Hovers out of control

Oh, it’s not just with hovers, and some have admitted the same. They don’t like X, but don’t use X.

If they used them, they might realize those parts aren’t so OP afterall.

I am curious to see how the hover nerfs work out with people who have been using them at high PSs, though.


You weren’t quoted out of context, and what was quoted echoes what I’ve said, even if you disagree with what you posted.

You have your options.

ok. maybe he meant to say something else so we now might have a bunch of replies to a question and statement nodody even asked and made. but its cool, doesnt really matter, youre right. kind of suits this forum anyhow. i can pretend its my opinion to keep the ball rolling if youd like.

I left it kind of ambiguous because the premise of complaining about the part often is just that. Plus it amused me a little. There’s also a inability to ever please a never hover player too, no matter how tough a nerf on a part could be they just don’t want them to exist.

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Just increase the power score of the Icarus parts - it’s not that difficult after all.

Icarus IV and Icarus VII (currently PS 220 [this is a joke]) for example to 620.

At about 6-8 jets per hover, that would be a hp increase of 2,400-3200, which I think would be enough for now.
This increase would be very moderate - it could also be 3,600-4,800 for sure. This would then correspond to an increase of the power score to 820 for Icarus IV and Icarus VII.

For comparison:
Omni (currently PS 250)
Bigfoot (currently PS 225)
Small tracks (currently PS 230)
Hardened track (currently PS 300)
Sleipnir (currently PS 370)
Armored track (currently PS 625)
Goliath (currently PS 1000)
Claw (currently PS 250)
Sabbath (currently PS 300)
ML 200 (currently PS 400)
Bigram (currently PS 360)

Now compare Goliath (PS 1000) with Icarus (PS 220).
4 Icarus (PS 880) would be less ‘valuable’ than one Goliath chain (PS 1000). So 2 Goliaths (PS 2000) would be ‘worth’ as much as 9 Icarus.

This is really a pretty bad joke.

Powerscores scores directly from game (not in Crossout DB [drastic differences for Icarus from 420 and 550 to now 220]): 2023-02-07

See also

Raising the powerscore for them probably isn’t a bad idea but it probably wouldn’t help much with some exceptions of really low PS.

My little quad boxed hover that I enjoy pve with generally comes in around 9.7k adding 400 to 800 ps (which would be the same as adding 100-200 ps per hover) to it wouldn’t change anything as far as what I generally play against. If I was using 8-12 hovers would see something like 12000-2400ps increase but even that probably will not have much effect either.

Dropping the speed of the Icarus VII by 5km and then another 5km if needed should be tried I think. This would make them much more catchable by people playing omni wheels which I think are a good counter-hover movement part. Lowering the speed much more than that would kind of suck the fun right out of them though.

Unfortunately from what I’ve read from often the complaints are from cannon and track players. There isn’t a lot that hasn’t been tried already to try to make the obvious miss match more plateable to them. I was think some type of heavy omnitrack might be good though as an attempt to give them a maneuverable option. I’d suggested this before the basis for a CK for meat grinder but the concept would also work well as some type of omni armored track system. Provided it got enough HP and provided some extra protection near where it mounts to frames it might work well. These could also be done in a few different sizes so they could mirror the size span of small tracks and upwards to the larger tank tracks.

I played a few hover killer builds around 9kPS today, but I couldn’t find enough hovers to try them on.

High PS is a different story, which makes me think raising the PS won’t do much.

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The worst part about trying to test hover killer builds is the PS puts you in an area where hovers are few but tracks abound. You gotta team up with a high PS build to really do it well.

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I think I’m going to get a second harvester, see if I can get my hover killer builds up into the right PS to find enough prey.
On the bright side, this also means that people who are angry about hovers don’t have to reduce their PS that much to find a range where they aren’t dominant.

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I have tried dual Harvesters multiple times. I’ve never been very pleased. They’re simply too fragile. When you hit an explosive bit, you lose a harvester. They end up feeling like Giant lancelot. I also noticed in battles where there are multiple bots, Harvesters are all but useless against them. At that powerscore many of the Bots are on ml200s or covered in train plows. By the time your Harvesters get through that, you are dead.

I haven’t tried them in a while, so if you are successful let me know. Vertical Harvesters look hilarious. I love them.

How so?

You said you had to go to 9k right?

The average build a high PS players plays is about 14k - 18k PS

So basically we have to delete half our build.

I mean that high PS is full of hovers, but that you don’t have to go to really low PS to escape that.
At 9kPS, I’m still using all epic and legendary parts, but not encountering that many hovers. There are at least a few brackets below that range where hovers are even rarer.

It’s not like I’m deliberately trying to build at that PS range. It’s more that I’m not using many wheels to maximize my speed and acceleration, so my PS doesn’t get that inflated. But if I’m building a spider or hover, the same weapons and modules will put me up around 15kPS.

Basically, my wheeled builds usually end up close to 10kPS without trying to lower the PS. If I used more wheels, it would be a different story.

Anyway, my feeling is that anyone playing at 15kPS shouldn’t be crying about anything being OP, as you’re at the level where matchmaking does little, and everyone is maxing out their builds. You should expect to see lots of hovers up there. If you don’t want to face lots of hovers, reduce your PS to the “safe zone”, where matchmaking does more to give you a fairer fight.

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I think one of the biggest problems with hovers is that they can wield most weapons more effectively than ground builds. Weapons like Scorpion and Punisher can seem lackluster on ground vehicles; however, they can be lethal when mounted on a hover.

I’ve seen them effectively use cannons as well. IMO opinion, Hovers should have no business using them ( I understand that Crossout isn’t realistic, but I still think the idea of an aircraft like a Helicopter/VTOL jet using 2 MBT guns is absurd)

I would like to see Hovers become a lot more susceptible to Impulse and Recoil. Limiting the weapons a hover can effectively use would allow other movement parts to shine with them.

It bugs me that at high PS when the amount of build diversity should be the highest, is dominated by a few build types.

This game offers us a huge variety of parts and creativity, but punishes us if we don’t use the meta.

Why should we see the most build diversity at high PS?
There are fewer high PS items, which greatly reduced variety at that level, not to mention that people tend to be more competitive at that level, so only the most powerful items of that smaller list get used much.
If you want build diversity, you’ll find it more at 9kPS, where anything from rares to relics get played.


They are still too afraid to properly nerf them because then even the hover players will stop throwing money at this game

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Well, other epic movement parts are the same rarity as hovers. Shouldn’t they be able to compete with them and not avoid them by playing at lower PS ranges?

What about CW where PS doesn’t matter?

That’s kind of my point: in CW and in high PS PvP, people just use whatever seems strongest, which is always going to be a small list compared to the much larger list of items that you would find at 9kPS. Once you get into the range where your PS is actually determining what you’re playing against, items that aren’t at the top of the heap can still work well, since anyone using the top performing items is going to have to compromise their build to get into that PS range.

Prior to nerfing wheels and bigrams, they were used often in high level CW, at least on playstation.

Omnis are becoming more common now.

They need to adjust the acceleration profile of non hover parts. Make them more responsive and we would be in a very good spot.

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Hovers, hover everywhere, to 3500 at 10k not that less, even better, team of hover to 3500 at 10k not that less. For a solo matchmaking yeah yeah put wheels solo against team hover we know the result. No real hover nerf in theses few years, less icarus ps, more icarus structure HP, or yoyo update, more hp less speed, more speed less hp. Try to learn how to balance a game and start to learn your community. Left theses veteran player who farm everything whith fused hovers.

Sometimes I really wonder if we’re playing the same game.
I really don’t see hovers being the most used movement part once you go below 10kPS.
Maybe it’s just the region I’m playing in, or maybe it’s the platform?
All I know is that my 9kPS hover killer builds are struggling to find enough victims at that range. Up at 15kPS, hovers are still very dominant though.

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To be completely honest, and I’m NOT dismissing anyone’s concerns, but the only hovers that routinely give me grief are the Dual Retcher hover bots. I deal with the rest fairly well.