’ve ever seen in a game. I can easily see how that might be overwhelming, especially for new players. It’s probably a good thing that this feature exists.

I only go so far with complicated builds, myself. I appreciate a level of simplicity too, and get exhausted by how many different things I need to incorporate into my builds in order to achieve any success. Sometimes I feel like it’s too much, and has gone too far.

I have nothing polite to say about the copy/paste melee META, however. So, no comment on that.

Clearly, they need to slow down and do this more often.

I’ve seen the game well balanced, so I know it can happen. I have no idea how this update is going to land, balanced or not, and as the thread title states, we are in between the META shift, due to the update. Maybe I’ll schit on it later, when I know what the parameters actually are.

I think this update is designed to mesh with the next update too, so I don’t think the shift will stop here soon. I think this update is incomplete…or is nonsensical, and was a complete waste of man-hours they could have spent doing something actually interesting.

Outside of the new map and the Ravager Battle Pass and faction, I don’t care for this update, but those two things were well done, so I’m glad for that.

I like the Crossout Day brawl too, despite getting nothing but crap so far as a reward. I don’t know why they feel like they need to season everything with such a heavy dose of salt, but they kinda do.

On Topic: Wheels: the new META? Why? Who asked for a wheel buff? Not me, and I use nothing but wheels. I wanted better acceleration, and I got that with the Kensei in spades, so thanks, devs.

I think this update is riddled with WTF and why?

I feel like a lot of people have complained over the years about how wheels (and tracks) are outclassed by strafing parts.
Now to be fair, I was one of the people who thought wheels weren’t actually that weak, but I also don’t think they were buffed into OP status.

Wheels are now strong up to mid PS, and become less dominant the higher you go on the PS scale. To me, that seems realistic and appropriate. Strafing parts can compete at lower PS, but now they need to compromise more, and aren’t seal clubbing like they were. Tracks are actually pretty good right now, although people are just starting to notice that.

This is absolutely not what I see in other multiplayer games, especially ones with any degree of customization.
I mean, if metas were a problem specific to Crossout, it wouldn’t be a word that it used across the gaming world.

By definition, metas dominate non-meta. That is what the words mean.

Now you are maybe trying to say that Crossout metas are much more OP than in other games, but that’s not what you said. And when I talk to players of other games, they rage out about balance just as much as you do.

I think your perspective on Crossout balance is overly influenced by the fact that you restrict yourself to a very small number of weapons and tactics. So to you, everything that beats your small handful of builds is OP, largely because you never play those builds yourself, and can’t see what their weaknesses and counters are.

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Sounds peachy to me too…but those clan war screenshots sure showed a lot more wheels than usual didn’t they?

Glad to hear it. I will have to put that tank project I had going back into production. Since I have to rebuild most of my roster due to this update, now is probably a good time for that too. I’m struggling to get motivated, though.

I’m not sure what to do as far as a cannon either. I’ve never invested in that play-style much, and don’t know what cannons aren’t going to just fall off when somebody blasts their fart horn at me. That got old real fast, and I gave up on it, but maybe that’s different now too?

why do you keep talking about how im wrong but never dare to mention any issues this game has?

tell me right now that this is ok and intentional:
(and before anyone says this useless argument that im picking out a few moments from many games, the first image is from the first mission i played today, and the rest is literally every single match in the uranium mode)

i dont get how i havent seen a single word about anything to do with either bricks or narwhals anywhere. am i the only person in this game complaining about this? how is this garbage accepted?


I’m actually impressed with those builds as far as the aesthetics go, considering that’s META mode. Your protests have actually begun to bring me over to their side, and if cool builds are now feasible in Clan Wars, as your screenshots show they are, I may reconsider my negative posture towards the clan feature.

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because you can use stacked armor since a long time

what about them?

no, theyre not. cookie cutter square builds downloaded from the exhibition specifically for narwhal hover and shotgun bricks are feasible

Those were from Uranium wars, which is a different dynamic, because people aren’t necessarily playing with their clans with complimentary builds. They’re just picking ones that are likely to perform ok no matter who is on their team.
Having said that, I’d like to see what other people are seeing in the high PS uranium wars. It’s easy to pick and choose screenshots to prove a point. And we’re only a few days into Uranium wars, so we can expect things at that PS to shift as people try more builds and see what works.
If it does turn out to still be wheel dominant, that might be partially because spiders and hovers need to be higher than the Uranium war PS limit to be dominant. I use to find that I needed to inflate the PS of my higher PS dog builds in order to find the hovers I was hunting.
Finwhale is shaking things up a bit, but I’m not sure the brick meta will continue once the novelty has worn off. I’ve been enjoying my own bricks, but they’re a bit limiting, and if the opposing team is ready for a dog attack they can shut you down before you can accomplish anything. It’s either fail horribly or rampage to a win, with little in between.

You should! What tracks do you have? I’m liking the Sleipnirs best currently, in part because of the heat resistance and speed.

I’ve never been strong on cannons either, but have been playing them more lately.
I’ve found I can do OK with fixed angle cannons if I use a strafing build. And I like the turreted cannons on tracks, or on buggy wheels with oppressor (so that I can rotate them quickly).
I still think Little Boys are great fun, and they work well on fast cars (especially with the oppressor/buggy wheel combo). I’ve never played much Hulks, but I’ve been killed by them a lot in lower PS.
The best cannon loadout for me is the Hadron/King combo, with any cannons, but especially Fat Man. Just being able to reload super quick makes them so much more competitive.
Hopefully the new reloader can give people a taste of that flavour without hadron/king (which is expensive). Maybe consider picking up the new pass just for the modules? I think you could use high level modules on low PS cars without inflating your PS too much.

Well, I saw what they were using in Confrontation last month. It was worse, IMO. When Confrontation first came out, it was so bad I couldn’t bear it. I just turned my back on the whole feature.

I still think it is too awful to bother waiting in line for. I’m not going to do that ever, but now I might go ahead and try my own version of “stacked armor” on wheels, and have a build set aside for when Confrontation Mode is actually available to play. I think I can make a prettier “brick” than they are using, and if that build method works for them, I might be able to make it work for me too.

I’m not into the cubism though, so I won’t go there myself, and I thank the wasteland gods the spaced armor thing is over.

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Shouldn’t this tell you something?

And what’s the problem with Narwhals? Yes, we’re seeing a lot of them right now, because they’re new and everyone who bought the last BP has them. For me (and probably many others), this is the only legendary cannon I have other than Avalanche. So of course I’m playing a lot of them. But I don’t think they’re really outperforming my epic cannons.

Anyway, even your screenshots show some long range builds mixed in. Give it a couple weeks. Most of us haven’t rebuilt to adjust to the energy rework yet, so we’re still just seeing versions of last month’s meta.


its easy to pick and choose?

literally first game.

second game:

third game

fourth game

edit: what a fucking clutch

fifth game has broken the streak of cancer games

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What am I supposed to be seeing here? Why are these “cancer builds”?

I see some close range, some long range, and a little bit of mid range. I even see a support build, which is surprising. What exactly do you think you should be seeing instead?

Edit: there’s even a track build in there! Surprised I’m not seeing any spiders in the mix, as they still seem popular on console. Do PC players not do spiders anymore? Or are they just too high PS for this mode?
I’m a bit surprised at how many wheels are in there, but not unhappy. For too long wheels were at a big disadvantage in that PS range.

i will write it out for you, maybe you will see the problem then.

  1. brick, narwhal (full clan playing with a dragger, so why would they be playing these “catchall” builds like bricks? since they should be able to have a better strategy)
  2. brick, narwhal, and a relic anti brick
  3. 3x brick combined with a reaper brick
  4. 2x brick 2x narwhal

there is not a game without bricks. just do you know, the fifth game did also have a brick.
and narwhals are also almost everywhere, and uncomparably more common than any other cannon.

so you cant tell me i complain while selecting screenshots only to prove my own point. i am only relaying what is happening in game, i dont know why im the only one

So what?
Bricks are a viable build, and for the first time in a long time are competitive at this PS level. Why wouldn’t people play them?
For many years people would complain that every match at that PS was 90% hovers. Do you just miss not being part of the majority?

And what is the problem with people playing the new cannon they just got? I thought you were a cannon player? Do you really think Narwhals are massively better than your Mammoths? And what is the problem with Reapers? Or skinner/daze? Or porcs? Or Scorpions? I feel like there are some other weapons mixed in with your screenshots, but I can’t be bothered to look.

Are you trying to say you will only be happy if you start having matches with no close range builds? Are you sure you don’t just want to pick up an oculus or verifier, and adapt to the reality of close range builds?

Probably because the rest of us are more willing to adapt.

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IMO, legendary engines should be 3 energy. Probably the same with the legendary radiator/cooler. That alone would place bricks in a balanced state.

I 1v1 bricks often with a spider. I always lose to 2 bricks if 1v2. Teamwork is the key.

Certain hovers like arbiter hovers seem to do well vs bricks.

I see no issue with narwhals. They are fun to use but arent strong if used without other ice teammate. Perhaps they are strong in groups but I dont see them as OP at all. Sometimes being fun to use makes a weapon appear more often.


I agree completely

ok? did i ever say i want it to be 90% hovers? has it occurred to you maybe that there should be a more even distribution than 90% to 10% for a single movement part? like 30% wheels, 30% legs and 30% hovers?

yes they are massively better at 13k power score, for range / projectile speed, freeze effect and dps, weight / size



yes bricks arent 100% of all builds, theyre just 90%

do you realise that i cant solo murder 3 bricks coming at me, whether i see them or not, at any range? and clearly my team often cant either.

* willing to shill out dollars for the ability to defeat the meta slaves

youre trying to argue that bricks are not a problem but your arguments are non existent

Just watch a xberlinx video if you want to see what the most op meta is, hes in a top 3 clan on pc with 3 thousand subscribers. If hes using it then guarantee everyone else and their mom is using it as well. Here’s link to his channel and look up the live section he usually only posts live videos.

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watching that guy play a brick makes me realise just how braindead they are, i didnt even realise just how bad it is. he literally just holds mouse and W and wins

I am sure he is a skilled player and uses meta builds for CW, where he is experienced. While he likely is still pretty successful playing at 8k, I wouldnt say he has the best build at that level. It is a 1 week event and a PS that he likely never plays. If this was consistent, then he could be used as a better indication.

Bricks are effective vs many builds but are also susceptible to other builds. It is paper-rock-scissors.

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