Let's See Those Paints!

Treasures of the Leprechauns is available on the market now due to pack release. :nerd_face::+1:

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What an absolute disappointment, instead of any cool thing happening of green elf day it’s just some random pack item



Legend of Ronin paint is on the market from that new Ronin pack.

yeah I got it dirt cheap from some whale who sold it 4 mins after pack release

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New one for me released in the new Speed demon deluxe edition pack…not sure if it existed before…

Nitrous oxide

Its new.

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Here’s a few of my favorites:

Couple more becuase I have limited APC parts:


Names from top left to bottom right:

concrete jungle, electron metallic, mind shadows, black gold, shadow of success, white sun, el dorado, wolf’s howl, (now for the next image) dead marshes, and finally wood grain.

I have a lot more paints those are just my favorites.

How I got some of these:

concrete jungle was from an event box, and is not tradeable, same for electron metallic. Mind shadows is from the ravager battle pass, but is also tradeable, Black gold is tradeable for a high price, but I got it from an event box. shadow of success I’ve had for so long I forgot how I got it, but it’s untradeable, and I’ve since upgraded to the black gold one. White sun is in a few packs (like that inventor one which is a hover) but is also tradeable, el dorado I forgot where it came from but it is tradeable. Wolf’s howl is from around the time Howlin’ wolf left us, I forgot how I got it exactly, but it is tradeable. Dead Marshes I’ve had so long I don’t know how I got it, but it is tradeable. Last but not least, Wood Grain is from a small pack which also had the “Rattler” horn in it.

If you read that huge paragraph, thank you, if you didn’t, I totally understand. :laughing:

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Of the ones I own, these are my favorite ones

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i’m ftp on pc ,these the paints i got,
my fave is ‘Ice Crystal and Nocturnal Hunter’

my 2 faves…



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Being a big paint fan i often check the market…
…last night i saw a Crash Tester paint going for 99,999.99 gold. Im not great at math but i think it’s like $1500 converted.

Someone snatched it up though. You think they are as happy as they thought they’d be now that they have it? Maybe they just did a slow grind and sold scrap…it kinda builds up fast if u play everyday plus subscription bonus maybe…or maybe they dropped some loot…anyway… was just thinking about this…

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sigh if only i had that much… I’d get a couple relics out of it… :sob:

Sometimes you can drop a super lowball offer on paints but it’s a long shoot if someone sells it to you at that price. I put an offer the other day on crash tester for like 2600 with the intent of selling it for 100 000 coin If I got lucky, dirty profit if it worked.

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