Guess It was Bound to Happen

I just had a flashback to when none of us wanted to upgrade to XP, because of how bloated it seemed at the time.

At the time XP first came out, I was buying a PC as a gift for someone. I requested the company (Dell) to NOT use the XP operating system, because Microsoft OSs had already acquired the shameful reputation of being buggy when first released. So I had them load MS2000 (iirc) onto it instead, and waited until XP service pack 2 was issued. Was glad I did. Sometimes, newer is not better. Like this windows 10 I’m stuck with.

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Um. Win10 isn’t new. It’s near end of life. About as stable as it will ever be. Win11 still has a few years of bloatware addition coming though.

My statement about “newer is not always better” is a general statement based on my experience with many generations of Microsoft operating systems. Whenever they released a new operating system, you spent 6 months learning the workarounds until they felt like patching it (service packs).

Microsoft wants you to think their OSs are so great and powerful, and you can do everything with them, even stuff you have no interest in doing. Let’s not forget that they’re perpetually releasing weekly updates to close security holes because they couldn’t do it right the first time. How many years they been at this? I wish there were other competitors, but the business world went with Microsoft years ago, and we’re stuck with them now.

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“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.”

― John Lydgate

This seems like the thread to drop the news that “Floppy disk support will end in 2025”. So don’t update after that or you won’t be able to play Oregon Trail from your original disks.

This is not true. While there may be some holes upon release that are quickly patched, many exploits are simply not devised when they are coding.
There isn’t “One Hack to Rule Them All”… but new hacks each and every day.
Put up a wall and people will figure out a way around it eventually.


Patents, the point is, a 3rd party software company is dictating who may and may not play Crossout from a certain point forward. You would think that Gaijin, since they’re footing the bill to use EAC’s “service” while at the same time having player loss issues to contend with, should be stepping on EAC’s head to ensure they don’t lose more players needlessly, due to the whims of a 3rd-party software company. But Gaijin doesn’t even seem to care.

(And btw, I still have a fully functional Windows 98 system in my inventory, and the floppy drive still works great!)

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You might want to look that up…

yeah, why dont they care about some boomers running obsolete operating systems? management should be all over this, its truly a mystery why they seemingly couldnt care less.

btw, its the old stuff that gets hacked the most as all the flaws are long known, especially when the updates stop.

No. This is the choice of the operator, not a third company. For example, one could always choose to use Linux instead or simply choose to use a modern version of windows. It’s operator choice.

Such a compassionate crowd. I’ll say no more here.

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I’ll throw my 5 cents on this.
I also run win 7. I’ve been keeping to XP for as long as I could back in day also. The change happens, yeah. But there must be reasons. Right now some of us can still hang on to win 7, I will not move just for the sake of xo. If they intend to loose even more players, joke is on them.
Steam though :grin: Still runs. Maybe not forever but who knows. I don’t have much interest to move just for the sake of Fallout 76 I barely play this days anyway.
I work in Blender. Well, I don’t seen them rolling out anything useful in updates so I’m still using 2.92(few years old version). I rather dislike this stupid trend of changing interface on everything whenever developers rollout a few bells and whistles. It’s almost like an ilsult.
I’m also still using a phone with buttons. I work from home so all I need my phone for is mp3player and calls. Makes me smile when I see other people having trouble with their smartphones. Fair enough sometimes i face some inconveniences, but very rarely and very mild ones.
Talking about authorities and control, many can agree covid is scam. And being in Ukraine I can say I’m surprised how seemingly corrupt inept government manages to pull ugliest things. Like grabbing people of the streets to enlist them to war, it’s not yet legal but who you going to complain to? Government?
I don’t think myself as paranoid, but I’d rather stay out of crap authorities and such try to pull on us, as much as I can at least, even for convenience sake.


you sound like your average kreml bot, pardon me, useful idiot. why say being in ukraine if youre from there?
you smell funny

I’d say more but discussing politics is forbidden here. Enjoy your pink glasses.

May I also recommend pilfering a copy of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC?

Doesn’t come with most of the standard W10 bloatware and doesn’t bother you with updates every few days. Still gotta walk through all the crap it does come with to disable it, but after that, you should be fine.
Gotta look at the bright side - at least you won’t have to use W11 :smiley:

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Greetings, umm LTSC, I’ve lost my mind… and if I live long enough, and I’m not bored out of my mind with crossout, guess what:

THE YEAR…2078… Windows 35 Mind Control edition… What do you mean I can’t use my Pentium 25 8000ghz 500 tb ram?? BS…

Someone said… well things advance with time… Gee I remember when i lived in Florida and a Jawbreaker was the size of a golf ball… it was a little bigger than that… but that was 196 something… lol.

Very sad nobody builds Linux compatible games. But then again if they did Billy Boy Gates would loose trillions of dollars. Gaming is the ONLY reason I use windows.


Problem is Linux doesn’t “just work” for most users and requires knowledge they don’t want to learn.
Microsoft = public company= Gates owns 1.38% of Microsoft.

He isn’t making any decisions there.