JBrider's take

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


this got flagged multiple times already,good luck keeping it up…probably the swearing :rofl:


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


So, one of us is flagging these posts in order to protect Crossout’s soiled reputation? Which one of us is a fascist corporate whore who thinks Crossout is above reproach? Who here thinks we aren’t allowed to judge the products we consume? Who here thinks sneaking around like a fucking rat informant is some kind of virtue? Who’s the fake ass plant pretending to be one of us?

I can’t think of any reason to do this, except that one of us sees Targem’s reputation as synonymous with their own. No normal player or consumer of any product would give a shit when somebody expresses a disliking of any product. Only a corporate stooge would have any stake it that.

This reminds me of American left wing political cancel culture and activism. The kind of shit that plagues social media and is driven by American political lobbyists, liberals, deep-state actors, and boot-licking globalist Nazi sympathizers.


Why all these vids are flagged? Someone is trying hard to hide what ppl rly think, only one person comes to my mind , whos against all , 99% of reddit says its garbage update, 99% forum says its garbage update but theres only one :monkey: whos trying to convince ppl that white is black and black is white :rofl:


I havent flagged anything but I like most of the changes. The game is better now than it was 3 yrs ago.

Too many here simply suffer from burnout. Many loyal players with +3 yrs of playing the same game, which is a simple game in many ways, leads to them being disenchanted. That is normal. With no changes, it happens ever faster though.

The grind needs a drastic shortening to expand the playerbase. 6 months of steady play and $100 should facilitate a real chance at CW competition.

Add in cross play and this game will be here another 5 yrs…with all of it being filled with complainers.


Its too late bro, at least 3yrs too late

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Too late as defined by what metric or criteria?

People have been saying the game is dead for over 3 yrs now…and yet I still have short queue times. They havent hit with every decision but they have made many solid changes, including offering confrontation mode now.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

i came here for juicy content and it’s all hidden. flaggers annoy me.


Defined by players amount and active clans.

And yet we have pvp 6vs6 instead of 8vs8

You messed up dates :monkey: count it once again or go back to school.

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This game’s growth was doomed from the beginning by less than 6 key things

  1. Raids; Remove them, completely. Fuck fighting thousands of AI every week, the badge system was bad enough after they removed Seasons. Gate resources behind PVP. I absolutely dreaded raids as a new player.
  2. Space age scifi; 3000 players quit permanently until 2020 September 2017 when Dawn Children dropped.
  3. Imbalance; Shotguns, lances, and drones raped lobbies hard enough for everybody to have constant major complaints. Dopplers aka WALL HACKS were never nerfed which forced cloaks to become one energy, and cloaks have always been a HUGE balance problem and the old forums had hundreds of arguments over cloaks. Rather than just nerfing detectors AND cloaks, the devs ran around for years with a chair leg up their asses adding oculus, verifier, griffon, countless cloak nerfs and they still havent fixed the core issue of 1 energy wall hacks. Also they killed dewheeling with the addition of Bigfoots which were completely and hilariously overpowered with their insane dura and grip. Machine gunners used to dewheel shotgun players as a role, believe that?
  4. Shitty new player experience; You get wheels limited in reverse speed with terrible dura and boring less capable and low skill weapons until you get epics; have fun and go fight those guys with epics!
  5. Lack of players because of the above 3, limiting the variety of PvP options and forcing bots into pvp modes; did nobody see this coming?

If the devs really want to keep a livelihood with this game they need to consider what I’ve said because I know im right, I’ve had this game since 2015 for fucks sake.


:monkey: :hamster:


The only thing I’ve flagged lately is a few bits of AI spam last week which the mods said they’re looking into.


Why couldn’t they just keep the weekly challenges and just add the extra badges for the players in an active clan?

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Probably because they wanted a single comprehensive system. I miss my raid weeklies though.

Fair enough. Maybe people will adjust to it.

I miss the amount of badges they would bring in. I stopped playing raids a while ago. I don’t miss them.

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The funny thing about rough monkey flagging these is that two of those three videos are actually cross out partners with promo accounts.

I’ve never heard of the third guy. Like I said, I simply did a YouTube search for crossout update and these were what I found.

So, we have the Reddit moderator, and we have two YouTube partners both saying this update sucks. I need to get on Discord to see what those streamers are saying.


I think they just need to get rid of the ridiculous confrontation rating locks on the system and adjust a few of the challenges so solo players can finish them (allowing for somewhere close to the same amount they use to be able to get) I’ll understand if it has to be a little less with all the other challenges offered.