High skill vs weak build

To be fair, it’s only one person saying wheels are OP and too hard to destroy, and that forum member also thinks that carjacks are OP.

So I think most of us agree with you.

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You started a thread about how they need to be nerfed.
Anything that needs to be nerfed is by definition OP. And you lost your temper several times in that thread when people didn’t agree with you. Sure sounds like you think they are OP to me.

This forum seems extra salty lately, and about odd things too. This game has some issues, but car jacks isn’t one, IMO.

That’s probably way over the top. The moderators already deleted one toxic thread this morning, so can we please try to avoid this kind of rhetoric? Please?

On the bright side, throughout all the mean posts getting dropped lately, there sure has been a conspicuous lack of flagging…hmmmm, I wonder why :thinking:

Im really tired of people who want to call me that guy after they fail to put up any sort of logical opposing view. “Thats the lone idiot that said carjacks r op lolol.” Thats how poony’s messages read. Its dull, underhanded and passive aggressive coming from some1 with no logic.
The game was absolutely fine with 1 energy jacks for nearly a decade. Making them free totally removed flipping over as a consequence for bad build design and poor driving. Its just a further trend towards dumb gameplay. I can talk about carjacks and wheels or I can be the 3000th person to talk about bricks, dogs, hovers, shotguns or whatever else.

Have you read your own posts?
If you stopped resorting to slurs and insults whenever people didn’t agree with you, maybe I wouldn’t mock your complaints?

Every single build I make has passive melee on it. How could I win a match after being degunned without it? It is not like they weigh a lot.
I have won the game with my incinerator johobo build after being degunned by ramming. I ram melee that are on allies any time I see it.

You can choose not to use passive melee, but that is your choice and the lack of options is yours and yours alone to deal with at that point.