I have no idea how you can confuse laughing with crying The only crying person here is You
At least you have a slight idea of how hovers have changed over the years.
Now ask yourself why these changes were made and what hover players have to deal with , maybe if you didnt cry so much ppl dont have to look for the solution to use hovers after every nerf?
You’re telling me to adapt and not use meta builds? Dude there are no other players in this game except the hovers who have had to adapt so many times in last 5.5yrs, Iit’s not my fault you can’t build and keep up with the times.
Also dont forget that spaced armor its not only hovers thingy, I got it on my fbug car and spider builds, what you gonna tell me about spaced spiders with 5k dura?
I’ll give you an advice if you have problems with spaced armor or hovers, try to use weapons which are good agains it if you rly hate it, helioses are good for the start, GOOD LUCK!!!
He is not laughing or crying, the real definition is called complaining. He’s complaining about spaced armor and you are complaining about his complaining. It creates a lot of toxicity and salt and creates vicious cycle that I think needs to end on this forum. If he is spamming everyday fine but if it is once in a while let him complain no wonders forum is dead who wants to come here and get dumped on.
I think structure parts designed to compliment the technique is a good solution for spaced armor.
Somebody once suggested some sci-fi solar panels…and then they immediately released a weapon (Astraeus) that had those built into the model. It was odd. I thought maybe they were going to do more, but nerp.
I’d rather they balance rushing first, getting real old when the thing that gets me killed 90% of the time no matter the build is if a random person is driving against my build
How fast your weapon turns doesnt matter if your trying to hit hovers. I simply shared a tactic that works for me. Shoot front hovers too dude. That also works. Just dip em and they crumble easier.
Your point is valid, but for me… they’re just ugly and boring to play. It takes a lot of the joy out of the game for me to play something that doesn’t even resemble a vehicle at all.
get good at what? building cribs and baby walkers? … That’s what spaced armor is…it’s for people that haven’t grown out of needing bumpers on everything…
Here they announce a Borer nerf because Borers are overpowered. Then I have to read how having bumpers all around your frames is being a baby. Protecting one’s vehicle from overpowered weapons is being smart not infantile.
Adapt and overcome!
Yes, my vehicle no longer looks like a car, but so what?
I can take over a minute of being ground upon by melee weapons, time enough for my allies to kill the enemy vehicle and ruin his battle or enough time to escape.
Nobody takes my wheels off and nobody takes my weapons off until they chew through a lot of durability.
I don’t like the look of spaced armour, so I build my cars the way I like them. But I don’t care if other people want to do spaced armour: that’s their choice.
Am I at a disadvantage? Sure, but it’s not that big of a deal. I made my choice, and I’m ok competing with a handicap in order to play the cars I like.
I’m not even particularly good at the game, but I still get enough MVPs and Unyieldings with my silly little cars that I don’t see any reason to get upset about it.
What are you playing? Tsunamis? Mammoths? Pulsars? They are all bad. Drop that cannon nonsense and get yourself a Kaiju. Land a full volley on the hovers and watch your opponent flip.
You know it isn’t all fun and games playing spaced armor. You lose too much mass from one particular area and your wheeled vehicle will not turn for anything. Front end gets too light, your wheels keep coming off the ground, your front end bouncing, and you can barely turn unless you slow down. Lose your tail section, now your front end is too heavy, and you cannot corner for your life.