Game is in the middle of a meta shift

You totally missed the point just watch a few videos and all your gonna see is the same players using the same builds so if you wanna know what the current meta is just see what hes using, what his clan mates are using or what his opponents are using. Everyone else are using those bricks as well.

You missed the point, young chap. There are too many possible combos to test at a new PS to determine a true meta. The masses settle for effective, vs having the time to determine most effective.

At CW, he would be a viable source for meta, as he and many other skilled players have vetted.

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I sense aggression from you gonna say it straight up. Not in no mood to argue today bye just throwing out a yt channel that people can look up if they want to know what the meta is so i can help out a folk or two.

I donā€™t think it is realistic to demand that kind of split across all the PS ranges. Each range has movement parts that work better than others, or that just tend to end up there because of their PS cost.
I think itā€™s better to divide builds by close/medium/long range, and hope for some kind of three way split along those lines.

Iā€™m going to disagree with that. They have different attributes, but I find either one equally scary in the hands of a competent opponent. Narwhal is just popular right now because itā€™s new and easily obtained by anyone with the BP.
I have them and Iā€™m playing them, but Iā€™m going to save up for some mammoths too.

This mentality is probably why you are struggling against bricks. You are constantly talking about fighting solo against people playing as a team. Play with your team better, or find some people to group up with. Verifier isnā€™t just for you, itā€™s there to help your whole team against sneak attacks. If you are always getting separated from your team and fighting three bricks at a time, you are doing it wrong.

Iā€™ve never paid for anything other than the basic main BPs. And yet I have the inventory to adapt to any shift in the meta, relying mostly on items that I grinded out through casual play.
Stop assuming everyone bought their builds with lots of cash. Many of us just like playing the game, and accumulated lots of items simply from playing the game we enjoy.

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shouldnt be realistic to have 90% of all builds be bricks, yet they are

im going to tell you that youre wrong, because narwhal is objectively superior to mammoth for not only this gamemode but pvp in general. both narwhal and mammoth is realistically only viable on hovers (maybe spiders) and narwhal is smaller and weighs substantially less than mammoth

i dont know why youre telling me. its like telling a group of monkeys to cooperate togeter. not possible
i personally am great at team play when it comes to it, whether i am supposed to make the calls or somebody else. but when you get dragged away by an indestructible bulldozer with shotguns on it then good luck staying close to your team. and again, its not like the team will come to help you either

what gamemodes do you even play? have you tried the 12-13k PS uranium mode?

Letā€™s do some math!

Since uranium wars is 4v4, that means that you are the only person not playing a brick out of the two teams. But that only gets us to 80%. To get to 90%, you need to be playing a brick yourself half the time.

Neither of those two conditions are true, are they?

Itā€™s very hard to have a conversation with someone who insists on exaggerating everything to the point of dishonesty.

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im just wasting my time here, you are incapable of presenting an argument. keep defending targem, im sure one day it will pay off greatly.

Lol. True story. Random loner PVP is often devoid of necessary teamwork and frustrating that way. Not always, but often.

Not aggressive. And I do appreciate the link, as I will likely look at it on occasion, when he is playing CW.

While the game is filled with dummies, there are things that can be done to help yourself. As an example, if dummies on my team are camping, I prob will be forced to camp, even if i have a push build. If they run to a side, I can choose to follow them. If I elect to go Leroy Jenkins on my own, I bear most of that responsibility on my own, even if my teammate are dummies.


Ya, thatā€™s also true. I usually try to base my strategy on what the other players are doing as well. My habit is to find a hover guy and run interference for them, catch the rush they provoke, or let them pick targets and then use the cover they provide to fetch that target. Generally speaking, in PVP the guy on hovers is most often a competent and proper team player.

In the case of an all dummy squad, I find a bot with a complimentary weapon array. Usually that is the cannon-bot.
Point is; youā€™re right, teamwork is META. If you donā€™t play like a team you will loose as one consistentlyā€¦unless you are using an exploit to broken game mechanics.

Melee players donā€™t need team work, though. They just need their adversaries to also ignore the tenants of teamwork.

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Letā€™s do some math!

Note: He didnt said in his matches are 90%, but in total

Lats say he play in 1% of all Matches played! I dont think he play ALL matches

Then 99+% is possible

So you failed here! He no needed play half of his matches as brick

When someone think he is clever but do not see his own mistakes

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lol, I guess you could do the math that way, but his own screenshots show that isnā€™t even true.
And how would he know the makeup of the matches he isnā€™t in?

Very true! No matter what your team is doing, you are the one who decides how to work with that.
And if you are constantly falling victim to bricks, then why arenā€™t you putting your teammates between yourself and the incoming enemies? Especially if you are playing cannons. Sit back, pay attention to the map, use a verifier or oculus, and put yourself in a position where you are the one defending your allies, instead of complaining that they arenā€™t defending you.

Not really true. If I ignore my team when playing melee, I might be able to take out one enemy before I die, which doesnā€™t really help my team or give me a good score. Even melee players need to work with their team and pay attention to the mini-map.

ye, im not saying about this, just about argument you said about 80%
because cant say its maximum 80% when he do not play every match in game.

Well, myself for example i watch friends playing (and they might play bricks themselfs)

But here you again assume something.

If you ask about my personal opinion, idk if you guys say about 13k ps or 8k ps, i am ura league in 8k ps but didnt played 13k ps (i might soon idk), so i do not really know.

But i guess based on CW that there might be arround 70% bricks in total.

Iā€™ve definitely played some matches where the ratio was that high, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s the majority of the matches.

I do feel like I see more of this kind of ratio in CC and Uranium wars than I do in PVP. Weā€™ll see where things are at next week once the changes have had some time to settle in, but currently I think thereā€™s a good argument to raise the energy requirements for legendary engines like Finwhale to 3 energy.

Iā€™m not saying I love competing against full teams of bricks either, but thatā€™s not what Iā€™m seeing, and I also donā€™t find them unbeatable. Just requires adjusting your approach a bit and anticipating what theyā€™re going to do.

Full teams of bricks are kind of predictable. The mixed teams are actually more tricky for me, because they have a lot more tactical options available to them.

ā€˜i love mathā€™ ā€œok,how many Loki smashes does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie popā€ ?

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That player plays at all power scores not just cw and you would soon find out if you went into his channel with any detail. I say 25% of the time he plays reg pvp or post live streams of various events. If you want to pick up new tactics or builds for just about anything than just pay attention to his channel. Hes from twist which is the number 2 clan on pc second only to EQWS and does all kinds of stuff not just clan wars and dominates in absolutely everything he goes at. I encountered him loads of times in game too from medium ps to the max.

Interesting. On PS, the majority of good players typically stay at CW level PS.

Like I said before, I appreciate the link. I personally am only really interested in CW video but bully for those that will enjoy seeing the variety that you say he provides. I am sure there is a market for that as well.

I have said before on this forum that I personally would love to see 1 week every month/quarter yr be devoted to different power scores, much like this event. If they did that, I would have more interest in trying to familiarize myself with the meta at each area. It would also open up opportunities for much more of the player base (though results would likely not change much, as far as rankings go).

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He does do mostly clan wars by a large margin but if you dig thru enough of his live streams you will find event videos and reg pvp videos as well. There was another decently popular channel that i forgets the name of that does mostly clan wars but does a lot of raids as well, he used to farm invasion in like 30 seconds or less a lot of the times.

Vehicles have too much durability imo. Its well known across many games that a higher ttk means there is less value in all skill except hand dexterity. I cant sit and blame just shotguns, they are OP and need a rework but they arent the one and only issue. Idk why they are so tiny and ultralight for how effective they are, its thousands of free cab hp using a pair of breakers over cannons. Of course they are hilariously small so they stack on an omamori too easily.
Wheels are just crazy too, too much dura, not enough mass, and op perks.
Then there is omamori and finwhale.

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