I hate helis

i been trying to fight them in that “next step” mode and they are f-ing impossible to kill!
the god damn spray on their weapons strips me before i have a chance to even fight back or deal any decent damage. they are nearly impossible to hit!

ive tried fighting them multiple times and i lose every damn time. doesnt matter what weapon i use they just strip me immediately and im f-ing defenseless!
i can see why alot of people hate these damn things and i dont blame them.
i see them running machineguns alot of the time and its absolutely stupid how tanky they are, i tried everything from mgs to autocannons to cannons and i can never hit these irritating things.

how the fuck do you people even fight these broken things?
also dont even get me STARTED on them fucken mech leg builds cause those are just absurdly tanky.


I hear ya. The Next Step battles are actually easy and fun, when there’s NO copters involved. I can do fairly well and have even MVP’d a few times. When there’s mech legs AND copters involved, I just about write off the mission. I’m just happy that none of the challenges require you to “win 3 battles in next step”; it gives the folks not using rotors or mech legs the same chance to advance as everyone who does use them.


edit: wait it says missions and brawls nvrm.
still though… i thought that they would given their track record of them forcing this mode down our throats.

the issue i have is when the bots lock onto you they do not leave you the fuck alone. they will stalk you until they kill you or you kill them. you can even have 2 or more bots on you at a time. the grenade launcher bots are really unfair. especially the ones with fricken triggers.

the major issues i have with the coptors is
1: hard to hit
2: they have the air to move around in.
3: ground based vehicles are at a major disadvantage.
4: way to tanky for what they are.

the problem lies in their ability to fly. they have the entire sky to move around in, land based vehicles only have the ground, if you hit a wall or run into the environment then your more then likely going to get stripped and killed. its happened to me far to many times.
some coptors can even hover in mid air and shoot you without losing altitude or taking a nose dive and idk how the hell thats possible. anytime i aim my build takes a nose dive but them? nope they just stay in one spot.

thing is no matter what ps i go into i see helis or mech legs. this is an issue because im running into matches where i am constantly losing. i lost like… fucken 14 in a row and now im supposed to WIN 3 in that mode? nah man fuck that, im not doing this battlepass, its not worth it.

i got into ONE match that didnt have helis or legs and it went fine, we won. but any match i get into that has coptors or legs its an immediate loss. i really dont want to spend all damn day getting 3 wins in matches that im constantly losing.

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helicopters are an irreparable failure


Starfalls are great against helicopters when fired from ground builds. Millers and Reapers aren’t bad either.
Homing missiles are pretty good against them too, although depends on how prepared they are.
Ideally you’ve both got mixed teams, and the aircraft on your team will be keeping the opposing copters busy.

Also, just being really fast helps. My most effective build in the arcade mode is a cockpit/harvester thing. If a helicopter starts targeting me, I just run away. Playing melee means you pretty much always get the capsule when you kill someone. Whereas the helicopters have to land to get yours if they kill you.




you mean L1?
thats a handbrake for cars, theres no air brakes.

how the hell did i not find out about this earlier?!
seriously i never knew you could do that! what the hell?
now it makes sense as to how they can do that!


Hey all great topic!

I use a 3 Cyclone build which does okay against air targets. This does not stop a very good heli user but can make them back off. Most of those guys beat feet when targeted. However, they come back when your engaged with another target.

A great tactic that I saw that was used against my legged Cyclone build was a very fast wheeled canon build. He could keep up with my dashes would get into point blank range and fire an alpha strike canon barrage. The pilot was gosh darn awesome! Toasted me 2 times out of 2. (I dropped some mud when I saw him coming.)

I got to say hat’s off for great pilots in the game. It’s like rock, scissors and paper. Sometimes you’re the hunter and sometimes you get hunted.



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I honestly love coming up against a truly skilled player who keeps slaughtering me. Helps me improve, and it’s just impressive to see.

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Now, there’s a difference between skilled and meta. I do appreciate skill, but the meta is the complete lack of it

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its rare to find someone not relying on something like miniguns shotguns who does well


If your allies are paying attention, your death will not count on the scoreboard because the Heli will not collect you balloon.


Perhaps if the hurricane or the pyres were buffed enough to counteract helicopters quick erratic movements? In other words buff the A.I missiles enough to make helicopters more vulnerable.
I had built a quad Annihilator helicopter build made solely to counteract enemy helicopters.
Being the Annihilator’s were nerfed long ago it just kept the targets busy trying to kill off my annoying plague of minions and not attacking ground based units.
I eventually sold the ineffective annihilator’s not making any obvious difference to support such a build.

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au contraire mon frere ! This I have descended down & quickly picked up the loot !

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I do decently with artillery.


We had 2 dimensions for a while, giving the whole 3rd dimension to a movement part was a mistake.

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Even though I use a helicopter build very frequently & about to shoot myself in the foot. I believe if not only limiting how many A.I guided missiles can be used on a Helicopter build but not allow them at all . I know that seems very rash, However the current meta for Helicopters are AI guided missiles and have become the scourge of many battles. If I use them I don’t seem to do well. But when someone else is using them against me they always seem to be over effective.
Just a thought.

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Sounds balanced to me.


They’re actually pretty damn weak. Mediocare dmg, low durability, easily can outmaneuvered and mostly ineffective against anyone who has a flare. Launched from land, they are downright ridiculous against helicopters, mainly because their range is bad even with the best radar. Any MG-13 or MG-14 build will wipe you out of the sky if you’re fooling around with missiles.

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Just as the new legs that recently dropped, I see far less Helicopters and the new Mech legs in battle now.
Just a passing phase that will equal out as it should.
Dead accurate aim-bots extinguishing the life of each helicopter in one or 2 rounds is lessening the popularity quickly it seems .