Growing into a New Perspective

those look fun! I grew up in the 80’s so it was with little gas powered trucks like this one.

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100% agree, but I think many guys that build might spend 1 or 2 hour building a car then the next 3-4 weeks in combat playing with that car and not building.

I also think that the building aspect of the game pushes more people away from the game then it pulls them towards it. So I would never want to promote this as a “hobby” builder… like I said before I would have never installed the game if I read that.

I know you get a good amount of people that love that part, but I guarantee that more people uninstall this game because they have no interest in that and they just want a game where they can fight people in cars.

Guy 1: “Hey guys, want to play a Hobby Builder with me?”

Guy 2: “Get away from me nerd!”

Me : “Your loss…you weren’t my friend anyways…”

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Guy 2: No lose man, me and some buddy’s are playing this bad ass vehicle combat game. Maybe when your done playing Legos you can play some Crossout with us.

Side note: Also remember I’m being devils advocate - building is why I play Crossout.

Also I own a Marketing Company - it’s what I do for a living. I would suggest to my client to run as fast as they can from the term “Hobby” in their marketing materials.

in my case, they wouldn’t have had the chance to say that because, after determining they weren’t my friend, I would have walked off.

But that types of player (which is the majority of the game) wouldn’t care. Most of the people I have talked to in game think the dudes that hang out in Bedlem are weird. They don’t want most of those guys in their PvP groups, friends lists, or Clans.

still, I’d like to keep this in the context of when describing it to your friends, not to some rando. My point of view on this comes from talking with people that share my point of view and/or interests. So, what I’m proposing is that, if you guys have friends interested in hobbies more than games, then, describe crossout to them has a hobby, it would cut short any of the previous arguments I listed initially…that’s all I’m really getting at.

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I dunno, it seems to me that the building aspect is the main thing making this game unique.
Driving and shooting can be found elsewhere, but Crossout is very distinct from those games.

Again, I don’t think people who don’t build are playing the game wrong, but I also think you are underestimating the appeal of the building aspect. I’m sure at the high end of CW there are fewer people who enjoy building, but that’s a very small part of the game.

Also, building games are popular, so it would be foolish for them to not market around that aspect.

I don’t mean they should say “hobby builder” in the ads, as that’s just a term we’re using here to describe how some of us approach it. But if I were to write an ad for them, I would definitely put the limitless aspect of building front and centre.

As far as shooters go, Crossout isn’t that impressive. It’s the rest of the package that makes it so addictive.

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I get you man :slight_smile: and I’m glad these things are in game for players like you.

To me when someone says “Hobby” I think “I don’t need a new job.”

Hobbies are normally very involved, most people when they want to play a game they don’t want to think of needing to do it for years.

If I was going to try and get someone to play this game I would promote the fact that games are only 5min long and it is something anyone can do even if they have a busy schedule.

So I would rather say “Casual Shooter”

But I’m not going to call it that, because it’s far from that too.

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that’s something i can understand.

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I can tell RC funs try some new wheels; omnidirect as well. I also seen someone made a RC car but with water bottles instead of wheels.

I bet they were translating like “okay this word means this… and this word means that. Translate-erase, translate-erase… One word at a time!”

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It’s the Sim City side of me that keeps me in the game.

There are obviously better FPS and vehicle combat games out there. There aren’t any that combine that with building your own"character."

Whenever I describe what I like about this over something like Battlefield is the building my “character” aspect of it. In any other game, I can choose to be a sniper, medic, brawler or whatever. I can equip that character with different weapons and develop their skills a bit, but it’s severely limited compared to XO.

Maybe most of the players aren’t into the building, but they’re into the competitive play. Goodie goodie for them. However, if it weren’t for the building aspect of the game, it would have died on arrival.


Designing vehicles for me, it consumes longer, especially when I design seriously, but I don’t get a lot of benefits, and my drawing archive is full, in short, I design less now, about one a week
In fact, combat I do not really want to play, I played all the weapons, probably know what play is powerful, I tried to try some unconventional weapons with, but their limited ability, resulting in I also do not really want to use them, and now I am in a rather contradictory state, many times just open the game but not to play any content, just look at the game in the content


I think bedlam gets a bad wrap. Yes there’s a few veteran-player cranks in there who like to OP weaker cars, but they’re a very small group (it IS a shooting game after all). For the most part, you won’t find a more dedicated and friendly bunch of people who build everything from sheer terror mobiles to pure art to functional art (that is, cars that are both artistic AND can still fight). Bedlam is a great place to ask questions, see some really wild builds that you rarely see in pvp/pve matches, and get ideas for your own builds. You can fight all you want, or just socialize all you want, and most people do both, and it’s all good.


If it weren’t for the building aspect, I wouldn’t play the game. But if it weren’t for PVP, I also wouldn’t play the game.
Making my own unique thing is what drew me to the game, but being able to use it in combat and that my design choices determine my performance is what gives me a reason to build.
I am not interested in hanging out in bedlam and socializing, or entering the design contests. I just want to blow other people’s cars up.


I actually wish they would make it more tweakable.


Me too! I want transmissions I can tweak, suspension systems, and all the other stuff you might find in a normal car game.


im in this state currently. i log in to see the state of things. i want to say “hi” to people mostly, and i end up just talking in general chat while I try to build something. I battle once in a while.