Hovers out of control

Those bots come in hot and dont miss


If I could be that deadly with retchers, I’d use nothing else.


I tried using Retchers for a few days in raids, and was like I prefer my MG’s :rofl:


I don’t really play raids, but when I do I can out DPS many reacher player without using reachers.

I first place with things like Cyclones.


I have 2 that are fused, the other 4 are not. They are 1200-1400 coins on Xbox, so… yeah I don’t play them so never finished upgrading them. I used the auger/porc boat and didnt have any fused anything on my Scorp build. I just recently fused them when 2.0 came out, there was a small lag and people sold them super cheap (like 1/4 price).

I agree, they have been meta since they were added. (I agree with many of your points in this post, I simply do not have any solutions to offer)

It depends on which faction your fighting and difficulty. Retchers are great against Steppenwolf on hard… Terrible against lunatics on easy. Small fast builds are all but impossible to hit.

Punishes are relics, right? You darn sure better be doing better! :wink:

I prefer miniguns against Dawn’s Brats… Those weapons pop like balloons.

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I don’t really like retchers in raids. people always blow up the dam bots right next to me and damage me. Or I get targeted by a dawns children that shields and lasers off one if I am using them.

There’s avenger and median hovers that have been driving some of the low PS nuts.

I’ve seen a few of the triple avenger ones, but not many medians. Regardless, they’re still the minority of builds that I see down there. Then again, one hover is too many hovers for some people.


The most obnoxious build I’ve seen at 8K is not a hover. It is triple fused Therm on Catalan with 4 fused Omni Wheels and a Seal. This build kills everything at the level. I play it with Jannabi and don’t feel right about doing it. The Jannabi version is overpowered. The Catalan version is obscene. Therms are a little bit out of control.


Therms are really strong, surprised more people don’t play them.


I mounted them under a build using the new tracks. They’re my fave autocanons… Good range, great damage, easy to build with, acceptably durable, balanced PS… What’s not to love?

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Lol :rofl: maybe because they needed them to craft in the event :rofl: