Growl need a nerf (sorry but we all know it does)

Why would anyone be angry at some funny guy who uses relics with a paper build in low PS? Those guys ae the easiest to kill with simple rare weapons.
It’s not a bout relics, relics users are pathetic in low PS.
It’s that Growl let’s me use a fused radiator, fused cooler or a Chameleon for that extra energy. And still be the fastest and easy to build with.

That fact alone means you either use a Growl or lose a very powerful module…

How that skipped over you, no idea…

#leavegrowlalone #pickonsomethingelse

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then what? increase every rare cabin’s energy by a single unit?

How about Growl is a light cabin and has poor mass/weight and armor, the only thing it has is the one extra energy, I’ve been on this game long enough to see when people used to ask for nerfs for things that needed a nerf, now people just cry for nerfs, for the sake of crying, The cabin needs lots of armor to survive and it’s usually lightweight armor if you’re slapping heavy weapons on it you can’t have armor, and it’s a rare cabin so has no perk, what’s next we should nerf bigfoots cause how they’re design they make reload weapons reload faster, if you want the Growl to lose an energy then it needs to be compensated by being able to carry more armor and having more armor itself!

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Light is good… At low PS where growl is used, it has enough mass/weight and armor for that PS. So that is not a problem.
It gets 1 extra energy, which means 1 extra fused radiator. That makes A LOT OF an advantage, or a Chameleon. Don’t even have to say anything about that.
It also is small and easy to armor up.

The only bad side growl has, is it’s ugly boring toaster design and forced on players because it’s simply the best.

Wyvern should have the same amount of energy, but maybe nerf some of its other stats so that it doesn’t become the new growl. It sounds like trucker/borer builds are currently strong in low PS, so maybe that cabin is fine?

Yes. Trucker with Borers is really strong. It was always ok, I used to play it even a year ago with borers. (I refused to do it now because I don’t like to be a copy sheep in a herd).

Trucker all of a sudden became great with borers. It used to have trouble catching up to people, but now, either the players changed and bunch up more (hello shotgunners, meet Augers), so it has no trouble plowing through a group, or it can actually catch up because the gameplay is getting slower.

That all said, it’s still a cabin that needs a buff. It’s not Trucker’s fault for the new low PS meta, it’s Augers that dominate. (Even Augers on Growl or other cabins there). Trucker just has most pushing power to not get stuck and carry the victim while devouring it with Augers, while packing good armor.

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So now we moved onto nerfing augers?

No. Don’t be in a ‘must nerf them’ mindset.
Are they absolutely dominating low PS? Yes.
There are other ways. Limit the number you can use per PS level. Like 2 active rare melee weapons or (not and) 1 epic until 5K PS, or something like that.

Remember, guys. Keep it simple. Arbitrary and cryptic limitations aren’t simple.

half the melees at low PS are on Trucker, a good chunk of the hovers are on Wyvern. This thread is a 2019 thread that has no place in the current game IMO. Growl is fine. Certainly not grossly OP compared to other rares anymore, like it used to be.

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I think I now know why Light cabins have more PS than normal and heavy cabins.
An explanation could be that normal and heavy cabins need more movement parts, or movement part from a higher rarity to reach the max mas limit than a light cabin, increasing the PS of the vehicle just because of that.

However Normal and Heavy cabins from lower rarity (common and rare) don’t have much more movement parts needs than light cabins like Duster and Growl, which explain the dev decision to not increase their PS.

Why are you necro’ing your own thread man?
You’re THAT bothered about “PS”, as if it’s some universal principle Devs added that you feel you fully understand inherently, so you are here to tell anyone who reads that Growl is “OP” because it has less PS score…

Matches are within 1000ps ± … The score is not that serious and it’s not an indicator of power, survivability, or anything else. It’s a rough measure to help matchmaking.

Anyway who cares lol someone please lock this topic it’s done - OP just said so themselves.

I just said that I might have found the explanation about Growl and Duster being same Ps as normal cabs, unlike in other rarities.

And it’s a forum topic, we’re here to discuss, nobody will lock it and you’re free to move on the next topic if you’re not interested.


good one