Lets talk

i want to talk about this game and my thoughts and whatnot about whats happening and whats going on and other things. i just want to get my thoughts out there and have a productive discussion here.

NOTE: before you make an angry comment to me or go ranting to me about nonsense, do know that this is my opinion. if you have your own opinions then id like to hear them, if your just here to insult and pick a fight with me then kindly piss off. without further ado…

first off the ungodly amount of battlepasses and mini battlepasses:
i understand the devs need to make money, and im all for adding something to the game to make the devs some extra money, but this is just not going to work anymore due to the declining player base. every single year its been nothing but the same for countless years in a row. bring out a battlepass that lasts for months, add a bunch of mini battlepasses in for that time as well, do absolutely nothing with the game except make more weapons and parts to get more money out of, rinse, repeat.
on top of this they plan on going from 3 battlepasses per year to 4 with more mini battlepasses in between. does this give them time to fix or add new things into the game? probably not.

the lack of modes:
because of the above mentioned battlepasses theres been few of anything added into the game over the years, anything suggested in the reddit forums is shot down immediately by the toxic players who dont want change in their game. change needs to happen in this game or it will shut down. we have not had any new modes added in and NO i do not count the battle for legs and helis as a NEW MODE. it was always an existing mode that added a “new” mechanic / part to the game.

the lack of additions to the game and abandoned features:
as stated above modes like adventure have been completely abandoned and left to rot. co-drivers have not been touched much since their rework even though the devs promised us more variety of co-drivers. instead of working on these and improving the game and trying to make the modes more fun or adding in co-drivers to benefit the new weapons being added they just throw it out the window for “more money”. this is just depressing.

no more permanent modes / blueprints:
this says enough in and of itself. they wont add more permanent blueprints into the game and instead want to inject these items through mini battlepasses to trickle in parts so they dont get overpriced in the market place. this is a money making tactic that EA would salivate over. this makes certain weapons like legendaries and relics hard to get and makes it so their prices on the market place is very, and unreasonably, high. this seems to just be a game now of “who can throw the most money at us” and who can buy out the stock of an item and how much money they can get from it. we need permanent blueprints but i see the devs making excuses to not give us anymore. also watch the new founders battlepass be limited blueprints to and not permanent then itll be trickled into a new mini battlepass. rinse, f*cking repeat.

clan wars:
its not fun, its not interesting, its just boring. just a bunch of try hards trying to get that massive amount of uranium to pawn off to people to get more scrap metal for their collection. and trust me battle for uranium isnt any better. some people may like it, but i dont. injecting a ton of uranium into the game doesnt really help anything.

useless. the only modes these can be used in is in invasions and clan wars and i see absolutely no reason to ever build one. seriously what is the point of leviathans if you can only use them in two modes and one of those modes doesnt even use the levis half the time? i throw my leviathan out there for 24 hours and very often times it gets places in 0 battles and i earn nothing. why cant we have our own little mission collection log or a job journal to send our leviathan out on to earn some extra resources? it doesnt feel good when i send my leviathan out for 24 hours only to get 0 battles and no rewards.

removal of casings / coupons:
still no word on what they are doing with these, they clearly said they didnt know what they were going to do with them, someone in reddit told me they were going to remove them but… dude… its been TWO YEARS since then and nothing has happened, they werent removed and you can still buy them on the market. so what are they actually going to do with these? why not just bring them back into the game? the piercer, fidget and imp all use casings as their crafting material and i just dont see them reworking that system to another resource anytime soon. this is just a huge waste in my opinion and the devs need to do something about this.

are useless in their current state. bots hard focus on them to hard for them to be of any use in pve so they are mainly used in pvp and this is just depressing. i like drones alot and i feel they got shafted way to hard. the drones all got nerfed hard across the board because of grenadiers and annihilators and this was unfair to all drones except those two. drones need a buff again and especially the anaconda and owl drones because they just suck so badly for an epic weapon. also they need to be usable in pve, bots need to stop focusing the drones so hard. its not just drones either but mines to. one time i dropped a mine and the scorpion bot nearby me shot the mine out in mid air as it was being launched out of my launcher. how is that fair?? drones need to be usable again. back when i ran fuze drones i could run them in 10k ps and do well to really well with them, but now, even with the cabin that gives them double damage it does absolutely nothing. its just not good…

fix their aim so they have a chance at missing, there is absolutely no reason bots should have pinpoint accuracy nor be able to snipe you across the map. also fix their ai so they dont target and hard focus drones so damn much, give the fricken drones a chance to fight for god sake.

the addition to ammo to everything and removal of hitscan:
this imo has really messed up the balance of the game, alot of weapons now seem really useless like some shotguns seem really underpowered compared to what they were before. some shotguns are so weak that im surprised when i see a single part fall off someone. im not sure what caused this but i assume it had to do with the hitscan mechanic. some weapons like the arbiters seem to do alot less damage then before. you also need to lead the shots but i dont really find this an issue, just got to get used to it.

seal clubbing:
has always been a problem and i see this as mostly people not wanting new users to come in and only wanting beef with existing players. game balance is an issue in this game and the numbers show. nobody wants to play a game thats unbalanced and unfair, and especially one that takes forever and a god damn millennia to progress.

promises made and not kept:
where is out heli raids we were promised?
where is more co-drivers we were promised were coming in the future?
where is the improvements to the game?
wheres any new modes?
where is anything new thatll keep players coming back and playing rather then playing for a few days and saying “screw this game” and leaving?

change the god damn raids back to 2 random raids per difficulty, i am sick and tired of this “same raid” bullcrap and its about time they change it back. 2 different raids for medium and hard raids, not two of the same damn things. it has been over 3 months since i did a raid because it wasnt the raids i typically play. idk why this change was made but change it back to the way it was before.

there would be more but its getting a bit ranty, is there anything that gets on your nerves or irks you about the game? feel free to comment / vent about it.


i also want to add one more

temporary modes:
enough with these, add something in permanently for a damn change. im tired of seeing something cool added in, or in the dronepocalypse’s case, fun, and then just not touched for another year or so or however long it takes for them to add more to the mode. give us more to do in the game! stop with the temporary crap!

They probably rotate the modes to keep things interesting and avoid 20-minute queues. If you have so many permanent modes, with the small pool of players that we have, you might rarely have enough people to fill them.

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I personally like the events like the ravager Operations. They are fun while they last, and if we had them constantly in the game people might get tire/bored of them anyway. “One cannot experience true happiness if they do not have something sad/bad/negative to compare it to.” -one of my old English teachers while reading the book The Giver (with a slight paraphrase).

I also wanted to note (as Purple said before me because he beat me here), small player base split among several new battles makes people not fill the battles, so they substitute with more bots (which people hate in PVP), or you get insanely long queue times for the brawls that cannot use bots, until they either quit or get full after a loooonnggggg time.

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First, let’s go.


Uff, i think i met all the requirements to enter the discussion :slight_smile:

This game it’s not perfect and it’s drifting away from the game i started with, i miss the wedge meta, SGs and so on, the devs must be trying to get away from that, a general nerf to close range combat in favour of other things ( just take a look to the perk of the new wheels, new red hot engine, but for years the game never grew to a certain point, so they probably are trying other things.

Modes disperse the player base ( it’s just an observation ) But having the possibility of not playing against certain builds it’s a nice gesture from the devs.
Despite i prefer the next step configuration, playing for points, no caps, respawns.
Adventure could have a huge potential, from battles to a sort of side history quests.

Clan wars, uranium battles… coupons and casings… i don’t care.

Events, a major downer for me is preset builds, wtf?
If you want to play a event bring your own build, make it, steal it, but using an already made build?

Forget past Metas, they had their time, now, the time is for new and shiny things in other games this is called power creep.
and it could be worst like paying for a build and the next week a brand new build makes the first one completely irrelevant.

raids is where i disagree.
If i could i only would make raids in rock city and founder’s canyon.
Choosing the raid where we will play would be awesome. but i do prefer this present way raids are in relation to the old version

Temporary modes, don’t stop using them.

This one was a big one for me

i think your misunderstanding me here, raids used to be two random raids not two of the same raids. so instead of medium being 2 perimeter breach it would be perimeter breach for copper and data theft for plastic. this is what i mean and i liked this way of randomness more.

i like this to because the whole one life thing really turned me away from it all. though in my matches i just end up losing 3/4 of the time so its why i dont play pvp, the matches are heavily rigged against me now. ever since i tried them like 9/10ths of all my matches are losses and i can never get consecutive wins like i used to in pvp in the past. not saying i should but after experiencing loss after loss after loss it just irritates me and makes me not want to play.

ill say what i told the smart ass redditors before: if they bothered to improve their game and get newer players into the game then we wouldnt have a smaller playerbase now would we?
all its been for this game is just battlepass after battlepass after battlepass with mini battlepasses inbetween and its just tiring. nothing new is coming in and they just make the game more difficult for us by releasing new items but then limiting how many of them are in the game and driving up the costs of everything. look at stillwind and the generator before, when the relic generator came in the prices for those skyrocketed and they had to trickle some into the game to keep the prices low. this isnt good game design and its predatory microtransactions. they know what they are doing but somehow people support that. this will be the downfall of this game if it keeps up.
we have no permanent blueprints from the ravagers faction, no permanent blueprints from the hyperborea and now we are getting founders blueprints that are most likely going to be temporary to. hell even the battlewalker legs werent permanent. this is what im trying to say but people apparently support it and just plug their ears being ignorant to the facts.

again, if they would put more effort into their game then the playerbase wouldnt be low now would it? crossout can be a fantastic game but they ruin it with the shit they are doing now. battlepasses, mini battlepasses, limiting everything, its going to come to a head eventually.

  1. How else can they make money to keep the game going? I don’t like it and they can certainly do better but this is the gaming industry right now.

  2. Too busy on 1.

  3. Too busy on 1.

  4. No excuses for this one, they did it on previous BP’s and should be adding them in to existing factions, at least the limited run workpieces.

  5. Depends who you play with. I’ve had some very good and some very bad experiences here. It could definitely do with a re-vamp. Co-op PVE, PVP objectives ect. Implement existing activities to do with clans would be a start.

  6. Yep if you don’t do Clan Wars then this is an utter waste of time. Why hasn’t this become a PVP mode yet? Could easily do a 4v4 Leviathan match.

  7. Not important, probably another - Too busy on 1. I sold all mine for good profit.

  8. Stop pushing drones, seriously… The majority don’t want to see them again, they offer nothing. Zero skill weapons SHOULD be worse.

  9. Bots are the necessary evil… the aim thing is annoying but I think they already have a “stupid bot mode” built in to the game to force the 50/50 (in pvp anyway). Tbh its annoying but dealing with bots isn’t that hard. Unless your obsessed with drones which I suspect is the real issue here.

  10. I didn’t really see much difference but then I left MG’s and SG’s behind a long time ago. But yes, they fucked with something that didn’t need it and lots of players left as a result. They should reverse this ASAP if they want to save the game.

  11. Seal clubbing was always easily solved by banning certain weapons at lower power scores. So say you decided to run a 3k - 4k with a hurricane, something I used to see a lot when I first started. If you ran a legendary you would immediately just be bumped up to 6k - 8k games, were you would get owned and rightly so, as punishment for being a dick. But they never did it and a lot of newer players got fed up and quit. To me it’s too late to do anything about this as there aren’t enough new players to sustain any low PS games, but they should still do it anyway.

  12. Too busy with 1.

  13. The raids will always be tedious regardless of what is on the board. They definitely need to get rid of some, make some of them more challenging, and switch up the maps.

  14. If they kept all of them in the players would be spread too thin. I like the rotation of them, even though some are utter garbage (like the winter hunt they have on now.)

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You shouldn’t see things that way.
there are streaks, losing and wining, that a true boomer, if you get in one, either one, you will know that sooner or later you will be up or down, it’s a question of time.

In the next step there are times where the enemy team has more helis, and in those times it sucks , but there are others where i find myself bullying cannon builds and melee builds as desert, and now some (( few ) emily/gl builds ( they just shoot, they don’t stop and many of the times that hurts them more than me )

But i’m putting up with the helis only because i’m cutting some corners, the rewards are double of the classic mission and sometimes the triple, i’m going for new toys, so there’s that.
Just a couple of days ago my board was full of defeats, couple of days before that i was bullying melees and cannons.
And the battles are only 3 minutes or less so, wining or losing, so don’t let that go under your skin.
Even a defeat can net more than a win in the classic mission.

you should run drones to see.

Spray and prey with hitscan, now there’s skilful

You get MVP running four Pythons at 8000 PS and then tell me they require no skill.


no, ill keep pushing it because they need more love.

speak for yourself, also they offer nothing or next to nothing because the devs made them offer nothing…

dude you could say any weapon in the game has zero skill to use. aim and pull the trigger.
theres two weapons in this category that uses auto aim and thats drones and the caucasus.
the caucasus was designed to be like that but they also have their downsides to.
drones also have major downsides:

  • they leave your vehicle wide open to attack.
  • require ammo to use
  • they can be destroyed pretty easily cause they have low hp
  • flying drones fly near one another so one burst and they are erased
  • wheel drones have dumb ai and can wedge you.
  • all drones need to be near a target or within a certain distance to be usable.
  • grenadiers and annihilators do not need buffs and are fine the way they are.
  • anacondas and owls are a joke, both in powerscore, damage, hp and survivability. on top of this they dont deserve that epic tier and are a rare at best.
  • turret drones are stationary and cannot move. wheel drones can move. flying drones are reliant on the owner being near a target and being vulnerable.

seriously idk why you call them no skill weapons or even why you hate them so much. no, we arent going back to the days of drones targeting you from across the map, we already said this. drones have suffered enough dude, the ONLY REASON they were nerfed in the first place was cause of grenadiers and annihilators being so overpowered and over used in clan wars and pvp.

???like almost every weapon in the game because you need to have enemy in your sightline and meanwhile enemy have you in their sightline :smiling_face: (only exception artllery and rocket(they have their own issues))

like every weapon in the game(except melee)

like many weapons in the game

ok,melee weapons needs to be close,mgs needs to be not to close to survive and not to far to enemy because of damage falloff,"sniper"weapons needs to be far away from enemy for survivability.

look at these guys,they are bad for their rarity



why?i need to drive and not smack into wall,while shooting(while calculating ballistics),meanwhile looking on minimap and paying attention where everyone is(did anyone goes invis or not)

and on drones i need to be not to close to enemy(so they wouldnt kill me) and not to far(so drones dont lose the target) while hiding behind the wall/teammate.cool,very skillful indeed :sunglasses:

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There is almost nothing where I could agree with your points.

I would say be happy with what they offer. Don’t play what you don’t like. You can’t expect them to develop everything what each induvidual player want. Do you know any other game where devs put whatever the fuck you want into the game? If yes, play that. The balance cycle changes the game anyway each couple of month…

The game sucks and the gameplay is regarded and repetitive. It just takes some a lot of time to figure it out. Its about milking newps like this jalbi guy. Give him some edge over others for a month for 10 bucks, rinse and repeat. Everything else is fluff. It was always p2w but with the battlepasses it became p2play, many of you didnt notice because you think 10 bucks is cheap. Its no money worth caring about sure but its in no way worth it. Its like paying to be put in a hamster wheel only to go round and round forever.

My average takeout lunch costs more than a BP, and I get far more entertainment and satisfaction from the BP.
Maybe I’m running on a hamster wheel, but me and the hamster are both having a good time doing it.
We all have to pass our time on earth doing something, and playing Crossout is more fun for me than most other options at that price point.


You must be kidding, right?

Not every weapon has less durability than an exposed old gasgen e.g.
Not every weapon can be suppressed by a single chord MG.

Thank God hitscan was removed from the game, since they did it, not only improved the drone experience but as everyone else’s experience.

On top of all that you have the cooldown, facing overheating mechanics you are always in a disadvantage.
You have much much less control over the cooldown time, than the other guy.
Even against reload mechanics you rely heavily in the other guy experience.
And in top of that, if everything goes well you end up being degunned every 20 seconds for 30 seconds. If doesn’t go well you end up degunned almost immediately for 30 seconds
Carrying extra ammo or not is up to each one.
But more important than that it’s the type of drone you are running there isn’t two drones with the same gameplay, so if you are carrying one type there’s plenty of situations that you hope you had the other one for that situation, so for that not to happen you must adapt, constrain yourself …and that is not always easy.

Playing drones is harder than you might think.
Give it a try

If you don’t understand that there’s a massive skill difference between sniping with cannons and dumping off drones then running away there’s no point even trying to argue.

give it a try.

If the other guy is good, he will shoot your drones easily, making you redundant, you can’t hide, you must disrupt the other guy.
You can but you shouldn’t hide or run away, cause if you running the co-driver, you must be within 35 meters from your drones to be able to take advantage of your perk.
If you are not trying to do that the drones will be even weaker.
And ultimately you are just doing nothing there but be a number


Everyone here loves to argue that their favourite weapon requires more skill than other people’s favourite weapon.

But if drones were truly “too easy”, why do we rarely see them in any of the competitive modes? Cannons are definitely more meta right now than drones, and isn’t using the more effective weapon a way of reducing the amount of skill you need?


Read the full argument. Drones are ineffective BECAUSE they are too easy to use and that’s why they should stay that way. If they became skill based sure, make them effective but until then… Nope.

To your second point, no absolutely not. Just because something is more “meta” it doesn’t mean it requires less skill. A cannon shot that misses does no damage.

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