Lances needs a buff

6 lances, harvester used to be the meta melee build in cw. I have no idea how this translates to new crossout.

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Sorry but you do not get to choose your death lol…xo wants these weps… so it sounds like a personal prob.

I think i went with booms as the stealth factor of lances aren’t as good and i think the weight is more too.

I might just be inspired from this thread to create my first Lance build…i got a cool skin for them too.

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ive noticed over the years theirs alot of cry babies in this game nd this game has mostly grown men playing it lol


…here’s an idea fer a fix…

  • let Booms be the explody ones, and
  • make Lancelots more in lieu of a “pile bunker weapon”, as in…you ram the enemy, “press the weapon button, tempura/tachi style”…and the weapon(s) does/becomes:
    when weapon is activated it forcefully extends for a short distance (half tachi range…a few meters at most, or something like that), piercing the enemy and (in some cases) knocks them back
    Piercess up to 3 pins (like judge) with damage/impulse force increasing with the number of pins pierced (so just “scratching the paintjob” doesn’t do a lot of damage/knock back effect)…and a small cumulative effect for multiple lances…like really little cumulative effect
    …maybe add a bonus damage to cabs or something instead…

…here be my 2cents…

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neither do you.

nope. alot of people had issues with how powerful lances and boom sticks were and the devs got alot of heat for it. i seen people rage at getting killed right at the beginning of the match when some guy came out of nowhere and killed someone right off the bat. i seen one guy running lances go through 4 people at once as well. he just went through 4 team mates before fucking off somewhere and waiting out the match. if the enemy team was running 2 or more users with lances it was just a “leave the match” situation.
the old perk of lances had you build up charges and each charge gave it a certain amount of damage boost. i believe the old perk allowed it to go up to something like 150% damage… its been a long time.

i think if one thing should come back its the skinner hover booster that can slam people into the ground to one shot them. its at least creative and funny to watch.

no we dont. ask the people on reddit, i guarantee they wont agree with you.

they are lances, not a cannon blast to the side of a build. they dont need knock back.

I dont care how i die…

People who cry about weps have the issues…
u won’t find me whining about this. I just deal with it. Try not being so predictable and u might find ways to survive.

When i say xo wants these weps im talking about the devs…its their game and their rules…im playing by them…you’re crying by them…


I have 7 lancelots and 2 boom sticks in my build 5878k PS and it’s not enough
no perks
I doubt with only 6 lancelots you will do better in a higher PS.
the old lancers i use to see had more lances in total.

You use a lot of plows, and I think because of the damage resistance and the high HP, you’re better able to tank a lancer attack than most. You’ve also been playing longer now and have learned more about building.
I’m actually seeing lance builds again (although not often), and they are definitely still able to one-shot a lot of builds.
This tells me they’re probably in a good spot right now: strong enough to be scary, but able to be countered by some builds.
I haven’t played lances for years, but I do enjoy active melee, and I would say melee is in a similar position: there are builds that I avoid ramming because I can tell they’re more likely to survive, and other ones that I can slice through like butter.


Besides, lances are one of the few weapons lifted directly from the Mad Max universe, and that vibe is still a big part of what many people enjoy about the game.

I love your confidence that whatever you feel about the game is the objective truth, and that anything that counters your one preferred build must be OP.
You should really branch out more and play something other than cannon/hovers once and a while.

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I was never able to take out more than one car with my lance build! :cry: What did I do wrong? I even had the clown horn…


ok, mr “enjoys being onetapped with no viable counter plays”

This thread must be driving the prices up on Lancelots. Every time I look they cost more. It’s made crafting more practical, but it’s going to take me a while to get a set of six that way.

Fortunately, the game seems to be running fine, so the “grind” has been fun. Low power-score PVP seems as balanced as it’s ever been. match queues are brief, mostly. The free premium helps a bunch too, as well as the free work benches they just opened up. It’s a good time to grind, I’d say.

I’ve crafted one so far and have been closing in on that second one pretty quick.


hahaha…rightly said… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
couldn’t have done better myself


GL, HF & keep up the good work, sir!
:grin: :+1:t5:

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  • verifier
  • oculus
  • heavy plows
  • be fast, keep moving
  • bullet spray to decloak
  • cloak
  • heavy legs

goes to show your ignorance.

dude, they cloak up, then ram the first person in their sights. how in the fuck can i be less predictable then that? hide between my team mates and hope i dont get some pop rock sticks jammed elbow deep in my bumper? they would do this right at the beginning of the match, anyone shooting at them is targeted. yes its predictable they will go for the strongest opponent but often times they will single out smaller vehicles to make them less of a threat.
so idk where the hell your getting the term “be less predictable” at but you need to start making more sense.

because they nerfed lances hard before. when they werent nerfed you could build up a few charges and i think it had like… 3 charges that boosted the lances damage to 150%? i cant remember cause its been so long and i tried looking for the old perk info but cant find it. but the damage on these things were boosted to insane levels and someone running like 14 or 15 of these could easily go through about 3 - 5 vehicles easily. not to mention the perk wasnt based on speed before but by the distance travelled. so all you had to do was drive in circles for a few seconds and the charge was ready. you had sticks with an insane amount of damage ready to go. no need to travel at 75 km/h just ram into someone and you got the full damage.

your also forgetting the counter counters.
griffon masks your dot on the map.
heavy plows eh? no problem, wait for an opportunity and hit them in the side or in a weak spot.
“be fast” thats hilarious considering alot of these lancelot / boom stick builds run at max speed. your not going to out run them in a medium or heavy cabin so thats not going to help.
“bullet spray” your forgetting bullets have limited ammo now. also everyone needs to run ammo packs on their cars now so they have explodey bits.
“cloak” not everyone can run a cloak.
“heavy legs” they only protect you from the sides.

griffin cabin?

that doesnt do anything

doesnt apply to 99% of builds when comparing the speed of the lance vs the target

cant cloak for 2 minutes nonstop

only top tier

Good luck in finding one


How do you dodge a 65 knots ( more than double your speed )torp that has 1.6 km detection range with a 20 second rudder.?

You don’t, when you see that torp it’s already too late, so, to avoid them you try to be unpredictable making changes in speed and direction time to times.

What i’m trying to say is, regardless of cloak it’s your best shot, sometimes you can dodge, others you can’t.

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No, 6K PS forward

Man, How many plows do you think i have in my build?
And how many plows i will have in my build, very soon?

Take a guess

It’s a medium build.