Great Update! Thank you Dev team!

But it is. Most people are just playing the game.

Only the few that feel the need to be vocal about it (like every patch) are coming out of the woodworks.

Everyone I know that plays is loving it and they wouldn’t even consider wasting their time on the forum or Reddit.

Everyone I know are all “Clan” players - you know the whales that keep the light on - and they are very happy.

But as explained by Pooney - no one can convince anyone other wise.

That is why I made a I love this patch thread for the one of us that due. But I guess we didn’t have enough complaint threads for people.

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Their update thread is sitting at something like 25% approval tho :neutral_face:

You should start a thread to contemplate the things that have gotten better. It would probably be therapeutic for the community (count your blessings) supposing they could manage it without it turning into “all the schit that’s gone wrong with Crossout” thread, like how this one is going (you’re welcome).

Some things have gotten better, like…mmmm…Bots? There are a few improvements to maps too. IDK

Maybe I’ll do it, but I’m not sure if I can manage the blow-back.

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It was Knights Riders first. They use introduce new parts that way as pre-release event. After that it became a standard rotation of set weapons. Founders then came out. They got rid of Knights Riders soon after and Replaced it with Ravens.

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And that doesn’t make any sense to you?

Here are the things that are important to me, and why I say the game has improved for me:

  • more variety of parts. The game has never been this diverse, with so many building possibilities.

  • resource grind is much better for me. I can grind out an epic item faster than I used to be able to, and now I don’t need to do any boring things to accomplish that.

  • queue times are better. When matches are this short, I don’t want to be waiting over a minute to get into a game. It’s very quick to find a match now.

  • graphics and looks of the game are much better

  • interactive maps, and far more maps than there used to be

  • clan wars being reworked into something that actually interests me

  • balance is better than it used to be. It will never be perfect, but I see a lot of variety in matches now, especially when you play across a wide PS range.


'this game is such a marathon… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think the game has become a cluster-phck of too many menus, and forgotten or useless features, but other than that, I think I agree with your list or things that has improved…mostly. It’s a good list.

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Knight riders were the first to come and brought random lot boxes and you couldn’t craft anything.

It was the worst event system that we ever had.

The first few years of Crossout where the dark ages, many people don’t remember how bad it was.

We had

No clan wars or Levi wars
No adventure mode
No Bedlam
No awakening
No Garage Building
No Battle Passes
No Badges or badge exchange.
No …. And so on

People that fell in love with the game from the start had like (I’m making numbers up but it was something like this) 3-4 PvP maps, we had 2? Or 3? Brawls to start? Hmmm, free for all (which they removed) and StormWarning (which they also removed) and maybe Big Black Scorpion was add next?? A few raids, I think we had maybe 1 or 2 “raid” maps and then the rest of the raids just used the few PvP maps that they had.

Sooooo…. To make a long story short.

We had nothing at the start.

This game is WAAAAAY bigger then when it started as far as content goes.

Hmmm… also everyone is complaining and daily about weeklies challenges, well guess what :slight_smile: we didn’t have that when it started :slight_smile: and we didn’t have a badge exchange.


They adjusted that after a while though post Dawns Children into intro to Firestarter’s period.

Yes they did. But that was a year or so down the road.

They used to also add all of the event items to the crafting table, BUT back then they had to because we didn’t really have a game. We only had one epic cabin lol.

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Remember when Bigfoots were the only epic wheel? And the only fast strafing parts were hovers?
No wonder I played a lot of tracks back then (although that was also because of the sparkvester plague).

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But even this was like 2-3 years into the game.

Spark didn’t come for a long time.

I guess I’m still trying to wrap back around to the point that we didn’t have :poop: in this game the first two years and people still played it.

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Yeah, it went from there being barely any parts, to suddenly there being a handful of very OP expensive parts that dominated everything else. We’ve come a long way!

Remember no wheel traction in soft sand. lol


I’m sitting here trying reading all this & trying to remember how the game used to be vs. how it is now.

I have my gripes. I have plenty of them.

That being said, if you think this game is worse than it was when you started, all I have to say is, “Welcome to CrossOut,” because you’re pretty freaking new to the game.

It’s exponentially bigger… offers more freedom… more parts… more everything.

My gripes - or at least my proposed gripes - are that some of the “bigness” looks like it’s disappearing in this challenge update. I hope I’m wrong.


I hope this update and the new Confrontation mode breathes new life into the game. I hope enough people get invested to the mode and it becomes fun.

This game has changed. There have been improvements to the game. But there are some serious problems that only seem to get worse.


100% +1

And 100% +1

I feel both are very valid points and this is also my stance.

I also view both of these as separate things and I’m not going to hate the new patch becuase they didn’t fix everything or do exactly like I thought it should be.

It is what it is :slight_smile: let’s move forward and dump the dead weight that can’t.


its not so far,its just a marathon…on for 30 mins,then wait an hour…
how fun…they need to see our needs,but it resets in 6 days…what tf am i playing?

i dont know anymore
‘when i said this idea in the old forum to have clan missions’

i never seen it like this,they ruined my idea.

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My god people.
Classic WoW will fix the lagging population. Because the game was better “back then”.

Are you all 90 dam years old?

How much retention do you think the game would have without new stuff being introduced? Be goddam real with it. None.

Elden Ring was great, but with nothing new added do you still play it? Or are you playing other games while you wait?

This thread needs a big dose of reality.

Stagnation (no addition of mechanics/items to the game) is a death sentence for a live service game.

Learn in life that nothing stays the same. Pining for the “good old days” means you miss TODAY.

HODL is open recruitment on Xbox if anyone needs a clan and doesn’t want to pay coin.