Major rant

A lot of these features are arguably cool too, like the mechs and the copters, I suppose (just not my flavor), but they clash with each other.

They could make three separate games out of the complexities they have here, and any one of them could do as well as what they have now, probably.

That is if they didn’t constantly pull the rug out from under their clients inventories with continual “balance updates” and could release a game that was more consistent and less eternal beta-test. There’s probably only one person who actually likes this :no_mouth:

Apparently as in Wargaming as well.

Not only planes ( from the cv) air cancer, but now, subs too.
It’s a shit show, i burnt out twice over there, it’s not fun.

About crashes, only in crossout do i crash mid raid and lose my fuel, that didn’t happen in the other game, i would just make another operation without losing my XP gains, the unfinished operation didn’t count.

theyre definitely cool but theyre nothing more than unpolished gimmicks and theyre taking all development effort away from balancing or updates that actually improve the game

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i did mention the “rebalancing loop” they’ll get stuck into…and keep bleeding players 'cuz of that mentality…well, as ace ventura would say it:
“DAMN, i’m tired of being right…”

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ill answer that for you:
because the mini battlepass requires you to run in that mode to complete the challenges it has. this is the only reason i can think of. they are forcing people to do pvp missions in next step if you want to complete the challenges and get rewards. it explains why i lose 95% of the time in that mode.

the main pass you can do in pve, the mini battlepass is forcing people to play pvp in the next step mode.

in the mini pass you cant, its forced pvp in next step. see for yourself dude they even said in the description to play pvp with battlewalkers and helis.

imo change the mode to make it without helis and then give heli users a mode of their own to use their helis in. they said they were making a heli raid so… wheres that? oh wait thats right they hit the whiskey to hard and forgot about it. that or they didnt want to waste their time and scrapped it like they do 95% of everything else in this game.

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IDK, but I do think they are trying to go somewhere with all this, and they are putting out plenty of content, but it’s not always a fun journey to get wherever they’re going, and when they do get there, they don’t stay there for very long.

ADHD seems to be part of game’s character.

that game mode it’s cooler than the classic missions, walkers, i can deal with them, they are not nothing special, but helis are a pain to deal, but i do prefer the conditions of said mode.
But there’s another thing…

a win translates in 3 x the classic mission rewards ( no premium time)
a crushing defeat it’s almost 2 x an MVP in classic missions

I’m not in it for the resources anymore. “Progress” is just a road map to higher power-scores where all of this game’s features and form deprecates into increasing dysfunction, or it is a set up for disappointment when whatever it is you spend a month or more to grind out and craft gets the nerf hammer.

It’s a fools errand, IMO, to strive for progression or resources in this game. It isn’t a question of if they will pull the rug out from under you, but only a question of when, and the answer is always “soon.”

I’m not sure if anything has been more at fault for running off players. Anything you build or achieve here is a sandcastle waiting for the tide to come in and wash it away.

I think it is best to play whatever works for you, at whatever pace amuses you, and receive the resources gained as a fringe benefit of that. Sell it and buy something pretty, but never grind for anything ever. You will be disappointed.

Can we promote Major Rant to a General Rant now?

I dislike pvp missions with helicopters and walkers. I dislike the respawning. I do not hate it though. I can stomach 3-5 missions in pvp with helicopters and mechs to complete the challenges.
Most all my missions in the former next step missions contain four bots with ground vehicles. Focusing and killing these bots repeatedly, no matter what the enemy humans do, completes the challenge.
I cannot understand quitting early, just go kill the bots.

You are not entitled to other people’s time, especially when they are only going to suffer being massacred without being able to contribute, and may as well leave anyways.

Blame match-maker for being so remedial and inadequate when the only heli on your team, armed with rockets, nopes out because it put three autocannon helis on OpFor.


that’s an entire different discussion.
But one more reason to stay in the battle, to thin out enemy fire, the less targets you have the more focused the remain targets become.
It already crossed my mind seeing 1 or 2 team mates up there helpless, they must suffer more than we do (on the ground ) and i bet you the last thing that guy wants it’s to me to bail out
I started to notice how many helis each team has and i try to shoot them down instead of going after ground builds, sometimes is enough to disrupt them, to make them lose time and focus other thing than what they are after.

that’s right, right?
Not just the time but the fun as well.
What these free loaders do or end up doing by bailing out is just outright trolling others players in their team, nothing more than wasting time.

That’s true, MM sucks every time, the last thing you want it’s a balanced MM.
MM sometimes sucks for your team, other times sucks for the other team, it’s like a pendulum
Mirror MM and other things like that doesn’t work.
the trick it’s how tuned that pendulum is
But ultimately it’s not even MM’s fault, there are other factors in play past MM.
Ultimately is down to each player to make the match work for him or against him.
Case and point
All the games you had that starting to be a defeat but turned out to be a victory.

Or better yet, not enter at all in the first place.

I mean if you are going to whatever mode with that fight or flight mentality ( enface on flight ) What are you doing there in the first place?

I think if I only took the “fair” matches in PVP, I’d end up never playing. I am often at the bottom of my teams roster with respect to PS. This has been more frequent since the last update, though. Which is fine(ish) as long as the spread doesn’t start getting ridiculous, like 8K vs 5K. I think that’s stupid, and will entertain that only for so long.

As long as I’m on the 8K end, that’s great though, right? I see the advantage, even if it isn’t obvious to others. That’s not how it usually goes, though.

I think it’s hard to say how, since generally the total power-scores of each team are roughly equivalent. That’s been a fairly firm rule since I started playing, or am I mistaken?

As a player within a team, i feel like I get the shaft a lot, though. I think that is where the discrimination is focused…if there were any :wink: But, the teams themselves seem routinely evenly matched…at least on the surface.

I do think they updated the matchmaker with the last update, and I have seen what look like glitches and disorganization since. Not recently, however. It seems to have evened out, but last night I did the Winter Balloon Brawl, and it was riddled with glitch too.

*DISCLAIMER: I noticed they did a patch (got kicked for maintenance), and I haven’t investigated that at all. I hope things improved.

Nowadays that may not mean much (8k vs 5 k ) especially with walkers, i see it in raids.
5k and 6k ending top of 10 k and 8 k builds.
Putting aside walkers and going to PVP you can see builds with 2k PS more than yours but if you look more closely you will find some of those builds are bloated or have some critical design flaw and you will be finding some ultra focused 9k builds.
I wanted to test my prototype in classic missions not just Next step ( they are so different from one to another ) and i want a good build period. Not being good in one and crap in the other one.
It was a brickfest, as you live only once, a much slower gameplay, cause fear, much more to lose than the other mode where you can just keep going at it…relentless.

At first sight it can be a advantage, but there are much more things at play than PS.
Before i press the W key, i don’t know jack, i don’t know if i will suck or shine, be a burden or a key piece to victory, who my team mates are, and so on.

It’s like that saying ( i think, from Plato’s )
Only the dead see the end of the War.

I don’t see the end of many Wars

PVE and PVP have almost no similarities in matchmaker objectives, to be sure. It’s difficult to compare the two, and I can’t really address well a mode I haven’t played in a while. It could be a lot different from the last time I played. They change stuff a lot and often.

There are a lot of players in PVP that know how to exploit even a 5% PS advantage pretty well. Typically, I am tasked with “exploiting” a 10-15% disadvantage. When that spread reaches beyond 20% and I’m on the bottom, I’m not taking it seriously anymore. I’m being fed to the sharks. It’s best to just close your eyes, IMO.

If it’s a trend, sometimes I’ll bust out the clown cars, or begin Operation Mayhem with…The SKINNER!

In this precise moment i’m doing AA support.

Some games are harder than others but it’s going.

I just faced a miller spider twice that completely suppressed me , the game before, two guys with the same build ( not fused) just came out for me every time i got near and so on.
A Mixed bag, but you can’t think like that, if your set up has weakness then try to fill the gap somehow.
e.g. I’m not seeing any melee around lately, i’m thinking in enforce the armour more for ground combat ( i have around two tons of armour just for melee that’s doing nothing).

Turrets are not great, you don’t like sidekicks, how about hawks?
The problems i had when went from Hawks to Sidekicks are now when i went from sidekicks to hawks.
Hawks won’t be in your way and they are way better than turrets.
PS management to the point that you do, i don’t do.
Sometimes it can hurt more than do good.

i honestly like the respawning aspect of it, its the things they allow in the modes (helis and battlewalker legs) that i dont like.
the reason i like the respawning though is cause i never liked the whole “one life” thing. but thats just me i guess. :man_shrugging:

I have no idea what you mean here.

I don’t make those maths.

The issue can’t be discussed without those percentages. IDK another way. It’s why I used those terms.

The reason is because I can’t simply say, “Drat! I’ve been disparaged 3K ps points. That’s not fair,” because if you’re playing at 10K or higher that sort of disparity maybe isn’t as significant as it is at 5K ps. 33% is a lot, but against 5K, a 3K disparity is a 60% disparity. I think that’s too much.

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