I have finally become...VultureChad!

Achieved an on/off dream of mine of being one of those players with 4 fused Vultures in their possession, and while the financial decision to do so sounds not very smort for many people, basically I just traded 1 Beachduck for 2 fused Vultures so thinking like that it’s less crazy than it sounds

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I have 2 of these from an old Battlepass… how are they supposed to work because to my mind they literally do sweet FA?

In theory they are supposed to float around unseen and invisible, an unseen danger just waiting for prey, then latch onto an enemy, drill into said enemy, going deeper into the build as if they destroy one part they keep moving onto the next one, forever homing at the center of the cabin, and then blow up after drilling and deliver big damage. In practice they float around for a few seconds and then go away without doing anything, or if they manage to latch onto an enemy they do laughable “drilling” damage and then the explosion pops outside a biuld not really damaging much anything.

Basically they don’t really work, but with 4 you sometimes can get 300-700 points from “assisting” but it’s mostly just a novelty gun rather than a working gun.

Honestly I can’t even notice any performance difference between fused or stock Vultures because of how bad they generally are but that just makes achieving 4 fused ones such a ridiculous goal it’s kind of funny for me and I don’t have much trust in this game hanging around for multiple years, or not pulling off some major change that’s so bad I stop playing all together so rather than sitting on coins or turning a video game into my full time 8-4 job to get relics I am aiming to have at least some fun for as long as it lasts

ha ha ha, vulturechad!

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the downside to them is if a bot is near them theyll pretty much immediately destroy them upon coming out of invisibility and i seen that happen to many people. idk why the devs decided to make drones so completely useless and idk why people say they are useful because “they distract” … the point is to deal damage and score points, not “distract” as they are so weak they get deleted pretty much immediately. must be nice for people to score laughably low on their team and not contribute much. the only useful place id see drones being in is pvp which is really sad.

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Sorry, man but it’s stronger than me


I don’t get it.

I do get liking a weapon, the concept of a weapon despite the fact that weapon sucks ( nest, Caucasus and so on e.g. )
I get liking a weapon that somehow has some redeeming factor despite being meh.
But vultures? I rather play with turrets.
Not only they are what they are but also they are legendary.
Posh shit.
to each their own and no discussion there…but vultures?

I just rammed a guy with twin blades and snow cutters, 600 damage, no boosters.

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you think those are bad? anacondas and owls are a rare and no better then a rare. its an insult to keep them at epics.

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If we wanna talk of the Vultures shortcomings, boy does it have many, so many and on so many fundamental levels you wonder just what are the Devs are up to while thinking the Vulture is ok as it is.

The chase speed, even on one that has a fusion to increase it, is laughable, I have seen 10-leg heavy cabin slow moving Gerrida builds be able to escape chasing Vultures for 6+ seconds simply by walking in a single direction. The detection range is just absolute devpiss. The stealth takes too long to activate after deployment, meaning enemies and players can easily shoot the drone even before it can “sit around”. Yet at the same time, the live time of the drone is also so short like devpeepees that you can’t really deploy it too beforehand as a trap, so pretty much at any time you’re using this the enemies will see them flying, popping into place and going into stealth, leading them to be destroyed before they can even hope to be a trap. And then there is the drilling function, a total of 3 tics of 30 damage that takes too many seconds to pull off, leading to a total of 90 extreme drilling action damage before a wet fart that is the explosion, just like the ones the devs most likely have stained their devchairs with multiple times thanks to anal incontinence rivaling their intellectual incontinence. And I do not know what case it is supposed to be, the stealth being poopy because the damage is good, or the damage being poopy because the stealth is good, but what you are left with is poop stealth and poop damage, a doublepoopoo, twice the caca. Just like the unhinged “natural” body odor around whichever drooling room temperature iq troglodyte in charge of slapping the all is good stamp on the Vultures after missing 44 times and covering his desk in ink. And to keep topping this turd sandwich even stinkier, the detection range of these things is so bad, they just do not detect anything, almost like instead of a cone widening at the bottom, tip being the drone, it feels like the detection range is a sphere around the drone with the drone as the center of it, but it is useless in directions of up and around, leading to a sort of reverse cone where the tip points towards the ground. I might be pulling things from deep within my cookie dough dispenser with the chocolate starfish like a developer here but that is how it feels like. And on top of this ever growing cacademon from the depths, a real brownish teletubby from the deep, this drone for some reason is also affected by the Flock, adding 1 more counter to an otherwise laughable case of someone having a stroke while decision making, while said drone gets no added bonus applied to missiles from anything, because it is not one, yet the missile counter works against it. One might argue that it works because it’s a heat seeking thing, then why not all drones, what are they locking on to enemies then, fantasy magic? And if you say radar, then why can’t the Vulture do that too, god, devil, holy spirit, the reptilians, mole people, flat earthers, feminists and vegans everyone except the “people” in charge know that my god, your god, everyone’s gods, satan himself, it would need it. It feels more like Whomever made the Vulture years ago went and pissed in the cereal of whomever is now in charge of decisions, really splashed and sprayed it like a golden shower all over, and now Mr. Pissypiss the pissed-on takes out his frustration on the Vultures themselves and shouts “Get pissed on! Get pissed on! Get pissed on!” like one of the many japanese animes of the sexual kind while never able to unpiss himself and his cereal from whichever Gigachad went and splashed the rice crispies, carried into the sunset by his Vulture drone henchmen while having intercourse with everyones wives and flipping the entire Targem building off.

But don’t get me wrong it’s a fun little gun I like the Vulture : ) but I do feel like the Flock affecting the Vulture is a bit too much, especially when while countering things like homing missiles with the Flocks, the thing it was designed to do, you have to really spam the Flock to properly counter them. While I usually see the Vulture drone lock on to a singular Flock flare and spin around it so you don’t even need to spam as many of them as with countering homing missiles, the actual purpose the flock is for. It just counters Vultures way more than what it is supposed to be countering, for no good reason

Honestly if they wanted this thing to be countered instantly by something, why not make it so that the Interceptor, you know, the part DESIGNED to counter drones, instantly makes them go boom if they get hit by it, wether they are in the air, chasing a build or attached to a build, rather than slapping that function into yet another pay2own legendary part that only affects this specific, provably already bad even before Flock existed drone.

Maybe it does, nobody runs these things so I can never even experiment properly but everyone runs a Flock in high ps usually, where you get put into because supposedly they’re legendary weapons so they have such PS. Does the Kami work against them? I would believe it does, but I have no idea if that is the case because any build with these can’t really stick around to observe what happens, and I never run into anyone using these so I can’t run a kami myself and confirm.

If I were to suggest buffing this, the bare minimal they could do is just make them ignore Flock. They already get distracted by other drones, mines, whatever on top of not being able to detect anything, or give chase fast enough, even with a fusion for giving chase to enemies faster, and getting just shot by bots. Then it could still outright suck harder than an expensive…worker, like the devs want it to suck obviously and blatantly, but it would not be so blatantly slapping your face around with a gentleman sausage to the point of bruising and splashing au lemonada de natura right into your eyes with the secret squirt gun while you can just kneel there with your hands cupped and say thank you for balancing this drone so well, thank you for making the Vulture what it is, thank you for all these decisions, thank you so much, thank you

But hey maybe I’m just taking the piss at this point as the slang says

Yes, not just vultures looks good on paper.
Take as an example the brand new magnetic grenade launcher.
You can imagine the chaos that would be if that weapon did what it supposedly says in the tin.
You have explosive little things that latch in the belly of the builds where all the juice bits are ( in pretty much all the builds) and you can find more down there, like weight savings , mistakes, weak spots and so on.
You release a weapon like that, in the game, like it was shown in the promo/teaser/vid and it’s game over, rage quitting, uproar and so on.
It would be not OP but the end game, no one or very few people could counter or defend against that.
I have a theory, devs know if they released a weapon like that in the game it would create lots and lots of commotion, so they leave the hype in the air and then the thing never goes full potential.
And we are in bad luck, drones were a META once , they got nerfed, their prime days are gone and i doubt they will come back any day soon, as all the older META, received so many complains, nerfs , nerfs, nerfs.
They need the space to create new things but the space is the same, so they can’t have too many weapons in the same space , they have to preserve that space for new comers and…and they are afraid to balance things to a decent point, the critics will come back, negative critics.
People like us still run those old METAS, hoping.

Sadly Vultures never had a chance, they were bad when they came out, nobody used them, then I think they have buffed them 2 times now, and still nobody uses them because they’ve been still bad. And then they got slapped with basically a huge nerf called Flocks that in the higher ps almost everyone runs

its why i say drones need a buff and more love. leave grenadiers and annihilators where they are at and buff the ones that need a buff. hell look at anacondas and owls, two of the most laughable drones in the game and the damn devs said they are fine the way they are. no they arent! they arent even playable!
sure the vulture isnt good but it at least does more then the damn anacondas and owls do! its pathetic that a pair of epic weapons are as weak as a rare yet still hold the rarity of an epic. the games gone fricken loopy right now and nothing is going right. shotguns are screwed up and now kings. the devs need to stop on the god damn battlepasses and focus on fixing the crap thats wrong with the game first. look at the statistics and balance everything in a good way instead of adding more weapons in that will also need more tuning to balance as it comes out. this is just a fricken dumpster fire.

that’s bad luck.
Personally i have the same problems as any other droner have but my favourite it’s these two.

At first Hawks were my favourites but now they both are my favourites, you can’t replace one for the other, they work very differently, i didn’t went higher than them because and mainly for what i’ve heard from people that use the others.
It seems not only they are less effective as you go higher in PS but also they are “dumber” and slow.
They are made of paper like the rest but once given the opportunity they can do work and they are reliable.
I only wish there would be an epic version of them but they don’t.
What i’m trying to say is…you are running a flying turret in a space where there is much competition.
Why don’t you try the vulture’s cousin, it’s down a level, same generic mechanics

Honestly playing 4 Vultures at 13k powerscore (Because that is what PS a build like that ends up as because it’s 4 legendary weapons on a build) feels just like playing a 4 Cyan weapons at 11-12k powerscore

No I take that back, builds like 4 Emilys or 4 Leeches at 12k can actually work, unlike Vultures most of the times

13 k ?
I’m playing at 7.4 k and having problems ( the usual for this type of weapon ).
But at 13 K i’m not seing how any drone can be up for the task.
Not just for the type of weapons mounted with decent support ( modules ) but also the type of armour the builds have in general.
You must encounter many bloated builds but nevertheless…

I saw someone get an MVP with a triple Vulture build at 9kPS yesterday, so apparently it’s possible.
I have a couple that I play with a Yaoguai drone sometimes. Enemies tend to focus on the Yaoguai, and miss the Vultures burrowing into them.
But I definitely don’t get many MVPs with that setup.

My problem with pairing up the Vultures with other gun or drones is that I end up making the build just entirely of the other weapon I was trying to pair with Vultures, because the singular one feels like it does more work than the Vultures ever can

Triple Yaoguai feels way more efficient than guatro-Vulture

Yeah, there is that too, making an hybrid is tough if the energy requirements isn’t the same…the problems start there…

in pvp if your not fighting bots then vultures can work ok depending where it hits the enemy player. in pve though is where its downright impossible to use. so really the only way to use those drones is in pvp which is really sad.

I always felt like they got the Vulture and Yaoguai mixed up when they made them, like the vulture should really be an epic given how bleh and incredibly niche it is, wouldn’t even need to change much… just the colour and the PS :rofl:
Yaoguai with the cloak and little more dps would be a much better legendary.

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