Hovers out of control

Lol so true, hover players when confronted with the fact hovers are OP:

JuSt BuFf eVeRyThInG ElSe iN tHe GaMe



The developers have for some strange reason attempted to add to much realism into this game and thus hurt the fun that this game once had. This is a post-apocalyptic road warrior type game. Realism should not be the goal.

Return the hovers back to the way they were. The rock-paper-scissors (hovers-melee-canons) approach was a good balance. Introducing realism has caused this game to no longer be fun. I stopped playing a month ago, but am still holding out hope that with the games continued decline the developers will reverse course soon.


Idk my win rate but I almost always place in the top 3 and get fuel, and I create my own builds w/o the exhibition and I avoid cookie cutter meta. Hovers are flat out overpowered, they have been since they got added. They dominate the market and have done so for years. When supercharged first came out they were at a steady 600 coins for a few days and are at 560 atm. At CW scale they have the best acceleration, as many spaced armor layers as anything else, and they have enough speed to Race wheeled players to key map areas due to their linear acceleration, whereas everything else has a logarithmic acceleration curve.
At HO scale they accelerate fast enough to their top speed to be a legal form of cheating. Combining 200ms human reflexes, aim, weapon traverse, ballistics, and latency means you aren’t hitting a light hover that wants to avoid fire without luck or some kind of op dog that gives them the smallest chance possible for escaping. Even if I hit one of these dragonfly hovers, unless its an avalanche hit on the guns or behind their cab they are going to carry on like nothing happened.

All these people talking about a changing meta are the most blind hovertarts imaginable, they are sitting on 6+ fused 560 coin items that have been meta ever since they got added and are going to tell others to adapt. Adapt to the new frame and module layout meta? Fine. Scrap my entire build because the cab, movement parts, and weapons are unusable due to powercreep? Wobble off Targems knob cause they suck at balancing and clearly play favorites to dogs and hovers. Tell that to all the CW Bigfoot and small track users that had no choice but to get a set of sabbaths and hermits because Targem had to powercreep those out of the meta. Welp there goes 5+ fused epics down the drain cause they aren’t shit compared to fused hermits and sabbaths now.
This idea of adapting to garbage game balance is killing the game and hovers retard the games ability to grow with retained newbies.
Then they swarmed the forums like nest missiles when the devs were suggesting a hover nerf. Honestly fuck hover whales, I swear they got the devs by the balls financially.


I am struggling to understand how giving ground players multiple high speed options is a bad thing for ground players.
It wasn’t that long ago that Bigfoots were the only epic wheel (and small tracks were much less stable than now). That was not fun, and was a big part of why I mostly played lower PS builds back then. I liked the look of Bigfoots, but I always found them too sluggish, and I hated that every wheeled build in high PS had to be built around them.
The introduction of hermits, buggy wheels, omniwheels, claw, and Sabbath, not to mention the small tracks changes has made the game so much better for anybody playing fast ground builds.
It’s not like your fused Bigfoots are a waste: there are still lots of applications for them, but now you have a lot more viable options.


I think it’s because anything that is better and was later introduced has been taken as power creep rather then an actual improvement. An improvement in their mind would have been to simply eliminate the cause of their distress and to buff their existing movement parts.

Hermits and Sabbaths are not just a lower/higher speed option to bigfoots, they are just flat out better in every ratio. They are way more durable, they take less drain, they are ridiculously light, and they have universal perks. These wheels are just pure powercreep that wheel users think is necessary so they can compete with hovers and bigrams.

I tried sabbaths and didn’t like them. Their turning just doesn’t have the same feel as conventional wheels. And while I see lots of other people playing Sabbaths, I see lots of other wheels too. I’d rather use hermits or buggy wheels on most of my builds.
But hey, if you think Sabbaths are the best, play them.

From the exhibition it seems like people run a mixed bag of sabbaths and mostly hermits.

The Sabbaths aren’t bad it would be nice if the boost lasted longer though.

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I’m really into the buggy wheel perk these days. I also like how they’re easier to fit inside fenders and have more realistic car proportions.

I’ve used them a number of times on different builds, I like their perk. I had a tank track heather build that I hid two of the buggy wheels between the tracks to exploit the perk a bit to lower the recharge speed requirements.

I really like how they allow you to keep oppressor’s perk going at relatively low speed, which allows you to brawl with slow turning weapons that ordinarily wouldn’t work well on wheels or in close range situations. Helps Seals be a lot more efficient too, which can free up an energy point from my cooling setup in some builds to use on other modules.

Combined with the Aggressor, they’re amazing… When I’m feeling lazy, I’ll use that combo with minelayers and farm damage points. :crazy_face:

Wouldn’t Bigfoots be a better choice with Aggressor? Isn’t its perk distance based, not speed?

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I don’t care how they “balance” hovers. Just add a “No Hovers” game mode and let the community decide whom they wish to play with.


I have to agree, they did it with “Race” mode why not… You would have Hover mode and Wheel mode.

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You end up drastically splitting the player pools. Right now even if you select a different reward you still go into the same player pool its not an actual different mode other than what’s compensated via min ps via the match maker.


Why not? Because this change destroyed Race mode…

hovers destroyed good old races before that change occured bro…

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before the original change people raced. It might have been all hovers, but at least someone was doing it.