"I can fix her" Ivy XO edition

This was about SIMPLE fixes. Something like 1% efforts 99% results. Any suggestion that requires 4 paragraphs is off-topic/too long for Targem to read :japanese_goblin:

  • enable full crossplay, and make PVP 8v8 again for all platforms

  • give air battle PVP different rewards than normal PVP (plastic or electronics)

  • enable god-view replay of both PVP and your own leviathan’s Invasions.

For me, the game’s biggest problems all come from a small playerbase. All of my suggestions are related to that specific issue.


I definitely agree with 1 and 3. I don’t think it solves the dwindling playerbase issue tho. According to the numbers Gaijin gave, console players account for a small third of the playerbase. They’d give the game another year or so, but XO needs better player retention.
It’d def save Xbox short term tho. How many players didthey say are on Xbox? 5000 or something? >.>

Regarding 2, I think it’d be another slap for PvE players. If more people start gaining plastic and elecs, the price will drop, and so will the little income of PvE players.

I think the devs have said in the past that if you combine Xbox and PS4 players, they’re close to the total PC players, so if we combined everyone, it would basically double the current playerbase.
I would argue that itself would make the game a better experience for everyone, helping with player retention.
I don’t care about CW like you do, but I’m sure that a larger pool of clans would be good for that mode on several levels.

I see your point about raids, but I think that could be addressed. Make patrols only scrap, so that copper can only be acquired in raids. Only give one of the higher end resources to air battles, and keep it in raids as well, but at a higher payout rate than PvP.
Currently, I don’t think enough people are playing air battles for it to have any impact on resource prices.

Basically all my suggestions are about trying to make sure there are enough players in all modes to keep things running smoother. Things start breaking down when not enough players are around, and that will be the true end of the game.


Right now PVP is clan warrior concentrate, and the only people on PC are veterans. It’s not a great experience for this lounge lizard. I am just not that serious about the wins as 75% of these people are, and was looking for a more casual experience in gaming. Right now this game is hella brutal, I think. I’d be happy to see that watered down a bit.

They can’t keep running off their new players though, and aces badly need some affirmative action from the developers.

I used to play CW and I want CW and High PS to improve. If people are having a miserable experience, they’ll quit or they’ll migrate to lower PS ranges and make the game more miserable for newer players. Neither one of those situations is ideal.

I want the situation to improve for newer players. They’re very important to the game’s ecosystem.

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Since I’m not keen on Clan Wars in general, IDK what would help that system out (nothing, IMO), or have any suggestions for it, but that does sound a bit like what I see out there in PVP (migration).

I don’t think the P2W nature of Clan Wars makes it very enjoyable for a very broad group of people, but it seems like they are leaning into that aspect pretty hard lately. I doubt it’s very helpful.

Oh, this reminds me of my second very simple fix for CW, besides the “no deranking” stuff:

Reward victories in Rust and Tin. It doesn’t have to be huge either, make it 5 wires for a Rust victory, 5 wires + 5 batts for Tin. Something to make it worth the time and efforts.

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Ok, do you remember how you had nothing at the start? Those players are currently being thrown straight in with players that have everything fused. That is the separation that needs done.

It takes a different kind of grinder to put up with being punked over and over and keep coming back for more if you get me.

Is this what you understood I was meaning? (note it doesn’t have to be generators, I chose them at random tbh)

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When I started it was the same way though users now at least on some platforms have some access to free packs. They also get a intro BP like tutorial that gives them some parts that weren’t available to players starting a few years ago. When I ran into my first fatman build I was still running chords.

More like me double checking as outside of BPs I don’t pay. I don’t regularly buy packs as generally have most of the base structure parts. I don’t buy coin packs because I can make enough off the BPs, crafting and selling. I don’t play enough to hit the weekly limits so don’t need premium. However there is still a fair difference between me and a completely non-paying player not just including the amount of time in game to date.

About the only thing that I think might work for the new non-paying player is muli-phasing and extending the kiddie pool a little but eventually they are going to have to learn to swim with others. Give them 2 normal modes common and common, rare restricted zones with part amount limits. Going much further than that would mean breaking up the creative freedom of the game. (Part amount limits has to be there because someone can early on buy a cheap back and be in the group range and will have access to using more parts.)

You can kind of get away with a little more in terms of restrictions in the name of competitive play but not everyone is interested in that aspect. The opposite of effect with the restrictions is you can use less of the parts you’re actually trying to earn. That is until a player tries to move into a different restriction grouping. To me that’s more complicated than the open nature of the game currently though.

Even padding the PS of upgraded parts doesn’t exactly do much unless the PS threshold of the Match maker is tightened down. That runs into the issue of how strong are upgraded parts vs the next rarity up as well and where partially upgraded builds might sit. This can be sliced and diced numerous ways especially when you have people min maxing their structure parts.

I think it was around 3 years ago they did some massive work on the match maker looking at part counts and PS trying to make it a little more fair. If I remember correct that was then followed up with PS rebalancing of structure parts leading up to changes in weapons and energy PS rebalancing. I don’t remember the attempts helping much.

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When I started, you still had to reach lvl 10 in engineering, each mission gave a part for crafting with a win (not wanting that back!) and the mission tree gave parts up to the point you completed it. A player would have a pretty decent spread of weapons by the time they were thrown in the deep end.

Then you met the Harvesters.

They also reduced the crafting cost for those items almost by 10x.

This is what you get now when you start as a new player:

It’s still not going to prepare you for harvesters but it’s more then what we got when we started.

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When I started, a dual LB car was 6000 PS while a hover scorp colossus on the WW cab was 3999 :skull:

Sub engi 30 was 95% Junkbows, so I played MGs with boosters from like 15 to 30 :joy:

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Firestarters wasn’t even in the game yet when I started. They had just dropped dawns children and were in the middle of players having meltdowns over op drones and hovers. They were still giving away a small handful of free resources everyday (about the same as you’d get from greeting guests) and free crates depending on how many consecutive days you played which I kind of miss. A lot of people would just sell them, I normally opened mine and the most common item you got out of it was a exp booster flag. I still have most of them.

You couldn’t do the old monthly seasons unless you had something for each weapon group. The market often changed just based on what groups the monthly seasons had going.

Honestly I think the new players make out like bandits now compared to what the newer open beta players got at the time.

A few other simple things I’d do is:
move some of the faction flags into the exchange for badges section.
put in coupons for workbenches into the exchange for badges section.
put a cheaper exchange rate for a larger batch of raid tokens into the exchange for badges section.
move the decor and paint crates into the exchange for badges section.
put in the common amusement park box into the exchange for badges section.

create a system of garage point upgrade packs. It might as well be earnable just like storage and blueprint spaces. Perhaps they could allow for opening up additional plots as well. I would not mind at all exchanging some badges or some resources to opening up special spots in my garage for some of the hi-poly garage rewards either. (There are easy ways to do this where they could be swapped out for seasonal or decor as a temp placement too…)

Note on decor and paint - Both of these need real crafting systems behind them. the random crates can stick around though and just be cheap gotcha box. (As much as I hate gotcha boxes they could still be worked in.)

I’d really like some type of hand grenade consumable weapon too. I.e. it activates only if fully disarmed and you purchase them via badges. You could store perhaps 5 at a time and toss them like short range artillery devices doing a set range of dmg from the radius. Cost and dmg could depend on rarity. i.e. a weapon of last resort. I see too many matches ending where it’s just two crippled builds pushing each other around.