Then how come we don’t see more lancers, and why aren’t they dominating matches? I might see one or two lancers per hour of PVP. They’re hardly a big threat or popular currently,
Griffon does counter verifier/oculus, but seems to me that most lancers prefer cabins that boost their damage. I’ve played a lot of Griffon builds over the years, and while I like the perk, it’s not as powerful as you’re suggesting, unless you’re fairly skilled. And a skilled player should perform well.
And your excuses about the other counters don’t hold up either.
Of course no counter is going to work 100% of the time, but that doesn’t mean you’re helpless either, and that there aren’t a bunch of strategies that keep lancers from dominating.
I’ll agree with you if lancers suddenly become dominant again, but I don’t see that happening in their current state.
Unfortunately, if most builds were more tanky builds some meta wouldn’t be meta.
Not my experience, in both sides
Sometimes, i must admit, i need assistance for those heavy builds and some medium builds, i often throw my build to saws and harvesters and maulers because i know i can sustain the punishment much better than most, trying to preserve the team from that, gaining time for them.
But my builds can withstand so much
But i love when a melee build gives up on me, sometimes too late for them.
Unless the other guy is running tempuras or tachis, probably the majority won’t arm anyone else.
Exactly, we all have different roles to play, depending on our builds and playstyle.
My new whaler/whirl build is a lot more tanky than my usual builds, and that allows me to just plow into melee builds and other close range attackers. But if I attempted that with one of my little sports cars, I would get sliced in half.
Oh sh*t!
I just realized playin around with these lances that they don’t light up on fire until right close to 75%! I thought it was earlier.
So i can creep around players slow and speed up just before i go in.This should be fun…
if they had the old perk theyd light up as soon as the full perk was active and it would be permanent. i think that made them easier to see back then? but still if they were cloaked then the cloak would mask them up until you got near to the enemy then the glow would show through the cloak.
unless you can hit that 75 very quickly on approach then i dont think itll work well. i know people used to use them with boosters and a… uhh… tusk. when they didnt have the carcasses around people would just hit the boosters and bulldoze through people. i once seen someone go through 4 people in a row with boom sticks. didnt even stop, just kept going.
btw do you run into that issue with lancelots or boom sticks that i run into? basically if i hit someone with them the sticks will act like a solid object and just vault me on top of the build im aiming for. its happened a few times. i ran them a long time ago to test them out to see how bad they nerfed them, i used the boom sticks i had for building. i want to know if this is still an issue.
I popped a couple guys today with six fused Booms, but I played a lot, and it didn’t happen very often as the shots had to be lined up perfectly and the targets pristine. It’s fun, but I’m not gonna say it’s easy, or nearly as effective as people seem to think it is.
The amount of things that can go dramatically wrong seem to be very numerous, and mistakes aren’t often allowed. I think I’m a little out of practice…and it definitely requires some.
I used to have a pretty bad attitude towards jousters, but I had one surprise me, scared me so bad I jumped out of my seat and spilled my coffee. That’s when it occurred to me that this was the only weapon in the game that actually ever assaulted me personally, right here in the safety of my home. I was impressed.
After that, I gave it a try myself. It turned out to be more nuanced than I had thought, and I sort of got hooked on it. I like the damn things.
If youre doing anything other than paranoically shooting at every available angle with the hopes of catching a lance the entire game, then there is a chance you decide to actually play the game at which point a lancer can easily flank and attack
Because theyre ineffective. A single suicide bomber does less for the team overall. But theyre still effective at ruining the game for one player
Maybe, but also has the power to disrupt the other team, when they all go after the lancer, that can be a huge advantage.
and if that player that has his game ruined, it’s just a couple of seconds into the game, thirty seconds or so later he is in another game
They like the dual ML-200s Boot-Scoot build. They cancel my Boom-sticks definitively. I don’t see Bigrams at all, except on one bot occasionally, but the ML-200s are popular, presumably because of the melee. There are a lot of min-maxed Harvester kids right now, and that’s probably what they are building for. But they work great against Boom-Sticks too.
I don’t fair very well against tracks either, and there are lots of tracks at 6K.
Two down and four to go…
I’m making up the difference with Fuzes for now…and I decided to go with the “Cucaracha” horn.
I popped one guy with just the two, but I think he was softened up pretty good before I got there. It’s enough to seriously cripple the enemy with just the two if I’m sharp, but rarely enough to put them out of action completely. That’s what the Fuzes are for; to finish them off. Sometimes it works.
would you like to be coming across a boom stick or lancelot build every game? how about them always targeting you in the match? you talk shit until your the one being effected by it.
“its no big deal, he went in to play only to get deleted in a few seconds by a lance build, he didnt get any reward but its no big deal, just leave and soon youll be in another match” common dude.
people go in to have fun, not get instantly deleted and then spend 2 loading screens and a timer to get into another match. we want rewards and fun when we go in. lances and sticks ruined that for us long ago.
I came across loads of them, i’ve got vaporized more than a couple of times, specially when i started to run heavy bricks.
Always being the target in every match it’s bit of a stretch to say the least, yes if you are in a light build or a medium build it’s almost one in eight the probability of being the target, i say almost because the probability of being the target increases if you run a heavy build, in theory it’s a easier target