Hover speed need to be nerf

Because 8 is not enough

one train plow on front.

i know ,but i need mass. But when iā€™m full throttle 88 kph there is no reason a hover should be faster than me. Top speed is top speed.

HAHAHA - you are a TANK chasing down a hoverā€¦done. My 3300 durability build only used 7 wheels??

You cannot be heavy, SLOW accelerating and expect to keep up with smaller, faster accelerating builds. You will take a week to get to top speedā€¦

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no. Worthless comment,You clearly know top speed is speed. Side by side 88 kph should faster than 75 kph.

i canā€™t on my build , the enemies will focus my wheel to take me down.

8 wheel builds are generally way too slow for me. Also, how are people shooting off all your hermits? Are you standing still most of the time?

On the contrary. Ferrari trolled you rubes good :upside_down_face: :popcorn:


No, some people on Xbox have very suspect accuracy.

this topic isnā€™t a troll.

How many non-ST wheels are you using? If itā€™s all ST, your acceleration will be really bad with that many wheels.

I have 2 non-st.

But the topic is about TOP SPEED. Iā€™m complaining about when iā€™m going 88 kph full throttle in a straight line, i should be faster than a 75 kph hover.

or justā€¦ you knowā€¦ learn how to aimā€¦ lol

it was an EXAMPLE. he was using a blight with 4 light wheels for gaining speed quickly.

firebugs for noobs, breakers are for noobs as wellā€¦ well before they got nerfed (lol). seriously if you have to use a fire dog build you have no skill. all it is is drive up and hold the fire button till their dead. no skill there. breakers are the same thing. but im laughing at the nerf they got for range. imo they had far to much range with to much damage output. i rarely seen people use kings either. i want to get mine back but im not paying 2500 coin for it :unamused:

i fused my 6 bigfoot wheels for less power drain and i noticed that my car gets up to speed a bit faster. but idk if your having trouble strap 2 reapers on your build and shoot backwards till your hugging their faces.

seriously stop replying to him, he refuses to show proof, he refuses to show anything or back his arguement, its a waste of time to keep argueing with someone who has nothing to do but troll others.

yes, yes it is. you cant provide proof, you refuse to screenshot, you refuse to show your vehicle because ā€œim to scared to cause others might steal my terrible and not fast build that i cant catch hovers withā€ your clearly a troll whos doing this on purpose. can a mod finally close this thread please?

I will give you the point of hovers having better acceleration, but are you also trying to claim that the speedometers are lying?
Also, why am I still posting in this thread when the trolling is so transparent?

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no, iā€™m claiming the speedometer is not accurate.

Will you abandon this fantasy if I test it in the garage with the speed test module and post the video?


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speed module, what you talking about?

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