Hover speed need to be nerf

400 th , reply :tada::sparkles::confetti_ball:

TADA… :tada:


I think maybe it’s called Skill Test or something? It’s a tool you can use in the range to test the time it takes to get between a start and finish line. I could also test strafe VS forward on hovers, if that would clear up that concept.

Yeah, at this point I’m just encouraging the nonsense, although it occurred to me that maybe lurker new players might benefit from some visual proof that this is just nonsense trolling.

Yeah - he is celebrating 400th reply to this is Purely Trolling.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have a decent conversation rather than people just trying to get noticed?

404 reply - isn’t that an error code…lol…


Ok , which car is faster , the first car with 1200 horse power going 75 kph or the second car with 500 horse power going 88 kph . Which car is going faster?

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