Good Cop paint became untradable , where is my refund

Yeah we did get one for that.

Crossout 2.82. Crossout Day

Additional bonuses

With this update, all players will receive pleasant bonuses, the contents of which will depend on how long you’ve been fighting in the Wasteland world. The more years you have been with us, the more significant the bonus will be because you will not only receive the gift that is based on your time in the game, but all the previous gifts as well!

Which bonuses you can receive:

  • Registration less than 2 years ago — 2 days of premium subscription

  • Registration 2 to 3 years ago — 4 days of premium subscription

  • Registration 3 to 4 years ago — 7 days of premium subscription + “Ice crystal” Paint

  • Registered more than 4 years ago — 10 days of premium subscription + “Ice crystal” Paint + “Emergency lights” hubcap

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ooh man, I forgot I even made this! I’m not sure if Chuck is still updating this thread, but it is very helpful for finding new and old paints catalogued.

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Thank you

I just found this on the Russian forum (Google-translated):

“I got a response from a technical helper… According to our information this change was necessary and is related to the work on the future implementation of cross-platform gameplay.”


I dont think i know of this hubcap. Does anyone have a pic or maybe can describe how it looks?

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I think it’s the crossout logo in red if I remember correctly

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Turtle paint also became non tradable on PSN feelsbadman for anyone who paid the 36k it was up to lol

Yeah some guy on Reddit was super mad about it and I don’t blame them, I also have Good Cop and Lava paint which are both now untradable. Luckily only spend about 3.5k between them both but I’ve seen Lava’s price at 10k+

People don’t seem to have mentioned that along with Bad Cop have been removed from the item collection tab, too.

I have both tradable (from pack) and non trade-able. The donut says 4 years. Everyone got it, there wasn’t a years played requirement. Only requirement was logging in during the event.