* [ Mass Testing ] Balance changes planned for the next update

What’s that answer, just nerf hitscan and rubbish this update, helicopters? This new feature does have the potential to make a lot of PVP matches end anti-climatically. It’s not necessary to nerf hitscan this way, and this is why I think there is more to it than meets the eye. It seems like an unusually involved nerf, just to relieve us of the hitscan imbalance.

I really don’t care for this update and think the man hours could have been spent on something that more relevant, and there are a lot of areas that need attention, rather than opening this can of worms.

I don’t hate the idea of limited ammo either, and think I might enjoy the added realism, and challenge it brings to PVP, but at the same time, I’m not at all optimistic about what their future intentions are for this feature, or are confident the developers can handle all the complexities they are piling onto this game.

Just, more maps, please. Really. Who needs all this crap anyway? Not me. It’s a good game, but IMO, the environment is very underdeveloped and needing attention it never really gets…compared to the efforts they put into introducing new and weird problems like this.

I wish that was their priority (environment), but of course, they are in it for survival. Baby needs new shoes and all that. My gamer issues are not the same as their developer issues. I’m just here for fun. Point me in that direction.


A. you can turn the alarm sound off
B. all player who bought the BP was provided with a flare. If you didn’t… they’re pretty expensive
C. cloaks cancel missile lock
D. missiles are much rarer now, I’ve seen a total of two people use missile in “Next Step” and me having flares made them ragequit

Could we get a 32v32 point defense/domination game on the adventure map?


This might turn out to be a huge MG buff because of those massive accuracy buffs.


If you’re so upset go take some fresh air.

People like you can’t accept any change, it’s sad.

Accuracy and range.

Those were the old balancing systems. Ammo is the new.

dude they are going to abandon it just like 95% of everything they done in this game. co-drivers, abandoned. adventure, abandoned. literally any content that expands this game and makes people want to play it, abandoned, here have packs instead.


E. literally anything and everything can counter missiles. heck use a spark to.

if its a change that would benefit the game then yes i can accept it. however this doesnt.
also im allowed to have an opinion and express my distain. im not like alot of other people who shut up and take it up the bumper.
ive been playing this game for a long time, im a veteran player in this community, i can accept change like i have over the years with new weapons and mechanics added in. there are multiple solutions to a problem and they are going for the most nuclear one which will impact literally everyone. so yes i am a bit pissed off at this and i have the right to express my distain at it.
this is a world with millions of people, not everyones going to just accept it.


The game’s servers are too screwed as is to be adding a thousand projectiles flying through the air at all times. Think my semi-hiatus just escalated into me finally giving up XO for good.

Big changes, no idea if it’ll be a good one or if they’ll shit the bed again like they usually do with big changes like armor rework, supercharged, penetration and so on

I’m just genuinely so tired of how this game is managed that I honestly don’t feel anything by this point, not excited or depressed about it, it’s just a big meh on paper, I’m sure that by the grand scale of things, stuff won’t change that much in general, even with this changes dps weapons are still super powerful and other types of weapons will struggle and the aim assist keeps turning every gun into a pseudo-caucasus

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even if they do this these weapons will STILL have more ammo then normal cannons or weapons that reload. but nobody listens to me for a simple fix so :man_shrugging:

You happen to play CFB25? Need a few more players with thumbs for our dynasty.

Crossout a video game that is based on the future with unique weapons that don’t exist in current reality and defy the current laws of physics. Where infinite ammo is a thing for some weapons that use lead as projectiles, But yet energy weapons that use energy as a ammunition and use a power source don’t have infinite ammunition are forced to use ammo crates.
Fantasy mixed with Fiction with a pinch of reality.

But yet machine guns of several types *note Several machine guns do NOT have unlimited ammo currently. * And shot guns spam they’re unlimited ammunition freely stripping off weapons of the endless adjusted weapons that have slower than a sloth reloads and a vastly limited amount of ammunition with ease . Despite ammo crates that are a juicy target.
Yes, I have builds where I have the ability to quickly strip off weapons with ease at an unstoppable rate of fire without the worry of running out of ammo. Awesome :sunglasses: :metal: physics ! Allowing my team mates to quickly extinguish the target YES!
What :crazy_face: uses a machine gun with limited ammo these days ?
Much like any many other ways we have found to use the games physics to our benefit, It soon gets squelched into non existence.

ATTENTION DEVELOPERS ! Its either an Arcade game or based on the physics reality. Please do make up your minds, We your clients are sick of the roller coaster ride of balance
I have my personal beliefs if it is a good change or not, However my personal opinion has never mattered to the establishment so therefore I digress.
o7 all !

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I’m surprised no one has mentioned how the switch to projectiles is going to be a nerf of aim assist.
Yes, aim assist can still help with fast projectile weapons, but once your enemies start moving, aim assist can become a liability because it can make it much harder to lead a target. Your aiming sensitivity keeps ramping up and down, making it harder to shoot ahead of your victim.

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no its a game based on whatever the fuck they feel like.
this time it was attempting to copy war robots, next time something else. at this point the game couldnt be further from the “wasteland survival” that they show in the ads

air planes!!! :crazy_face:

they will add anything that generates any amount of hype whether its garbage or not so im sure they could find a way to fit in airplanes

Very this. Yes.

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No changes benefit the game to you.

this change doesnt benefit anyone though.
it wont change anything except giving weapons ammo when they dont need it. a solution to the problem exists but they dont want to do it.

also if they focused more on improving the game and adding new stuff in like modes and whatnot then id be happy with some changes. we havent seen any significant additions to the game in a long time. the game is to limited to really benefit from anything. :man_shrugging:

How would you fix the dominance of hitscan DPS? And DPS in general, since Cyclones are currently at the top, and they’re already projectile weapons?

One thing I wanted to point out about the ammo change is that some people have been complaining for a while that matches are mostly determined by degunning these days. By adding more explosives to the game (which has already been happening for a while), I think they are trying to address that imbalance, by making it more viable to target the guts of builds again. This is also an indirect buff of explosive weapons, and of ones that can penetrate.