How to Pick Up Chicks

Ya. Sure, kid.

I remember once running into a female player, at last I think it was a female player, she was playign hovers and had some kind of a name like “Mom_is_a_gamer_too” or something in that direction, it had mom or mommy in it either way

So anyway I called her a hovermilf and then never saw her again I think I got blacklisted, what a complete lack of any sense of humor

Anyways who cares if the people playing the game are male or female, it makes no difference and you won’t notice it in combat any way, at most maybe in bedlam. Maybe only time I have seen it make any difference is when a specific player toots around in bedlam that they are a girl at every possible chance they get and after a few days have a personal 14000+PS simp squad to shoot at anyone daring to shoot back while the supposed girl runs around shooting at everyone, really doubt the simp squad would be there to defend their anus if it was just another dude (which it most likely is if they have to constantly keep telling people thy are a girl, which makes laughing at the “simp squad” even better)

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I respect your integrity dude. Don’t hesitate to give them my ingame name tho, I want to be known wink wink

I’ve posed as a woman on gaming/anime forums, for every simp you find 200 unwashed filthy creeps treating you like a lump of meat, before insulting you when you tell them to go rub one off. Bonus points if they use a variant of butch/lesbian to insult me. Yeah you almooooost guessed it, pal :joy:

Gamers have the “girls” they deserve lmao

LMBO! :grin: :+1:

Exactly! How about having to drive out to a pump in the garage area prior before a match that requires fuel to fill with fuel before entering raids & other fuel required battle modes. Great idea Doc!

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I mean you don’t need to stereotype all woman as being 5 year old girly-girls for a start

A game I play with a decent female audience is Overwatch, when searching for a group to play competetive with it’s not uncommon at all. I want to say 1/6 or 7 are female in that game and it certainly doesn’t have to “try” in terms of attracting them as a target audience.

Overwatch is generally just a game that appeals to all genders compared to Crossout.

You do not need to go to extremes to try and make something sound “for women” and doing so is not only cringe but is quite an outdated type of stereotype.


Preach, we have a few women in our Overwatch friend group and trying to LFG randoms can sometimes be such a pain.

From what the women gamers in my life tell me, it’s toxic bro behaviour that keeps them away from some games.

There’s a few comments in this thread that illustrate what they’re referring to.

I don’t think the mad max thing is necessarily the issue here. Fury road was popular with a lot of women in my life.
But car culture is pretty heavily oriented towards men. If a girl starts getting into cars, there’s always going to be a bunch of weirdos acting like that means something, calling her butch, etc.

Maybe focus on being less sexist both in game and in real life?

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It’s why I don’t use chat, myself. Always keep it turned off. Maybe it’s why I don’t share any interest in clan wars too. IDK. I agree, it gets old fast watching boys struggle with their puberty, but whatever. It can be ignored, and it’s not everybody…it’s a few though.

Personally, I think there could be more done to tap that untapped market. Women do make up almost half the gaming industry. I think the developers know this too, and could use some good ideas, and are indeed trying to attract more of that demographic. Sara Connor is the center piece of this Rise of the Machines event, for example. There are a few other examples of them attempting to make room for their tastes too, I think.

Maybe female sensibilities are the balance this game actually needs and has none of? I get sick of all the dick swinging myself, and sometimes I would like to change gears for a bit…but there aren’t any other gears in this game. Not really.

For example; Adventure mode. I think this feature has potential. Potential that might appeal more to women as well (at least according to the demographic surveys), and is a good place to find a middle ground. I don’t think we have to get all sappy to appeal to women too, and the idea that catering to women more would ruin this incredibly wonky game, isn’t one I share…but I ain’t doing Candy Crush. Not asking for that either. Just more middle ground.

I think some farm simulation would be fun for the Range (another abandoned feature that could use some development), and that idea lines up good with the demographic surveys of what girls like to play as well, and may be another example of the developers actually trying to tap that alienated market.

It’d help to have an actual woman’s input on this topic…but I’m almost afraid to ask. Almost.

I think this game has plenty of room for girls…women. Whatever.

Racing. Chicks dig racing. More focus on that might help things. That’s all I got.

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I like it. Again, I think Adventure mode it the perfect place to drop a simple static race track. It’d great to have a lap counter and some bling on it (jumps and destructibles, maybe monster spawn) like an old Aurora slot car set, but they should at least have the static track. I can’t believe they don’t.

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Oh! Can’t believe I didn’t think of this one. Chicks…well people in general, but chicks too…like accessorizing. I, myself (at the risk of sounding like a chick but, like, whatever), have been wanting a customizable avatar type thing in game for a long time but, because the idea itself doesn’t mesh with the in-game lore that our rigs are radio controlled bots it’s not really going to happen.

Unless, thinking more on it…what if our co-drivers were visually customizable. Of course they would not be in battle to see but just something in the garage to tinker with?

tldr: playing with dolls.

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I think our co-driver system should be replaced with a crash-test dummy avatar that has a character sheet like an RPG that you customize and develop skills for.

It would essentially be you, your character, and instead of choosing co-drivers, you would develop and attach a skill-set for your crash-test dummy avatar…and of course there should be cosmetics. I love cosmetics, myself.

I think the doll…mmm “action figure” idea is a good one. Maybe since they’ve basically already abandoned the co-driver system, they could rework it again, but design it more like the RPG aspect I think we are both more or less describing.

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yoooo, maybe you’re already thinking this and I’m just catching on but…that crash test dummy could collect all kinds of info that we get to sift through just for the sake of it…more stuff to do in the garage.

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Ya, I think that’s a great direction and a wonderfully evolving idea; a character sheet (Avatar) that collects statistics, traits, skills and abilities (character) and has a customizable portrait (or maybe it just evolves according to rank and faction preference and usage)

The Dummy’s jacket sounds like an obvious place for putting your patches (paper dolls), right?

IDK if chicks would dig it or not, but I do. I think it’s got some crossover though, and could be a middle area worth developing in order to attract some of that forfeited girl-cash to help pay for the coffee and doughnuts over at Targem. They act like they’re desperate and strapped for cash sometimes.

It’s not a revenue stream that they have really cultivated, and I think they could. They are creative, and have very good artists at Targem. They need to sell more fun too. Not just guns. They’ve got too many damn guns already, I think, and I think girls like fun too.

They (Crossout) are so far down in the popularity polls as it is, I find it hard to fathom they would be “alienating” anybody if they invited the women over by tilting a few of this game’s features in their direction.

Just don’t mess up Clan Wars, and I think the boys will be fine. They already don’t give a schit about Adventure mode, or the Range. What difference would it make to them if they made those features more dame worthy, right?

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Happy times, now it’s just decaying and that gets fast too.

I wasn’t stereotyping women.
I was being sarcastic.

No matter what changes you could make to appeal to a broader audience ( in this case, women).
The results / complains would be the same.
Was what i meant with this.

I will add the following.

A few years ago a friend of mine lent me a game called Grimson butterfly ( a very scary game) a few days later i returned the game and he ask me if i finish the game, my reply was no, was to creepy for me i couldn’t play more than 15 minutes at a time.
He laugh so much and started to crack jokes.
His wife turned to him.
Why are you messing with him ( me) ? I had to finish the game for you because you were too scared to play and now you are messing with him ( me)… shut up.
Another time we had a flat tire, car full of people, it was her that changed the tire, we were all watching…yeah, we were into cars but we didn’t know how to change a tire, she knew.

So, far from me to stereotyping women.



It’s hard to read sarcasm when there are definitely people who actually think that way and woul dhave no issues voicing it, that’s all.

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