Hovers are one of the most polarizing items in the game. Some love them while others loath them. I’ve heard stories that many players quit when Hovers were first introduced.
I heard that too,I think you can find a graphic on internet for the amount of player in the game, over the years.
If I can keep up with and overtake hovers on this. Consistently and constantly
Then your just going to have to face the fact that you can’t build or drive for crap. This cohort can reach 77-80km max. And I’m catching up to and ramming hovers over and over again with it. And yes I can do it to diamond players too… LoL.
Your a joke dude. Be more humble. You won’t get gud the way your acting. If you want to get gud you have to understand your mistakes and how to fix them. You already think your the best, and now you’ll wallow in sub mediocrity because of it.
The problem with hovers is that the faster ones cheat human reaction time and they have zero throttle delay when changing directions, so they universally shit on every build that cannot corner them. When the vast majority of alpha strike weapons cannot turn fast enough to aim at them there is a problem with their acceleration.
They also do not flip over, and because of their suspension, hovers are the only movement part that can accurately fire slow turning weapons while sailing over bumpy/glitchy terrain at 85 km/h. If you hit a little lump with a grounded cannon build just before you fire, you will whiff. They cannot be wedged on top of a build unless a hover hook is used either.
that is entirelly false, a hover can flip over, and when one does, it is phisically impossible to “un-flip” it, not even by other players.
It happen every 10000 matches.
Hovers have a hard speed cap of 75kph, not 85. Hovers are easy to beat - i showed 8 ways that i just though on that spot AND use ranged weapons…you dont have to face hugs to beat them
Hovers can reach more than 75 kph and they accelerate faster than the wheels.
We all know that xbox is outdated, no skilled players with outdated builds. Move on dude, adapt or die
Yup. I can even flip over a light cab hover with walztes if I drive under their build and hit it right on The front underside with a volley
Lol, this was the dark ages of Crossout. No one wants the 5 hover days back.
Just because you can’t hover does not mean they need ruin it for everyone that can.
I see wheels, bigrams and hovers in CWs. So if anything tracks need a buff.
you talk more than you play.
I’m at work I get payed to be here.
Maybe you have heard of work?
I’m not from France.
good lord save my favorite game.
if you are really pay to be here ,can you give suggestions for the game instead to always say: keep everything in the game the way it is.
So since you obviously don’t know how to read, I will quote my first reply to you below. Which I already suggested changes that would help your issue with hovers. I just didn’t suggest “your” changes.
very bad suggestions the game will be worse.
Good thing my suggestion got more likes then any of your posts. Some of us know what the real issue is.