Guns with too big of downsides

Yet Crickets and Locusts are already very accurate without the need for any getting used to a bullet drop, with the added bonus of perks that actually boost the damage output of the weapon itself, delivering much more devastation than the Snowfall can pull off even on the best of days.

At best the payoff with snowfalls is the same as medium success and skills with the other two, not to mention a good triple snowfall build goes right into the same PS range as double waltz and triple locust/crickets, but those three can run way more support modules as well due to the 5 energy cost of snowfalls, once again making it just bad

There is a huge difference between the spread of crickets and snowfalls. Get a bit of distance and it’s very unlikely that every cricket will hit the target. With snowfalls, you can land every rocket.

Not saying snowfalls are better, but if someone dedicates themselves to them for a while they can perform much better than you describe.

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crickets arent reliable though. they are a mixed bag at best. at range you can either hit 20 - 60% of the rockets per cricket. thats 3 rockets minimum and 9 rockets max, range hurts the cricket more then it helps it. and do not tell me youll land every shot because someone has to be running a build the size of mars for all those rockets to hit. most of the time your only going to get a partial hit at best. locusts are laughably weak in terms of durability. yeah they can hit hard with a volley but thats all youll get out before they are all shot off. you sneeze near those things and they fall off. they are frail and a glass cannon at best.

you do know that crickets are 5 energy to… right…? so they run the same issue with snowfalls in terms of energy.

yeah snowfalls can be unreliable to at times, but with practice they can be devastating. seriously if you can get used to that bullet drop then you got it made.

its like i mentioned above. your at most going to land 20 - 60% of the rockets fired off a cricket and most of the time alot of the rockets wont hit. so 3 - 9 rockets not all the rockets will hit. out of 15 rockets your only looking at about half hitting at best.

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Um. I think this is your problem. Snowfalls are for face hugging, shouldn’t be far from your target.

They’re good for face hugging, but if you want to get the most out of them you should spend some time practicing them at medium and long range too. A full volley crashing down on someone’s roof is deeply satisfying and devastating.
Just don’t waste your time trying to hit moving targets at longer ranges, unless you’re really good at predicting movement.


Or, unless you have a Spider cab. It transforms Snowfall into a long range threat that Waltz and Locust will never achieve and Crickets can only accomplish through fusion and spam.

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Face hugging to me is from right up close to ~50m. Not sure where medium distance comes in.
I throw them on a dog build with a pusher in front.

If the majority of the guns perform badly and only a few of the guns perform good,
For game balance and fairness it’s only reasonable to reduce the effectiveness of those few guns that everybody seems to be using.

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The devs have created a game where there are some basic weapons that are relatively easy to use, and then a bunch of other weapons that require more practice and/or ingenuity.

I don’t believe that is a problem, but rather one of the things that make the game great.

I’ve played lots of MG builds over the years, because sometimes I’m lazy. They are stronger now than they used to be, but they’re only approaching OP when used on very specific builds. But I would be bored playing the game on easy mode all the time. I get much more of a thrill playing underpowered weapons and figuring out how to make them work.

so lets all agree WE need a Hard mode/Friendly fire and see the skills we all have… :crazy_face:

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Honestly, any gun that can’t fire repeatedly at a fast enough pace, even f it does insane damage. It feels like in general all reloading weapons suffer compared to continuous damage type weapons, to the point that all reloading weapons that do good, only do so when instead of trying to go damage per shot you focus on being able to reload fast and fire repeatedly

For example Waltz, I find that if I try to lean into boosting the damage with whatever, for raw examples a Harpy cabin build or Ghost, it does not do good. But then when I go full reloading and firing rate, like a flywheel deadman or hadron build, I find them farming MVPs left and right as I can almost continuously spam rockets, rather than a single volley of rockets delivering any serious damage, even though on paper they should absolutely destroy enemies with a single volley.

Drilling into a build is much more effective that trying to blast parts off of a build

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I’ve played my GL-55’s maybe 5 games total after they were buffed. I had lots of fun before making them work to the point I could MVP regularly. So there is something to be said about a bit of a challenge.

Already exists, its called CW’s. I might try a Friendly Fire mode, but it’s not really something I feel is needed in game.

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More like cheese mode if it’s anything like confrontation

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It’s all Cheese buil… errr META builds! Doesn’t really matter what mode tbh.

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they do. more specifically cannons.
fuze drones also suffer to, 30 second cooldown is far to much. i remember when the cheetah was really good, its like that 30 seconds meant nothing.

another weapon that suffers is the owl and the anaconda. they are just terrible.

quasar is bad to. you have to be so precise with that bullet cause if you dont hit then your sol. the perk is useless if you cant hit something dead on from across the map.

the phoenix isnt to bad of a weapon either. the damage is very high if they dont notice that arrow hitting their vehicle. in pve its really good as some builds just melt if you hit them in the right spot. id say the only downside to these is their a big target and they take a bit to reload. but other then that they do hit hard.

the TOW is kind of useless imo. the fact you leave your build so vulnerable during its flight is a bad thing. not to mention its useless in raids and the only time its played is in pvp though not often. it needs a bit more flight time to.

hurricanes are useless in many cases. tons of people run invisibility and so many weapons counter rockets. not to mention they reload so slowly.

tempuras useless. you got to be right up in someones grill to get off the damage, on top of this theres a delay with a small time frame to do damage.

enlightenment is useless, idk anyone who uses this. it costs 1 energy to run which makes it not worth it. you got the verifier which decloaks people and has a radar on it to help sense people nearby.

It goes exactly where you aim it if you actual stop and aim that’s not the real problem. The problem with the quasar has been and still is the projectile speed is too slow and easy to spot. Even with one upgraded for projectile speed there is a huge chance what you’re shooting at will notice it coming and move before the projectile gets there.

That being said I actually enjoy playing them some times especially against bots as they could care less if there’s a big ball of plasma headed right for them. There’s a few people I’ve talked to about them that are horrified of any mention of projectile speed increases on them as it took them a long time to learn how much to lead ahead of a moving target to hit them.

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I’m going to be the 4th (at least, didn’t read further so far) person to disagree with you here. Wanna point out that epic rockets are my highest weapon badge stack. I did play Crickets and my Kaiju has a Trombone so I’m not saying it’s all Snowfalls, but I basically played no homing BS, and Snowfall is most certainly my #3-5 most used weapon.

I disagree with pretty much every point you brought up :innocent:, so lets go in order:
-Perfect accuracy at range when you’re not moving. PERFECT. Still very good while moving.
-They work exactly like Tempuras for “facehugging”. Both weapons need to be prefired early enough to avoid taking self/ram damage. Nobody’s complaining about Tempuras.
-Hit and run is their strongest point considering they have some of the highest burst in the game, and mediocre DPS.
-You can just recess them in your build like Fortunes if you can’t be bothered to time it right.
-Its damage is brutal. Outside of Forts or Porcs, nothing deals that much explosive damage in a single volley. Crickets deal less damage at close range, and can’t land the whole volley at long range.
-Limited angle? it’s basically 170° with MG-levels of traverse speed >.>. Most explosive turreted weapons turn so slow you have to box them and limit their firing angle to 20° or something.
-You can use the perk to ram opponents and self-damage yourself, or you can take it as a bonus against melees who ram you frontally. Your choice.

They’re big and heavy tho, that is true.


You just made me want to fuse my harpy and get back into Snowfalls.

The thing with them (and most of the less used weapons) is that they really demand that you put time into learning their specific quirks.

Do you typically play triple or dual Snowfalls? And what cabins do you like? I haven’t tried Hadron with them, but seems like it would work well. I usually do harpy for dual builds, but they’re a bit too heavy for triple builds on that cabin.


I mostly play a triple Snowfall Harpy (fused for power). Apollo, cloak, hot red, 4 hermits.

Charging weapons get less benefits from reloading bonuses than other weapons. It’s not horrible for Snowfalls since their reloading time >>> their charging time, but on the other hand they have pretty mediocre DPS so you’re going to lose against a Hadron Locust/Waltz/Cricket.
I’d suggest maximizing their hit and run potential. Phobos/Falcon are probably the best copilots. It’s hard to suggest an epic cab besides Harpy for triple, but Beholder would probably be great to get that extra energy point. Triple Snowfall is a big no on heavy cabs, but I guess you can sort of go dual on them. Still don’t think it’s better than Harpy tbh, 1 more energy, much faster, much smaller.


Beholder was what I used to use for triple builds, but I’m curious about how the new Steppe perk might work with them. Hoping there’s a cabin fuse event soon so I can upgrade my Harpy for cheap.