Giveaways, promos, and redeemables

First the rare horns and decals then parts soon people be tearing down their own garages to stell the scrap for pop cans, what madness are these :clown_face: doing

I already have it collected in my collection book.
What is the difference if it is a digital image in my collection book or a digital image in my storage?

Ah, the Snufkin ideology, I can respect that.

To me:

  1. Items that can not be traded have no value.
  2. items I’m not going to use have no value.

Digital images in your garage screen are worthless if you never plan to use them.

Keeping things, just to keep things, is also a problem many people have in real life.

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The IRL aspect… oh the stories I could tell… the hillbilly storyteller in me is tempted to start a thread. :grin:

In the game, I’ve very much become a hoarder. Well, I keep things I don’t think I’ll be able to get in the future. Much of that is decor since I know there’s a good bit of decor that’s no longer available - like that horn.

Much of it is also crap I can’t get rid of without actually just losing it. I’m hoping they have a special on salvaging/recycling at some point.


:rofl: i just looked at my building in storage that i never use…
i can sell alot of this junk.has anyone sold this stuff yet? …

I have sold most of mine.

It can take awhile to get rid of becuase no one wants it.


I sold some of mine a while back, and my kids got super pissed. They log on to my account and will play for hours just in the test drive area. LOL


I mean, this is cool and all, but I’m getting a little disappointed that the one pack that I actually really wanted in this game seems like I’ll never get the opportunity to actually get at this point especially since they haven’t done the 4th of July event in over 2 years I believe. I really wish if somebody actually had the American pack on PlayStation that they would at least sell me the lone ranger paints.

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Lone Ranger Stripes and Winter Night work…fwiw

It just really bothers me because they kept giving it to specifically PC players, And people that already have won the american pack before. And now there’s like nobody that has it on Playstation anymore. So I can’t buy it from anyone. So literally, every year. I have been trying to be here for the 4th of July event and it’s like nothing for PlayStation. I almost feel like the devs told me to go fuck myself because they literally messaged me on Twitter about the event, like literally # me in their post and gave the rewards to people who literally had the paints already like a fuck you to me.

I hate to bring it up, but this is a Russian game, and the politics between the USA and Russia are exceedingly disparaging. I’m not at all surprised that they have discontinued the “American” pack (didn’t realize there was one) or don’t feel inclined at all to celebrate America, or facilitate any attempt to.

I hope for a better day, and I hope you had a Happy 4th anyway.

I don’t think they discontinued it because I see the PC events have the American guy which I’m guessing is the pack in the rewards. But they never have hosted contests for consoles. Which is why I’m so disappointed about the paints because not a soul on Playstation rn has the shit and i find it ridiculous.

And getting worse by the day, Also didn’t they move crossouts dev team out of russia?

Targem Games is headquartered in Yekaterinburg, Ulitsa Pervomayskaya, 104, 403, Russian Federation, and has 1 office location…so says the internet.

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I’m not sure it’s them who decide on what to sell. Gaijin (which is headquartered in Hungary) wants profits alright. And they still sell stuff to people in the US. If someone in the US can’t buy their products, correct me on this.

Maybe they forgot about that pack :man_shrugging:

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I’ll refrain for turning this into a political conversation… you might want to watch the news on Hungary/Russian relations lately.

It’s not by mistake that they are in Hungary.

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when was the last time you visited an art galley or a museum?
what about your old pictures or things that bring back memory’s.

there are two types of players,
those who come to play and those who come to stay,
the attachment needs the anchor.

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the thing is arts have values/uses(both money based and estetetic/etc)

He said 2 points that apply correctly.

If you have something that you cant sell, and you will not build with them, but you still use them for “watching” their estetic or just use them for personal feeling, then “you use them” in some meaning.

Some people are the type to throw away people once they deem those people have no value so that’s just how it is, though I do think every part except structure parks and starter (Gray) parts should be able to be traded/sold

My mem is patchy at remembering where exactly i got my siren horn but im pretty sure it was a promo link in this thread and then when accepting the pack it was a choice of 2 sets of items. In one set was the siren and some other gear and in the other set was some other gear and some rare asz paint like lemon camo or something. It had me torn at the choice. I :heart: to collect the paints…a tad more than the decor…

…but i went with the horn as there are way fewer horn choices to collect so any option to grab a horn and one as cool as “Siren” i couldn’t pass up.
Sometimes i set this horn to auto on so it never stops during the game. Probably confuses and/or annoys people.

I may have all this all mixed up with how i got this thing but something like this went down with free gear and promo links in my mind and physical life.

love this thread btw… 🫶

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