"I can fix her" Ivy XO edition

Lets play a game. Post a very simple change that massively improves aspects of the game that are broken af, either because of devs’ neglect, or by design.

Lemme start:
“Clans cannot earn uranium in leagues below their starting league of the week”.

Instantly solves deranking, fair margin considering you start the week at x99.

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Top of list…Get Rid of ‘Leader Boards’…have a hard cap…‘this is just stupid’…

'when you earn the max rewards…'why make it harder for someone else to get that? :crazy_face: :rofl:

The most simple temp fix for crafting of withheld and cut-off items would be to offer them to players via exchanging badges for workpieces of them with alt ingredients. This should take a lot of pressure off the situation of the crafting recipes being broken at some points until a more permanent fix could be worked out.


Yeah… Even simpler, just bring back permanent bps. Maybe at the start of the next season if you wanna keep some “exclusivity”.


Two balancing patches in between each Long BP.


The original decor along with decor based crafting recipes should go in to either the awakening mode workbench or it’s own decor specific work bench. Even if the mode doesn’t get used often it’s a great way to make use of it and would fix some of the base decor unavailability issues. It would also be a good starting point to deal with the shells and coupon issues in the game.


PVP with truly random matches based on power-score, with a 15% maximum disparity in relative power-scores.

Schit-can all omnidirectional movement parts, and aim free weapons.


Removing camera steering from vehicles without helicopter rotors


Make luparas and chords upgradeable!


Return the old ebrake speed retention ability for wheels, to make non facehugging wheel builds have some kind of advantage for all their disadvantages vs omnidirectional movement parts


Yeah there was no need to remove this with all the broken movement parts we have… knowing devs they’ll release a wheel with the old retention as a perk instead, uncraftable and part of an event

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It could easily be a module lol…

Half the duration of all cloak modules, half the range of all detector modules.


Revert back to pre supercharged.


Yes. Very. I forgot how much I loved the handbrake with conventional ST and non-ST wheel combos. I miss that. I don’t think I’ve bothered much with ACs or Machine guns since. I liked being able to stall to take a shot without loosing the engine’s RPMs, jack rabbit starts, and just sitting capturing the base while revving the engine.

They nerfed the helloutta wheels in a lot of ways, but in some ways they handle better. I like the rocking and swaying of the chassis they do now. I know not everybody did when it first came out, but I do. I think it improves immersion and puts more action into wheels. To some people, I think that amounts to a lack of control.

The burnouts are cool too. I don’t think they always did that. My memory sucks, but I think that came along this year with 2.0.


More points for garage building :smiley: Can’t give up on that…

I wish they’d give us little pieces of road, like a slot car track…with a lap counter too, and a bridge so I can make a figure 8.

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Space and points are my biggest issues right now but there’s is tons of stuff I’d want if I had the other two.

I want a spectate button to pop up if my levi is in a battle while I’m sitting in the garage. It could be shown right on the Leviathan garage slot. So I can watch what happens in the battle.

More blueprint slots