Legendary movement parts

Where is this fact coming from?

Pure hokey. People prefer pve over PvP in crossout? It’s a PvP focused game… Lol. I think I have two dudes on my 200 person long crossout friends list that prefers pve over PvP. So… Yeah…

Most people choose to abandon or/and uninstall the game after realizing what it is. But 20% of no-lifers decide to measure up in endless PvP for no sensible reason and in-game goal.

Kehich Are you only here to talk as much trash as you can about the game? Why? Are u that bitter about a nerf to your favorite part? There’s no way someone who only talks crap about a game plays it right? That would be insane.

Maybe get over it and just stop using the forums to just talk trash about the game. It’s kind of pathetic. Why would someone keep comingimg back and doing this? I leave games I don’t like in the dust. Never to be bothered with again.

You seem like your going out of your way. That’s kind of cray cray.

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yes, but I am trying to word it “nicer”

no - 80% of all players. PvP is much less popular overall.

was referenced in some YT video and considering monetary output of “candy crush” i believe it.
It was btw estimated form the quota of achievements for offline vs online modes in games where “story mode” and PvP are available. Most people dont play online. And PvP = online

It’s no use, because devs either won’t or can’t make it a regular online game instead of a cashgrab.

There were suggestions and propositions about it on the old forum. They weren’t of use back then, they won’t be effective in the future either. I’m not sure if that suggestion form devs had exists now.

reading my words? I’m not forcing you to read it. You’ll just get your bum hurt again and again. Maybe this is because you finally started to realize how pathetic is the life of a PvP addict :upside_down_face:

Yeah, me to. In any game that gives off that vibe… But Crossout is different for 2 reasons, which a new player doesen’t know yet:
1- Certain well used epics can absolutely compete with legendary and relics, and even legendary are not hard to get if one plays this as much as anyone who likes a game would play it. (That’s the: - don’t need the biggest gun).
2- But the other thing they don’t realize is that Crossout HAS NO end game. It’s just doing fast ending pvp over and over or CW if that’s your thing. You make the power score goal what you want it to be.
And I actually like that because that at least strives for balance. Being able to find your own place where things you can get or like work well.

BUT, being used to nearly any other game out there, a new player will take a look at what’s the highest and toughest and think that eventually he HAS to find himself in a ring with such a heavyweight.


How about a ground based energy ball wheel that’s basically just a hover but on ground, with minimal top speed like 50km/h but great acceleration in all directions and can stop and resume moving very precisely without gliding in any direction. Superior mobility at low speed but at the cost of not much max speed, like the strafing ability of a sideways hover, but in all directions. But does not go over obstacles like regular hovers do