I'm breaking the silence to bring light to an ongoing situation. I can use some proper insight

NO LIKE LEGIT read the post under yours “all my friend wants is to be asked permission” shows you how simple and funny this really is and don’t say sorry it is the kneejerk reaction everyone has to this sort of stuff lmfao

Listen up people…if you’re targeting someone in bedlam or elsewhere verbally, or you keep nuking them, and they’re not friends with you, and they ask you to stop, why can’t you comply? Every week I see this nonsense in bedlam and I get asked by people to help out when it gets abusive, and I step in to try and take some pressure off them.

We have alot of players, some new and some not-so-new, who get into bedlam and get mauled by the same goons repeatedly, and then you wonder why they don’t come back. Maybe that’s one reason (of many) that the player base is so low. Last night a player asked if I could help fend off this one goon who wouldn’t stop wrecking him, so I spent a half hour repeatedly nuking the aggressor…who also happens to be on my friends list. :unamused:

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HOW ABOUT NO? It is free for all. It isn’t my fault he doesn’t know how to handle getting dumpstered. I love the duality of your arguments; however, it is quite adorable. You go from attacking me as a person and also attacking my actions to making your friend sound worthless. everyone goes at it in bedlam get… over yourself?

There is no reason to fight, so inversely, there is no reason to stop? can’t handle it? don’t play… I expect to be treated that way because it is a free for all mode

And that is what you should do! However, once the tables turn, it is now an issue that very well mirrors your first argument. Many times, if the shoe is on the other foot and you (not just you snit but others) are now in the position of wiping someone out of bedlam, most of the time you wouldn’t stop because…
There is no reason to fight, so inversely, there is no reason to stop.

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It sounds to me like you and him may have invented some rules for the no-rules format of Bedlam, and are now upset that others don’t follow the rules you made up.

To be honest, I don’t get the point of Bedlam at all. But as far as there is any point, the devs clearly state that there are no rules, and anything goes.

If “anything goes” is something you don’t enjoy, why would you play that mode? And why would you complain about other people doing what the description clearly says the mode is for?

None of us are in a position to invent Crossout rules, and nobody should be demanding that the devs enforce rules that don’t actually exist.

I’m not a fan of trash talk, but it’s a reality of any game with a chat function. So either ignore it or turn off chat.

If someone is posting nazi propaganda, or trying to run financial scams in the chat, that is clearly against the rules. But getting mad because someone didn’t ask permission to shoot you in bedlam is a very different scenario.

lmfao I love it, I can see why you and krieg are good friends lmfao

no response to argument = joke
same logic when you said “he wants to be asked to be shot” lmfaoo

that sums up this all nicely but i am enjoying this break from paperwork to argue circles around people who fight with their feelings and not logic… financial balancing for hangers can be a headache without a proper break chu know

I’ve said what I have to say, anything else would be a broken record on repeat. You’re the one that wants to push the boundaries further and, again, I’ve said what I have to say.

what boundaries? cause I am doing is playing a ffa mode the way it is intended to be played and using a chat feature? I fail to see how this is a me issue

I am not trolling here, if you must know. I want you to clearly state why you are upset, and if it is something that I can agree with too, maybe I will think about it, but I fail to see what point you could come up with that can convince me because of the aforementioned reason. (i guess i should make that sound at least grammatically correct)

I remember years ago when I was a new player, I would go into Bedlam sometimes to see the big high PS cars that I wasn’t competing against yet in PVP.
And since I was new, I would just start shooting at people, not realizing that many players see Bedlam as a pacifist zone. Of course that would provoke the other players to gang up on me and target me as soon as I respawned.

In that situation, was I the bad person for shooting first without asking permission? Or were the other players the baddies for ganging up on me and bullying me? Or maybe no one is the bad person, because it’s a no-rule mode, which means we can all do whatever we feel like doing?

Of course, you do not have to come into the forums to get your friend to help with making useless or baseless arguments. lmfao

love you obsidianfag <3

I want to take a moment to take step back here because it seems I’ve given the impression that im angry or upset with you, and that is not the case, my apologies.

1st off, he and I are in the same clan, I created it and recently passed it to him.
2nd, I’m not very liked by the community at large for various reasons.
3rd, since passing the clan to him and taking a break from XO, my haters are now giving him grief.

I initially dropped in on this conversation to clear up that I’m the crazy “schizophrenic” who’s dad got maced, so, no one should be harassing him about being crazy or schizo. Bring that shit to me, and me alone.

What ever crazy talk you’ve heard from whoever about him is undo.

As for my friend, he’s the type that wants to get to know a person before he spends time with them, in any capacity. He wants the chance to make up his own mind and he can’t do that in a fight, however, he can in a conversation.

All I’m really doing is just suggesting that you be civil with him, ask him if he’s up for a fight or not, and if he’s not, he’ll let you know. There’s plenty of others in Bedlam looking for a fight.

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Take that as a lesson, then, and don’t insult for no reason. Do mind me, I only responded to your actions after you made those choices. Your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd are kind of interesting but don’t really add much to the narratives at hand.

that is one quotable sentence lol
BUT no, so we (as in a few others and I) call him a schizophrenic because he rambles like a stereotypical one whenever he gets shot in ffa mode, and he claimed that his pops got maced by someone in game (he claims it to be anyone attacking him whenever he drops the accusations again and again).

respectable, but you are no martyr, so… stop? It is understandable and kind, but a waste of time. No one is out to get you, and you severely overestimate how little people care about you online. Up until now, I’ve never heard of you.

then good for him; legit, honestly, good for him. I doubt there will be any chance, regardless of whether XYZ didn’t happen, that we would probably end up right back where we are now in some way shape or form.

I get that, but you do understand that being polite or civil is a two-way street, and that street tends to be 4 blocks down from a FFA mode. If you can’t get what I am saying, let me help. Bedlam has no rules, is in FFA mode, and has a chat feature. Your argument falls apart once I also add in that I play clan confrontation, battles, and THEN bedlam. Once I’m bored of battles and cc i join bedlam, I don’t scour bedlam for hours looking for him. If I see him, I shoot him; if I see a fun fight, I shoot them.

it is as shrimple as that

that will never happen,it’s up too you to ignore it.
you feed their fire,you become a mark/an easy target.
don’t be a target,stop falling for scams.
live life better…besides it’s just a bunch of text

You know what? I’m gonna link this post directly to save me some time. I have something in mind that might put an end to this.

Rest assured that they should have never messed with my friend. That is one step too far, Toast.

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hi , at least you have people to talk , me i always end blacklisted and ignored by the entire server on every game

I honestly should not be responding to you, but I’ll set the record straight myself.

1: I actually don’t have schizophrenia despite the rumors. I am actually diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, meaning it is difficult to handle stress well.

2:I did in fact blacklist people such as yourself. I’ve made certain of that. the whole shindig on the subreddit was just some elaborate ploy to figure out who to blacklist, and who not too. it was never as “Shrimple” as that, as the Zoomers like yourself would say.

3: No person in their right mind goes out of their way to Brigade an honest person like you and your friends did toast. in Fact? Although you may not know it yet, but I’ll say that you may have gotten tricked by a would be victim into exposing your entire clan for what it truly is in front of everyone. So… yeah. Good luck with explaining that one.

and one more thing before I finish up here…

Toxicity is like a poison. It can leave one blind to the reality of their own downfall. I genuinely thought I would never be able to prove my own innocence until recently, but you guys just made it easy for me. If I were you toast, I’d shut the heck up, and back off before the Community managers intervene, and ban wipe your entire clan. Arguing the point through any means will guarantee this indeed becomes a reality. Consider this your final warning to you and your friends to back off before it’s too late to turn back from all this. Even making this whole post a copy pasta will get you into trouble. I’ve truly thought of everything here. there is not much you can do now.

I will leave it that that. Sincerely, SchakalofKrieg.


Hello Survivors,
I promise I tried to read the whole topic.
I must have lost a few brain cells doing this.

@SchakalofKrieg Please don’t publicly shame others or portray them in a negative light. The forum isn’t a place for that.
And for the others, you know very well that you must not enter into this kind of conversation.

Indeed, we had to delete all recent messages. There was nothing constructive and some people have abused with the flag system. More than 70 reports on this topic.

Reminder: It is further prohibited to abuse the “report” function.

For a better atmosphere on the forum, please go back and read the rules: Community-richtlinien Von Gaijin: Allgemeine Regeln.

Best regards,