How to Pick Up Chicks

DocSavage :100: I dropped that notion some time ago. Sadly it was over looked & poo-poo’ed by the "moral :roll_eyes: majority " on the forum … Claiming the map is only designed for 4 players. I had mentioned an Enduro style race with wheeled vehicles no hovers no booster rockets. Explicitly stating that each vehicle would have to actually look like an enduro desert racer. Not some armored cracker box with no windshield exposed blasting boosters in a frenzy. Along with needing simple white or blue level weapons due to the Bot factor in map would be in play to deviate you’re progress. But like everything else mentioned by the community it is quickly swept under the proverbial rug never to be seen again. But hey, What would a bunch of drooling cheeto’s encrusted fingered gamers know about what would be great for the game. You bet I would still like to see this.

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If we pull the largest few genre that are popular outside of puzzle games.
Atmospheric exploration, RPG, Interative drama, survival roguelike, platformer, city builder and it goes down from those.

The first one is something like the awakening area but it would need some more survival aspects. Perhaps you could have a fuel tank and you have to manage your fuel in the mode. You could get it by killing enemies or helping people… Crank up the mad max feel in that area. The game isn’t that nuanced right now. One of the easier atmospheric things to do would be dynamic natural light so you have a day and night cycle make the headlights work and similar. Same with music you make it a little more creepy at night. Increase the chances of random attacks in the night.

They could do a community builder game behind the other game play. i.e. every mission you bring in points to build that community which then gives you bonuses to the normal game. I suggested this a few times in the old forum as building your garage you need to bring in tools and people that can use them and then you could have them alter stuff like the production time scope… So instead of just instantly getting 200 fuel a day maybe you have to rebuild the pumps first. There’s a lot of little things like that that they’ve left out that could be played with concept wise.

The RPGs and even to an extent survival roguelike extending into the interactive drama: There is virtually no interaction or attachment to the NPCs in the game. They’d have to bring the lore much closer into the game play. Jokingly I’d say lets explore Ivy’s daddy issues with Mentor or something similar. The lives and life in the wasteland are not well represented. They have also left out major demeanor paths in the game i.e. do you want to be the hero or the villain which is a great start to any RPG. They also have to include ways to reset that as perhaps I’ll get tired of just being a villain in the valley and now want to be the hero… So that can either be played out in the game or it can be done the lazy way with a insta reset button.

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Crossout had that with the old races, i could pass weeks without shooting at someone, just tweaking my race builds and try to improve, almost all my race builds were at 1 st place in the brawls.
For me was kind of a game within a game.
A lost opportunity if you ask me, the devs could make a ton of money instead of weapons oriented packs they could release premium racing builds with cabs, ultra light parts, engines and whatnot


Old races were not community building… they were just races. You need to look up what the term means really as you are really off on it.

Could you build stuff around races, yes but that was never their intent in the game mode from the looks of it.

Maybe if you tell Targem it’s a nice opportunity to add more limited slots to unlock, they’ll listen :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the idea tbh and would +10 if it wasn’t a Targem game. Anyting that requires careful balance is dangerous…

Huh??? The old, old races? On regular levels with gates? Hovers and ground vehicles mixed?

The game never had anything closer to an actual community… I knew every racer by name, talked to most of them, exchanged tips and tricks, spent hors on Bedlam practicing with other racers or testing my latest cars. People would come to races to perform, to have fun, to ram opponents mercilessly, to hang with their friends or just to parade with their prettiest build. Bedlam was as much a chat room for racers than it was a sandbox. Most of us were doing NOTHING but races and Bedlam and lots of those players were good clients for Targem (you don’t make money when you only race).

It’s been years (I refused to play the shit “reworked” races) but those are still some of the best memories I made in XO and miles ahead anything else the game had to offer in terms of community. Kaneda’s the first racer who noticed me in my crappy boosted car in Bedlam and introduced me to the best XO commnity. Stopped playing ages ago.

Also, anyone who played them will know how extraordinary that is, I raced soooo much that I beat RAlover2 ONCE with my wheeled art build. Dude bugged out or something and crashed thrice before rqing :joy:

I had that too in the other game, the clan had a port that you would put buildings, each building gave an bonus to each nation, the more the buildings the more bonuses you received, looking to a clan port you would see if they were competitive or not, the more competitive the more warships you had in that port, if not, merchant ships.
The buildings were made with raw materials ( oil) that each one of us earned doing missions, and blablabla

But back to the old races, that brawl had a future, basically you could bypass the Mad Max thing and go strait to only race, it was in the gold age of hovers but if you ignored that, a 2k PS could win a 9k PS build easy, you could see all type of builds, all type of strategy and skill in many different ways.
But people complain about adventure mode, i came to expect nothing regarding further development of races, we could have a championship, drivers championship, builders championship, different type of ultra light parts, different type of tyres ( grip,it existed once).
I think, it was @DocSavage that spoke of farming and SimCity and whatnot.
I read your paragraph ( the one i quoted) i added one plus one and the old races come into mind.
There were a lot of people hooked in the races, individuals without organization but you could have a community.

If i’m not mistaken, you advice me to get the tractor wheels ( blue ones), all i had at that time was white wheels. And then to keep the boosters close to the ground as possible.

My build was an older generation of this.

I’ve done that before put the top booster behind the front wheels. Having them higher often causes flipping.

I didn’t do that cause boosters close to front wheels causes understeer.

Personally i end up with something like this. ( last surviving examples of this series of builds. I think the one i used the most was two studded wheels at the back and two twin wheels at the front (I didn’t had epics)

Other one, the in between.

I ended up taking out boosters, it was easier to keep the pedal to the metal without losing control, having four and using two at a time was not my preference, it could throw the build out of balancing.

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Use the front ones for directional steering. The rear just for general boost. best place to test is in the awakening mode.

I used to see those, a lot of boosters at the front pointed to each side of the build, never got to test that.
I’m back to my old garage it’s good to test race cars.

You don’t need to do the alt pattern of aiming you just need one on each side you can trigger on a turn.

You want to be able to trigger the left rocket to turn right and the right rocket to turn left. takes both mouse buttons if you are on pc. What your doing is forcing the the impulse to make you take a sharper turn.

You’ll see this in some of the drift vids:

For me, when assigning buttons to the boosters to control steering, I found it best to just ditch the wheels altogether, and go full sled.

Dumb video (mine), but it shows off the booster steering pretty well, I reckon.


I know some people just rock sled it good music track too!! I didn’t want to over complicate it for him though.

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High ground clearance, boosters aligned with center of mass as best as possible. It usually meant not building below frame level.

I was racing on Studded wheels lol (1.23 blocks high). I tried Landing gears and Racing wheels (1.20 and 1.17), they were impossible to race with :joy:

boosters in front of CoM: straighten out your car during turns
boosters behind CoM: increases and prolongs drift
boosters above CoM: car tends to nose-dive and scrape the ground on bumps if yo don’t let go.

I tended to use 2 side boosters, at CoM level, to turn the car, including in the air which is very practical, and 2 rear boosters to brute-force through tight corners

This is all relatively irrelevant since years tho, after Targem murdered races, then boosters.

As i said, i only saw that kind of things in the new races, no movement parts whatsoever and a ton of boosters but he did won a lot of races (in the breve moment where we could run in what became the hoovers exclusive track).


What i found out, studded wheels were great at races using four was risky ( low clearance) but using two at the back was enough to make the cars faster at the start ( in the same way a kart it’s faster than a F1 in the first couple of meters after the start) and made my builds more stable going into turns and exiting turns.
You still need some weight at the front in my largest builds i used a small plow, but in my smallest builds the jack was enough.
Two boosters were enough if keeping the overall weight down as much as you can, easier to keep the pedal to the metal and in the same time easier to maintain the build inside a safe threshold.
( bridge map, after exiting the turn i would put pedal to the metal and only break after the end of the bridge to make the other turn with no worries)
Ultimately the way i was going left me outside of the new races requirement of minimum of four boosters ( stupid requirement).
Adding two boosters to such a small frame not only made my builds out of balancing, handling wise, substantially heavier, and if i used the extra boosters it was counter productive. Even with my bigger builds ( 4 and 6 boosters) it was impossible to use them in what became the exclusive wheels tracks

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