If you liked slaughter

I liked getting 8+ kills a battle even in defeat.
I hated all the quitters!
It was a fine mode, ruined by the quitters.
It just came up too often.


And you also like pushing and insulting your teammates without any reason. I wonder how many player have you on his blacklist.

Learn how to drive. Do not kill an immobilized enemy surrounded in my turrets, go kill something else. Do not race out of Spawn and then stop suddenly in front of everyone. Do not park in front of Turrets and block their line of sight. Do not strafe left to right when a wheeled build is trying to pass you. Do not do any of the stupid things you people do, and we will get along great. I have a reason for everything I do and say, some people are too ignorant to even know what they did to their teammate to anger him. Live longer! Why am I always the last to die? Where are the wounded enemy for me to kill? Why am I surrounded by full health enemy? Do not go park somewhere to snipe, respond to the mini map when my Detector gives you good map info.

All that wisdom…

All that Turret guy energy…

You get em tiger, but mostly coach up your team. Your W is always in their hands :joy:

I have couple of rules as well: Don’t push allies, during whole PvP match. Don’t write them bad things on chat. If you play support build, don’t try to tell everyone on your team what to do. Do your job better, don’t give other reasons to hate droners.
How long since last visit to your doctor? Who are you to set up own rules in game and insult people?

It seems like this is something that happens everywhere in this game.

I like to set up rules and missions for myself too.

BUT the difference is I don’t have to insult someone or try to make people feel bad to make me feel better about myself.

Don’t worry about these types of guys.
Small :eggplant: energy is all it is.

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Well my only problem is if this happens that’s only 6 vs 8 at the beginnig. The game is pritty much over.

I liked the mode. I would just rather it be a different mode, because a specific build for that would have been more fun.
I didn’t like the mode because I like to play something besides spray and win.

Mostly, it’s fishing season and I can’t be bothered to play much right now.

Sooo… I somehow managed to get it several times while trying to knock out some challenges.
I think I found out why they’re killing it.

Within a few seconds of the start of the match - over several matches - half or more of a team will self-destruct, just “noping” out of the whole thing.

Whatever we think of it, apparently there are plenty of folks who hate it enough to just dump a match at the start.

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because it’s a brawl…we don’t ‘respawn in missions’ not to be confused with pvp :crazy_face:

it’s simply in the wrong mode.

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Agreed… but, they won’t leave brawls available ALL OF THE TIME, so I and others rarely ever play brawls - even the ones we like. Even if this does show up in the brawl rotation, I’ll probably never play it again. :man_shrugging:


that’s why i made this topic…


And my very first reply in that thread… :rofl: :man_facepalming:

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Slaughter mode did 2 things right tho, a shorter match timer, and no bots.
I hope they implement those improvements into regular games.

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I could have sworn I played Slaughter matches with bots.
Was I dreaming?

Dreaming or hallucinating,… take your pick, there were never any bots in slaughter mode.

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I never saw any, but I could be wrong… I got to play maybe 10 matches in Slaughter. I learned to like it very much because there were no bots.

There were absolutely bots in Slaughter


I must’ve been lucky, I guess. :man_shrugging: Not seeing them was half of why I liked the mode.

I don’t mind devs adding new modes, just don’t force me to play it in normal mission rotation. Split up the modes so different people who enjoy different things can both have their game modes. I am glad it is gone with the current implementation, but they could easily have kept it under a different menu.