How to Pick Up Chicks

Rads and coolers actually seem to work with boosters and slow their heating down btw too. I haven’t tried it since they last made changes to them to use ammo though.


I didn’t know that, thank you.

There’s also a tournament edition of the rare booster that works like the old ones without the fuel count. Not a lot of them around though.

could me show one ? to know what i’m looking for.

I still have my race builds, and we never know…

It looks just like the normal blue booster except it has no fuel limit on it. I spotted a few of them in exhibition. Not anything else is different about it.

Oh yeah there’s a Seal on the ride I posted, really helps. My strategy back when 1st got 0 fuel/gate, 2nd 8, etc, was to race in 3rd or 4th position to avoid revealing the fact I was an actual contender for 1st place (everybody ignores you the moment you look like an art build), and turn on hyperdrive for the last 1.5 lap.

Favorite trick against hovers was to try and gently get under their rear at 250+kmh to tilt them. Their usual reaction was to boost away, straight into the ground :joy:

Well, regardless of what people, believe, I do NOT have a fluffy badger.

Ya, they very well may have to resort to abduction.

They are on mobile now, so maybe a panel van would just be more practical.