Maybe is enough.
you are assuming those builds you are facing are all top notch. want to see?
Pick a build, one of your builds ( fast dial ). and put it here against mine. ( never mind the fused things, it doesn’t matter)
Maybe is enough.
you are assuming those builds you are facing are all top notch. want to see?
Pick a build, one of your builds ( fast dial ). and put it here against mine. ( never mind the fused things, it doesn’t matter)
Tl;dr: i bet poony doesnt even dare touching this with a ten foot pole! Its a minefield for hopeless optimists.
Im sorry, but how slow are you? People are leaving your games because youre the regarded guy going in there with lances or maybe shitty drones.
As i hear its the heli op mode. So youre being a burden to your team. People think “competitively” while youre roleplaying and thinking youre a hero or something.
They want to win and see you so they quit because its not worth it. Some special unicorn you are. Even bitching about it while calling them snowflakes. Its you, my man!
The p2w aspects of the game necessitate shitty balance which is why nobody gets to have fun here. People just grind.
They hope for a team that plays to win and isnt roleplaying in some wank mobile.
Horrible, horrible idea that caters to you and only you and everybody hates it.
Ive seen a few people like you “bragging” about how theyve played a shitty game before moving to another game. And how this new shitty thing in the other game is nothing compared to the shittyness in the old game they used to play. In effect arguing “its cool, because it could be worse”. Youve done that before.
And now youre even suggesting making this new game, crossout, as shitty as the old game youve left and burnt out on?
Why the fuck would you do that!? Are you just in it for the pain and the self image of being tough because of your ability to eat crap? Really dont get your train of thought.
They cant or wont, pick one, because p2w demands updates with new op crap all the time. Listen to gangsterism, hes spot on with this.
Exactly, because the target audience craves new shiny crap as it has fallen for an addiction machine. Its just meth, the rest is fluff.
Youve thought like this before because you seem to be a pessimist optimist but it has never turned out like this.
The changes arent coherent, theyre here to show off new stuff so someone buys the bp only to leave the game two months later.
Because you ran out of low ps boobs to milk and the few new players all play with bp parts and reach a higher ps.
At the same time you refuse to build higher yourself so its endless queue or poor mm for you.
You endless philistine! Its: “only the dead see the end of war.” Not the war. As in, warfare is a never ending human condition.
I dare you, download some meta heli build and join that mode with it. I bet you, much fewer people will “magically quit your games” right away.
Wouldnt try to build your own heli just to rule out the possibility your interpretation of a heli isnt accepted as meta.
Hah! Drone build. Now things make more sense.
No, I don’t think I was.
Thanks for that, Mupppet. I feel like I know myself so much better now.
You’re always such a delightful guest, on this forum…and what a wonderful gift you have.
I don’t think i’m that important, i’m lot less important than seeing 3 or 4 helis in the other team, that’s apparently it’s what makes them flee not me
And I still do, i never seen red before in Crossout but i had flashes back in the day i made this topic .
No, but from the start i never quite understood some complains about this game, after all, the grass it’s greener on this side, it still is.
I guess it gave me a thicker skin despite as you said, i burnt out twice. Things over there were unbearable, not just for me but for a lot of other people too including CCs ( community contributors, JBriders of the world, about 33 of them exit the program shortly after, because of what they did to LWM, it was the last straw for them)
But not all were bad things, it had good things too.
It’s cool because it could be a lot lot worse at the MM, at the match, at the game itself.
I never did a heli nor i’ll do one, i’m in there for the rewards, as i said i’m cutting corners for the moment.
My 2k PS heli is more than enough i only use it to clean the board of those dedicated missions when they are clogged up with rotors missions.
And i’m all about counter META.
No, i won’t do that.
P.S. - I apologize for whatever grammatical kicks i may have given to the English grammar.
Sign :
Your philistine
You may catch me in a match, we both are more or less in the same PS range, at least, it’s what i’m seeing from my games, 6k builds, right?
Give or take. I see Derp out there a lot, and a lot of other regulars that don’t do the forum, like JehuBranch, and CrOsSoUtFrEaK (or however he spells that). It seems like a small world.
Before they nerfed Maces, I’d see MudnBeer occasionally too, because I had a version of his go-to build I was developing, and the game would sort us together once in a while, but they cancelled that gig.
My plan now is to go with the flow, I got the BP, and I’m going to build whatever that produces to try floating around 9K more. I don’t expect it to work, but that’s what they said to do, so we’ll see. It’s so hard for me to take any of it seriously anymore.
The only build I have that is actually dangerous might be a Junkbow build (and only incidentally due to the last update) and it does sit right under 6K. It’s not at all optimized, and was being used as a platform to test various different shotguns (because suddenly none of them seemed to work), and also the drift mechanic on the Jannabi (it’s a Jannabi).
I’ll try to build a more optimal version of that Junkbow rig and maybe I’ll see you out there somewhere between 6 and 7K? I need an excuse to use that new “Banshee…Tears” paint.
Same(ish) here, regarding weapons.
I don’t feel much inspired, the heavy hitters are sluggish, the ones i like got nerfed ( Spitfires, ruptures, gremlins ) or i arrived late to the party ( drones, nests, King mines) probably that’s why i focused so much on the build itself.
Maybe Pyres? i read from someone that they would be like disposable lances now.
Where i’m trying to get is.
A little function will turn games easier
I think now is the season for the Tow. That’s basically a tiny re-loadable Joust-rod too. Hits pretty hard.
And pretty hard to use it. ( i have one )
At least, hard to use it well.
Yes they hit pretty hard.
Very easy to leave the build in the garage and go to battle in one, and then another, and another, very easy to tunnel vision
The only one i saw that played it very nicely was Omega616, the majority are played from the back
If your playing around 6k triple Synthesis paired with the Quantum is a good start. Dual Quasar is also really handy. Make something fast and manoeuvrable and you’ll always do well.
You could also join in with the noobs and run Caucasus or homing rockets. Trombone is a sure fire way to scare off helicopters too.
Or be pragmatic. If you can’t beat them join them. There’s no point going in with an ineffective build then stamping your feet when your team is getting owned and everyone leaves. Build a helicopter, they can be fun. Couple of AC 50’s and your golden. If you insist on drones then Hawkes on a copter are usually a good start. And don’t think just because helicopter it’s easy, they aren’t the “I win” button, you still have to be clever.
Hawks are pretty good at shooting down helis. Not all but some, more to do with the player than with the weapon. I think it was yesterday? i shot down plenty of helis
Caucasus are just useless against helis, i tried it before for a mission a few BPs ago, mission being shoot or help shoot down 10 helis and i ended up doing it with a chord, cause the freaking things don’t even lock on the helis. hell, today i did a raid with hawks and i got much more damage out of them than with Caucasus that are being replaced by AC-62’s, and you can see that in the Next step mission where the helis using Caucasus have to go almost to ground level.
I’m not insisting on drones, i do like a lot some of them, but i’m looking for other type of weapon just to clean my palate, as i did previously with SGs.
I was about to get King mines but apparently they got nerfed ( better than sooner than after i buy them, right? )
From your suggestions, Synthesis are among the weapons that can be hard to beat…but that is from a droner P.O.V.
I think i’m fast and manoeuvrable enough ( nowadays nobody is fast, everyone is fast)… what about tanky…i can do tanky.
As a last resort i have some Fafnirs
Definitely a good option, I hate fighting those things.
Nah, you just don’t know how to counter a heli and are too scared to join the helis.
no helis are just a shit mechanic which is not fun to play. you literally cant control pitch or yaw
It’s janky, but I wouldn’t go that far. This isn’t a flight sim.
what do you mean that far, its basic directions. its not a flight sim and it wouldnt be, right now the controls are suitable for people with disabilities or children under 6 years
Good, glad we came to the conclusion that it’s an arcade style shooter. Who knew?