that’s why the game is dying.
you guys don’t even play above 10 k lobby , you can’t tell the problem in this PS lobby. Like me i can’t tell the problems in tin league or bronze league . Or in pvp below 10k lobby because i don’t play in this matchmakings , soo i can’t argue about caucasus too OP , rapier too weak , grenadier too OP in tin league . Or suggest a new rarity like (special) for people who struggles to get coins, because it’s not my case.
You guys remember my topic : The troll in the forum are ruining the game?
you guys really think 88 kph is slower 75 kph good lord save crossout . After that you guys complain about the dev left the forum.
Prove it, show the video
how can i show the speed of my opponents?
They need to be able to compare your video to ones that they will make.
Do one with the build your talking about, a video of it driving straight out your garage from the point you log in till you get to max speed of your car.
It is easy to compare videos using the edge of the garage door speed as a marker. And length of video helps for timing.
use opponent vehicle
You can use one from the exhibition.
Those top 5 clans enjoy playing hovers… they are top 5 not because hovers are OP, but because they are simply better. You are complaining because you are worse than them.
I’ve got a few vids edited up for later use. Of me catching and keeping pace to hovers with a cohort. And I’m going about 80km and keeping pace no problem. If frank ever shares any vids to try and prove his point I imagine I won’t be the only one who shares a vid to prove him wrong. Then he will just cry lies, or whatever nonsense and ignore blatant proof hes very wrong.
Ferrari can’t catch a hover at 88. But I can do it at 80. Dude is such a joke. Someone teach this guy about power fusions and movement part fusions. Dudes playing four years and still has no clue.
I’m sure that’s why you will not see him post a video.
Don’t build your hover like a pancake or else it will never right itself. There is a critical angle, and the closer you are to being flat upside down, the less likely you will right yourself. The only times I have ever been flipped while playing hovers is if I get pushed off a cliff by another build, or if I reversed off a cliff while firing typhoons. Otherwise hovers do not flip anywhere near as often as anything else. Its so rare its nothing anybody plans or builds around.
Not really , hover are op . If those players will be on goliath ,they will be at top 80.
if the hover is stuck in a tree😂.
i don’t post video because it’s a waste of time ,because you always do bad reply.
i agree
Goliath tracks? Lol. No smart player is using Goliath tracks in clanwars. You’ll get trashed on.
I don’t feel like waiting. I’ll share a video now.
Hey look frank. My cohort build has no trouble keeping pace with a hover.
Am I magic? Nope. I just know how to actually build a build.
Why because they are slow, not like hover super fast.