I'm breaking the silence to bring light to an ongoing situation. I can use some proper insight

wdym, why is that logic backwards? The internet is simple when it comes to drama baiting or “salt farming” plus with you it is like a simple python code. If spawn → get shot → types a paragraph about why he shouldn’t be shot → get shot more → loop for 30 mins to an hour → come here and complain after dm chain

as shrimple as that
must be a krill issue
thankfully no one gives a carp about you not having a whale of a time

I’m settling this here right now.
People seem to have me and ShackalofKrieg confused.

I’m the crazy one whose dad got maced.

thank you for the clarification, but why tho

his dad didnt have enough rizz

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If people are bashing on Schakal thinking they’re me, then, it needs to stop.

its not happening because they think its you, no worries there

I mean i’m use to schizophrenic posts that make you actually lose iq points when reading it so I tend to skim through things. From my understanding Mr cardboard personality said in one of his cope sessions in bedlam something about me getting his dad maced.

either way just, please, back off from teasing or messing with my friend. If you want to try and have a civil conversation with them, go for it, but (and just like with me) teasing isn’t handled well on the wrong day. I hope you understand. please let your friends know. It would be appreciated.

That would work if I cared about interactions over the internet… see I do a hidden secret quest called go out side and have a life so when I get online I tend not to care. The simple answer is no why should i care about someone that doesn’t know how to handle the internet when we are only shooting him in a ffa mode and well… you saw the banter

Honestly can you give me ONE reason to care about him as a player other than “because you should” when I don’t treat him any different that others in bedlam besides when he gets into my dms about it

so you are jumping to conclusions and calling me stuff while ignoring the fact that I don’t care about him cause there is no reason to? how am i a dehumanizer?

also this is fun for me and im bored so save your words on the not caring part lmfao

are you Schitzo like Krieg too, it all kinda makes sense now why your friends

EXACTLY! so why even try to say “either way just, please, back off from teasing or messing with my friend.” whenever I shoot him in a ffa mode and laugh at his over reaction to it. Wait until you figure out that we are not evil or whatever and just people with our own lives, however, the main diff between us and you is that we don’t cry on forums about light trash talk after getting rocked in a mode that means nothing.

as shrimple as that
must be a krill issue
thankfully no one gives a carp about you not having a whale of a time

I don’t think you’re evil. Metaphorically speaking: I think you’re just a corpse flower, blooming to attract flies because, at this point, that’s all you know how to do.

bizzz buuzz buzzz bizz buzzz

Lol, OP cared so much he summoned the very trolls he aimed to shame.

Maybe the dont feed the trolls sign was right.

Sheeple have feelings too. But…its the internet. Ignore anyone and everyone, theyre a figment of you your imagination once you log off.

Unless theyre not. Then you take this ‘trauma’ into the waking irl world with you.

My trauma is people irl being too busy with their ohone to use a turn signal or know how to navigate a 4 way stop. Shall i post about it and my tormentors? Or should i realize half of humanity is a PoS?

Tl;dr: OP went for crowd shaming, no one cared and his trolls found another avenue to torment him.

To the OP: Disengage, ignore, dont give a f* and watch it all fade away.

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harsh but without some merit I can 10000% see how you came to that conclusion and why you bring it up since he is your friend after all, however, funny to see that killing someone in a ffa mode and a little bit of light trash talk makes the people with martyr complexes come out of the woodwork :rofl:

damn right lmfao
you are not wrong with that and do mind you fury of verdun was like this for EVER legit any time he is shot in bedlam he cries wolf and goes everywhere about it or blows up your dms. I could start my own forum post about everything he has sent me or others over the years but that would be too damn long lmfao.

he is to prideful or caring to understand that so save your breath and poke him instead… trust me his pride or martyr complex knows no end

that would work if this didn’t start because he was shot in a FREE FOR ALL MODE (with zero rewords) so like… save your breath this one is funnier to watch burn try to extinguish

damn that was a long one
what lunch time after doing paperwork does to a mother lover :frowning:

Wait, is all of this just about people shooting other people in Bedlam?

I mean, it’s a non-competitive mode with respawns. If the devs didn’t want us to shoot each other, they would disable weapons.

Apologies to all if I am misunderstanding the situation.

all my friend wants is to be asked permission to play before you just start playing with him. Is it that hard to understand? My friend would like to be able to make the choice as to say, either, yes or no. And if he says he doesn’t want to play with you, then, leave him alone. Let him sit in his rig on his hill, simple as that. There’s plenty of others in Bedlam to play with.