Guns with too big of downsides

Another fine example of a gun that just absolutely sucks is Gungnir

The perk, increased accuracy but at the cost of firing rate, is achievable with any machine gun by tap firing, without having the drawback of a slowing rate of fire, making every machine gun a better gungnir than the gungnir itself.

Then one might wonder, how about a longer range spray and pray support build? Well, all miniguns do that, and more better than the gungnir even if they are less accurate, and they can just directly attack an enemy instead of being purely background support fire.

Think about using gungnirs to shoot off guns? All tap firing machine guns and plain miniguns do that better than the gungnir. Think about using them on a fast moving vehicle while constantly firing? All miniguns and other machine guns with tap firing do that better, since being constantly on the move puts you close enough to the enemy that the supposed accuracy of a gungnir can be ignored all together.

The only way Gungnirs would be even remotely viable in any way would be if super accurate tap firing was removed all together from all machineguns. Gungnirs are as powerless as youā€™d imagine machine guns to be against things like huge cannons and such.

Even playing a piercer build and tap firing is a better accuracy machine gun than a gungnir, it just does not have any damage to speak of, and all machine guns are already highgly accurate.

I think itā€™s the perfect example of how the devs are incompetent at designing new things into the game. Simply put all machine guns are already extremely accurate, to the point that an ā€œAccuracy Machinegunā€ is a moot point, especially because they try to justify the super accuracy with lacking damage and performance


Another weapon/cabin with a huge downside is the Cerberus, and it has nothing to do with damage dealt or taken. Their damage resistance bonus is a move to the right direction, but more than that I struggle with the awkward shape of the weapon and the cabin itself.

If you try to deal any damage with it, usually your own build ends up climbing over the enemy, even if it was not wedge shaped at all, rather than drilling into it and through that deals not much damage. I think this is because of the stupid awkward little part below the drill that prevents the use of any bumpers beneath the damage dealing part.

Another problem is that the top is closed, so if an enemy somehow climbs over you, you once again deal absolutely no damage.

So what you have is a meelee weapon that needs you to drive into an enemy to deal damage, but if you drive into an enemy you slip over or under the enemy and deal no damage at all as the drill is not in contact with the enemy.


Itā€™s a bit tricky to build with cerebus, but Iā€™ve come up with good ways of combining other active melee with it in ways that donā€™t always climb builds.
Just takes some patience and experimentation.
You have to treat the drill as just an additional weapon to a full melee build, not as a primary weapon.

You can put a harvester under it, which stops the climbing. You can also put Lacerators on either side, with some passive melee under the drill to prevent climbing. Itā€™s just a matter of testing and tweaking.

Yeah, but when trying to make builds where you would really need the cerberus to function as an actual third weapon (basically a skinner dual charybdis build with juicy modules like daze and chameleon) it really does not work that well, to the point that a Tusk might work a lot better on it rather than a Cerberus out of just pure ramming damage rather than trying to fiddle around with the Cerberusā€™s own meelee weapon and failing

If it absolutely needs a harvester or similar meelee weapon (the wide purple chainsaw rather than the long one) mounted specifically beneath it just to function at what it is supposed to do, Iā€™d count that as a failure in general on the part.


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s good, just pointing out that itā€™s not nearly as useless as you were painting it out to be. There are better cabins to use with a module-heavy build, but cerebus can be satisfying if you go full melee and build smart.

Regarding avalanche practice you could training with my buildsā€¦and give me feedback

Under my own experiences with it Iā€™d say itā€™s as useless as I feel like it is

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A bit in the same topic and I donā€™t feel like making an entirely new thread for it, has anyone seen any Yokai in combat after they lost their missile impact damage or whatever it was called, and armor changes?

They used to be around in almost all powerscores 8000 and upwards, but I donā€™t see any around at all on the PC, they seem all but gone. And I donā€™t blame it though, ever since the armor update and loss of missile impact damage I havenā€™t used mine at all, they just donā€™t do any damage now, and it feels like the bottoms of builds tank their explosions extra well, then again everything seems to have +9000 in explosion resistance after the armor update. I think it kinda could count as a failed weapon as direct hits, already powerless were made even less powerful to the point of it being like trying to use just a few trombones to deal damage, and while the underbuild explosion was extra deadly before the armor update, now it just does not do much anything even with perfect hits, even against hovers and spiders



How can a gun so flashy spamming little grenades all over the place do no actual damage, like I shoot a full on Seal+Chill, both fused for extra, worth of Thresher grenades at an enemy build uninterrupted and it manages to do absolutely no damage at all, maybe 2 structure parts blown off at most, no guns or movement parts damaged, no matter what kind of a build I am facing, even if you shoot it from the sides or into their backs or at the guns themselves

It just does no damage at all

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Yeah Yokai seems to shoot peas now. The fact that Gerrida is the new meta and that movement parts had massive powercreep over the last two years doesnā€™t help it.

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Further testing on the cerberus makes me think that the biggest downside of this cabin is the same as in Ghost, bad power and lacking top speed.

I struggle to chase the simplest of Omni wheeled builds on this thing, even with sabbath feels in full perk and most of my structural parts gone so I am not too heavy by any means

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Cerbs are not actually that bad I use it often, Iā€™m a cerb shotgun driver itā€™s a daily driver for me and have a few different versions of it. People often have issues with it because it often jumps up while grinding on targets. This can be fixed with a few parts under the grinder to act as a catcher. Similar the top of the grinder can sometimes get stuck on targets and keep it from making contact. Thatā€™s something I wish they would fix on the actual model of it though. They need to move the grinding head forwards by 1 to 2 pins in length so it extends past the top of the snout. Thatā€™s really the only issue I have with it.

I donā€™t find it lacking in speed or power though and normally chase things down fine. Best upgrade for it would be the new +3kph one along with the Dmg resist and toss an averter on it to soak more dmg. I use that to up the survivability of my fuel tank on my fueler version.

If your on PC just find and shoot me a message and I can show you a how Iā€™ve set mine up if your having issues with yours.



Cerb works good with a harvester or chainsaw under it. 2 levels of grinding. Gotta use tormentor. Otherwise, noperz.

Gungirā€™s ā€œseemā€ (no proof) to also gain penetration as they narrow their aim. I get lots of pops riding the overheat thresh hold with them. That being said, I donā€™t use them much past 5.5k. At that point, others outshine them imo.

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COUGH! Stillwind perk

Stillwind already performs amazing even without a perk, not to mention already has the perk of it being an autocannon (exploding bullets) so I donā€™t think itā€™s a failed weapon at all, I even see some players playing it with stealth and making good use of the perk, but even then it does not even need the stealth to do good. I canā€™t call a gun failed if it can be played great by multiple people even when ignoring the perk


These guns really have everything wrong with them. For starters they donā€™t perform well at long or medium range, or at facehugging distance. They are so heavy and so slow to charge to fire that you canā€™t do any kind of facehugging or hit and run gameplay with them, which possibly is their intended purpose based on the perk, which is also rather worthless. Even with it, they do way too much self damage to use them in any way on a build where you take the self damage.

It just has nothing going for it, not even damage when compared to things like Locust or Cricket.

Bad firing mechanism for a limited angle super bullet drop weapon you want to brawl at close range with, bad perk all around suggesting a self damaging gameplay which is yet another case of devs totally play their own game, and too heavy, slow to fire, slow to reload, and too little range to make any good use of the hp it has. No matter if itā€™s on Omnis, hovers, wheels, tracks, legs, if you play medium range, close range, facehug, hit and run, low ps, high ps, Crickets and Locusts do everything this gun tries to do but better, with better accuracy and better damage output. And usually any build with three of these is in the same PS as dual Waltz builds or triple crockets and locusts, and the Helicons for the wallet warriors. If the intended purpose of these is to be a facehug rocket, I find that a horseshoe Locust build does that but with way better survivability, less self damage and a better dps and damage output. If itā€™s intended to be used at any kind of a range, all rockets do better

Extra points on being a huge part as well, making building with it a chore

if you can hit something with them though it hits like a truck.

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Snowfalls canā€™t be too bad, I can kill people with them and they are not fused.

Jorgs seem very underwhelming for a relic.

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I find even that to be lacking, outside test range test objects and against real builds even when you manage to deliver a near perfect shot, the punch isnā€™t that great. Especially for the cost of it, any other rocket delivers more damage by being able to shoot/reload faster and being a lot more user friendly in all ways. It takes too much to make them hit like a truck, and even when they do the damage is lacking and you could have done way better with 2 volleys of crickets or 3-4 volleys of locusts, which are much more easier to deliver onto a target

Snowfalls can be very accurate, once you get used to the bullet drop. As a result, a good shot can land all the missiles into a target, which is devastating.
Snowfalls are very difficult, but there is a payoff if you get good at them.

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