Guided rockets are joke

What is point of having guided rockets if you dont balance them for years?

Good luck being in top 3 if you have guided rockets. Good luck hitting someone “without” any counter measure. Agility of rockets are also joke.

Now what? Introduce new weapons and dont balance guided rockets. Waiting update for very long time for nothing.

You have flying rocket guided build and guy with freaking whirlwind from long range can start hitting you…

What is the point???

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there is no point in having guided rockets in the game, same as lances walkers and rotors. devs love adding random shit

Depends entirely on the rockets.

Hurricanes and pyres are easy to dodge. Always have been. They are better than they were but the flock made them utterly useless. If you do manage a hit though dual hurricanes still do around 1000 damage… on par with triple crickets. Not bad for not even having to aim.

Trombone and Nest are a friggin nuisance, they seem to be able to chase you round the map round corners, turn around and circle you if you are a heli… Even with the Flock you will always get hit. I hate dealing with them and refuse to play helis in certain PS just because of them. For the daft Battle for Uranium where rotors are allowed I’m gonna run 6 trombones just to make a point.

They used to be able to do some damage, but then with armor changes or whatever they did when they took away the missile hit damage from them really just nerfed them to the ground, especially with how ineffective explosive damage has been for quite some time now

It does seem unrealistic to have autocannon rounds with greater distance than rockets.

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low skill = low reward

I used to run 5 pyres, but back them players were slow… had them split to 3 different buttons and a chord to un-cloak enemies after bait shots… it was fun, pretty hard… but now everyone is too fast to hit.

I feel like I used pyre rockets in a smart way compared to most, but you gotta get with the times to some degree, do what you can but come to terms with reality.


I feel that melee completely destroys this argument


I still use pyres (and hurricanes); the damage is not spectacular, but is good enough for PVE missions.

They sometimes work in PVP. Since everyone believes “nobody is gonna use rockets”, they don’t add antirocket defenses, and when the rockets come in, they’re SOL.

No, because people dont think.

The skill of melee revolves around getting to their target. Yeti aside, if a melee gets you… then they already did the hard part.

Funny thing is a well built guided missile build can still be competitive, meta no, competitive yes. And that there in is the problem.

Most weapons are built around their optimal use cab combos, reload modules, ETC… most players are to dumb to do that.

Take the tow. if used uptimally with the right cab and modules it can be an MvP machine upto 16k But in the hands of an average player it barely works in 9k. And that is just down to using the wrong modules to buff it or using the wrong cab.

Same is with the pyres, useing a dusk cab, legendary reload, and doppler allows you to be a high damage beast able to blow builds in half upto 12k. but just changing one of those reduces your effective PS range. but not always example a spider is a good ground to air cab for missile use, especially if you h ave the legendary reload and trombones for a first hit.

Another thing missiles require more then anything else is target recognition. way to many players will waste half their vollies on a guy with doves or an argus, when they could easily change target and blow a build in half.

The weapons are not bad, most the players that use them are.

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Melee is also hard countered by heavier tracks of all things. which is funny seeing some melee brick hit the Goliath build and said goliath just backs up and pins them to a wall while point blanking them with cannons.

Also melee builds can be easily countered by low placed bumpers in most cases. That said melees main counter is map awareness, and the fact most melee players drive in a strait line and are relying on the fact 5 out of the 8 players on teh enemy team will focus them allowing their team easy kills.

Melee isn’t in the bat balance arguement do to well it is a build type that can either be the weakest member of the team or the strongest depending on who is behind the wheel.

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Nah all those things end up just being pushed and slowly cut into, heavy legs and grinders are the only real hard counters to melee imo.


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It’s still low skill, nothing changed… are you ok?

Rocket has no problem. AP cannon is a bigger menace.

But melee attacks are the worst. This is basically just a repurposed version of the infamous WT ramming spam. If you get attacked from the side, mass, friction and vectors make it impossible to escape. Furthermore, the vehicle will lift up and enemies will slide underneath, causing the vehicle to become uncontrollable. Most weapons cannot aim downwards, so you cannot counterattack.

So when it comes to melee weapons, it’s a system issue, not a skill issue. Proof of this is the fact that the top rankings in match results are dominated by melee weapon users.

Low skill, but you quit using rockets because you can’t hit anyone, since people are too fast… are you ok?

I never stopped for that reason, but keep twisting words on a dead forum no one comes to, literal worm

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Lowskill weapon should have low results, simple


Tell me that you never played melee without directly telling me that you never played melee

Call me names all you want if it makes you feel better but, they were your words.